He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 3814: Cheat him

"who are you looking for?"

"Zhong Qiang."

"Qianzi, someone is looking for you." When the woman spoke, she never looked away from Gu Yanzhi's face.

Zhong Qiang walked to the door with a bottle of beer in his hand, saw Gu Yanzhi, looked up and down, and suddenly remembered, isn't that Young Master Gu? Following their four young ladies, he naturally met Master Gu.

He immediately nodded and bowed his waist and said, "Master, why have you come to me in such an expensive way?"

Gu Yanzhi waved his hand to him: "I have something to tell you, go downstairs."

After speaking, he turned and walked down the narrow corridor.

Zhong Qiang didn't dare to neglect, and quickly followed in.

Downstairs, the street lights were dim, and Gu Yanzhi said coldly: "The police have called you to the police station, haven't they?"

"Yes, it is."

"So, how did you tell the police?"

"The police asked my fourth lady if she hid the dagger on purpose."

"How did you answer?"

"Of course it wasn't intentional. Miss Fourth knew that her mother was dying, so how could she take care of so much? It was just accidentally put away, and then handed over to the police soon..."

Bang, punched his stomach, Zhong Qiang snorted, and the beer he had just drunk spewed out.

Gu Yanzhi looked at the man squatting on the ground with his stomach in front of him with disgust: "Oh? Really?"

Zhong Qiang was panicked. He was also a trainer. He came out of the martial arts school. He was very good at martial arts. What kind of martial arts Master Gu has practiced? This punch made him feel like he almost lost his breath.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he dared not say anything for a while.

Gu Yanzhi reached out and grabbed his collar and lifted the person up easily: "That's not what your partner Wang Hui said."

The cold sweat on Zhong Qiang's forehead became more fierce: "I'm telling the truth. If Wang Hui's words are different from mine, then he is lying."

"Oh? Really? If it turns out that what you are telling is false and Wang Hui is telling the truth, then Wang Hui is a tainted witness and the sentence can be commuted, and you, who are shielding Zhou Ying, will have to increase the sentence. "

Zhong Qiang was a little panicked, but still insisted: "What I said was the truth."

He actually didn't quite believe what taint witnesses Wang Hui would do. They were all from the Zhou family. They had been bodyguards in the Zhou family for more than ten years. After Wang Hui left the Zhou family, where else could he go to get such a high salary.

It was only Young Master Gu who was deceiving him, and his social experience made him less likely to be fooled.

Gu Yanzhi squatted before him, smiling at him: "Do you not believe what I said?"

Zhong Qiang didn't dare to look after Gu Yanzhi, this young master could hardly read his mind, he even knew what he was thinking.

Gu Yanzhi sneered: "After your Miss Thursday was arrested, Wang Hui stayed free. Two days ago, he went to Macau for a bet. Guess how much money he lost in this trip?"

Zhong Qiang stopped talking.

Wang Hui does have a bad habit of gambling.

"He lost 10 million. He confessed and was lenient. He thought maybe it was safer in prison than outside. In fact, he wanted to defy the law with all his heart, and you... are still stiff.

Zhong Qiang's eyes turned quickly, and then stood up with difficulty: "Gu deputy brigade, I... can I call Wang Hui?"

Gu Yanzhi's smile didn't reach the bottom of his eyes: "Don't believe me?"

Zhong Qiang said flickeringly: "No...no, how could I not believe you? I just want to negotiate with him about...how should I plead guilty."

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