He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 3776: What's the secret

She is the murderer, and Doctor Fang is behind the scenes.

Bureau Feng was nervous: "Gu deputy brigade, the prosecutor will definitely find out about this matter, so don't worry."

Gu Yanzhi forcefully threw Zhou Nan onto the seat: "I will expose your lie, and wait for it to go to court."

After speaking, he patted the ashes on his body and left the interrogation room.

Zhou Nan's heart is mixed with five flavors.

After Gu Yanzhi left the police station, he didn't go home. He doesn't believe anyone now. He feels like he has fallen into a huge trap.

His girlfriend, his attending doctor, including his family, seemed to hide something from him.

He called his classmate doctor and asked about memory loss.

"My attending doctor said that I had amnesia, but I only forgot one person. Is this kind of behavior medically reasonable?"

"I personally have not experienced this kind of case so far. I have to ask our colleagues in psychology at the hospital, do you have any symptoms?"

"I forgot my girlfriend. She took me to some places we used to go to, but I still have no signs of memory recovery. A few days ago, she tried to kill me. After the incident, she said she was a psychologist. However, I don’t believe a word of her words now."

"You said she tried to kill you."

"Yes, what I said to you, don't disclose it to anyone, anyone."

"I won't tell anyone, I will reply to you as soon as possible."

Gu Yanzhi hung up the phone, lit a cigarette, frowning.

It's strange, it's so strange, what is Zhou Nan's secret?


After Zhou Nan left the police station, as soon as she returned home, her sister dragged her upstairs: "The servant at home told me something."

"what is the matter?"

"I heard that something happened to Xie Rong."

Zhou Nan gritted her teeth: "She tried to murder me, something happened? It was the Dongchuang incident. She can't hide it, right?"

"I heard from the maid at home that Zhou Ying answered the phone and ran out of the mansion in a hurry. After a while, my dad also answered the phone. Zhou Ying was crying on the phone, and my dad went out."

"What? Does my dad still want to fish Xie Rong at this time?"

"No, the servant at home seems to have heard nothing, dead or something."

Zhou Nan frowned, "Who is gone, who is dead? I am alive and well."

"I don't know, let's go home and have a look."

Zhou Nan looked solemnly: "Don't worry, wait a minute, don't take the initiative, just wait and see."

"Couldn't it be Xie Rong who died?"

Zhou Nan frowned: "This... how is it possible?"

"Maybe she committed suicide in fear of sin."

Zhou Nan said coldly: "Do you think Xie Rong is a person who commits suicide in fear of sin?"

Zhou Qi touched her chin: "If you said that, Xie Rong will definitely try her best to get rid of her sin, so why is she..."

"It doesn't have to be that she is dead, just ask for the news."

This is six o'clock in the evening.

When it was nine o'clock, her father called, and his voice was extremely painful: "There is a funeral at home, please come back."

Zhou Nan was only sure that Xie Rong was really dead.

Although Xie Rong had divorced their father and wanted to kill her, she was lost for a while when she heard that people were suddenly gone.

On the road, the carriage was quite quiet, and Zhou Qi was a little bit angry: "I said before that she committed suicide with fear of sin. You still don't believe it."

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