He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 3760: Still second personality

She immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed out: "You guys come up soon."

She talked to Gu Nian before she left, and now they are under the mountain.

After a while, the group reached the top of the mountain. Zhou Nan sat on the ground, stretched out his hand to embrace Gu Yanzhi, and saw Gu Nian as if he had seen a savior.

"I did what Doctor Fang said. He should...have been killed by me, and he should be the real Gu Yanzhi when he wakes up again."

Gu Nian was in a complicated mood and stretched out her hand to help her: "Don't be sad, we all have no choice but to choose this path, don't feel guilty."

Zhou Nan couldn't laugh, watching Doctor Fang and the others helped him into the car aside, his legs softened and he almost fell to the ground.

Gu Nian helped her: "Are you okay? He didn't hurt you, right?"

"No, I said that I am empathizing and not falling in love. He resented a lot. At that moment, he seemed to want to kill me."

Gu Nian felt her scalp numb when she heard it: "Forget it, don't think too much, this personality will not return together, don't worry."

The group of people got into the car, and the car galloped down the mountain road. Zhou Nan sat beside Gu Yanzhi. His white shirt was rendered with blood like a monster rose, which looked a little dazzling under the moonlight.

When he arrived at the hospital, he was pushed into Doctor Fang's office.

It's just a shot of anesthetic, there is no need for medical rescue, just wait for him to wake up quietly.

Doctor Fang gave him a deep hypnosis to ensure that the second personality was completely dead.

Outside the office, Gu Nian and Zhou Nan were sitting side by side on a bench.

There were some'bloodstains' on Zhou Nan's hands and face, Gu Nian touched her head: "Or, you go back to rest first, wait for Doctor Fang's notice?"

Zhou Nan shook his head: "It's okay, I'll wait for him to wake up, you can go back."

"My uncle is on a business trip, I will stay with you here."

Then there was a long wait, all around quietly, making people panic.

Zhou Nan asked Gu Nian: "There will be no accidents, right?"

"No, Dr. Fang is an authoritative expert in this regard. You can trust his judgment. After dawn, everything will be back to normal."

Zhou Nan was a little frightened, because the look in the eyes of personality No. 2 before his death was so hideous and scary.

Zhou Nan never felt that the night was so long.

After six o'clock, it was already bright outside, and Doctor Fang's door opened a crack. Gu Nian and Zhou Nan immediately stood up and greeted them together.

Doctor Fang whispered, "Gu Nian, come in first."

Zhou Nan is anxious: "Where am I?"

"You will come in later."

After speaking, Gu Nian pulled into the office.

Doctor Fang's office is a suite. Gu Nian pressed her voice and said, "Is my brother awake?"

"Wake up is awake, currently under the influence of anesthetic, the consciousness is still a little slow."

"Just wake up, just wake up."

After finishing speaking, he walked to the inner room, and was pulled by Doctor Fang: "There is a problem."


"It's different from what I expected."

Zhou Nan waited outside for more than ten minutes, and the door was opened again after waiting anxiously.

"How? Can I get in?"

Gu Nian stopped talking, Zhou Nan grabbed her hand and said eagerly: "What's going on?"

Gu Nian gritted his teeth and said, "You may want to avoid it for a while."

Zhou Nan was stunned for a moment: "Why?"

"Wake up... or second personality."

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