He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 3780: Choice

If, if one day he knew that she actually did not love him, even though it was the same body, but she did love another person, would he... hurt her?

She is really worried. Personality No. 1 hasn't come out for a while, will he have anything to do?

Choosing, choosing, why let her fall into such a desperate situation?

Two days later, Gu Yanzhi’s doctor classmate came to the door and told him: "In this case of yours, my senior said, there is a more accurate terminology..."


"can you accept?"

"what exactly is it?"

"Perhaps, you have schizophrenia."

The summer sun is so dazzling, he suddenly felt a little dark in front of him.

Split personality?

"What are you talking about? How is this possible?"

"Perhaps, you can follow me to the hospital for a detailed examination."

There was doubt in Gu Yanzhi's eyes. After a while, he replied, "Okay, don't let anyone know."

He was worried. If you look at Fang Jiong's words, it seems that a lot of things can be chained together, which is reasonable.

They said he had lost his memory and had forgotten Zhou Nan, and he couldn't pick up the memory fragments about Zhou Nan no matter how he recalled.

Because that was not his memory at all, he didn't have this memory at all, how could it be possible to recall it.

Therefore, their group of people, holding Zhou Nan, have been busy for so long, just to... awaken another personality?

You killed him with a gun because you wanted to destroy his heavy personality?

Not to treat him at all, but to kill him.

On the way to the hospital, Gu Yanzhi's eyes became indifferent layer by layer, without a trace of emotion.

She was lying to him, she really wanted to kill him, she was not his girlfriend at all, she didn't even love him at all.

All lies, lies!

And he, also saved her, and rescued her.

It's ridiculous, it's really ridiculous, he was played around by that woman.

When he arrived at the hospital, Fang Jiong took him upstairs from the staff passage...

Zhou Nan slept very restlessly this night, because Xie Rong's death, coupled with Gu Yanzhi's affairs, entangled her mind, making her unable to sleep at all.

When she got out of the bedroom, she saw her sister smoking a cigarette in front of the French window. She walked over and wanted to get a cigarette out of the cigarette case, but Zhou Qi held it down.

"Don't learn to smoke."

Zhou Nan shrugged: "You can smoke, why can't I smoke?"

"I'm used to it. Don't learn from me."

Zhou Nan rubbed his hair and leaned on the sofa: "I don't know who killed Xie Rong."

"There are several speculations on the Internet, and you are also involved. You may be subpoenaed in these two days."

Zhou Nan raised his eyebrows: "I know."

"Which possibility do you believe more?"

Zhou Nan: "I'm not a policeman, and I don't have the ability to push away. No matter which one it is, I only hope that the truth will come to light in the end and give me justice."

Zhou Qi patted her on the shoulder: "Don't worry, the most widely spread say that Xie Rong is more than guilty and committed suicide fearing sin.

Zhou's mansion, Zhou Zhihai entered Zhou Ying's room, and Zhou Ying looked at Zhou Zhihai with tears in her eyes and threw herself into his arms: "Dad, from now on, I will be your only relative."

Zhou Zhihai touched her head: "The deceased is dead, and your mother has gone. Don’t be overly sad and hurt your body. In the future, Dad will treat you better, even with your mother’s love. Give you."

Zhou Ying cried even harder.

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