He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 853: Gu Futuan left an eye on it

When Gu Jingxing returned to the Second Artillery Corps, he did not report the mission to He Tuan, but directly reported to the brigade commander. After listening, the brigade commander praised: "This time thousands of kilograms of drugs have been seized, the Southeast Military Region and the Ministry of Public Security have already The drugs have been transported to the General Military Region. When the time comes, the leaders of the General Military Region will publicly destroy this batch of drugs. Deputy Gu, this time you have done a great job."

Gu Jingxing said modestly: "If the drug boss can also be caught, this action will be even more perfect."

The brigade commander looked solemnly: "Even if she failed to catch the drug boss, she would have knocked her back and cut her back. This time she suffered a heavy loss, and it was considered to be her lair. Almost all the villages in the mountain that helped them grow drugs It’s been destroyed, this time your task has been completed beautifully, and the momentum must give you great credit."

Gu Jingxing frowned and said cautiously: "Brigade commander, this is the case, because I didn't find He Tuan after I came back, so I reported directly to you."

What should be said, it is still necessary to make it clear, so as not to be attacked as a ‘leapfrog report’.

The brigade commander nodded: "It's okay. If you have anything in the future, you will report to He Tuan or me. It's the same."

The brigade commander is a human, Gu Jingxing is still certain. After he came back, he didn't go to He Tuan at all. He went directly to the brigade commander. Naturally, the credit this time could not be robbed by some people with ulterior motives.

In the Song's bungalow, the two sisters who had soaked their feet and immersed in the bed warmly talked about the sky with the little orange lamp beside the bed.

Song Ran glanced at the tall stacks of quilts on the wooden boxes by the window, and smiled: "There are so many quilts, so beautiful."

Song Xuan looked around. In this room, there were red happy characters posted everywhere. Just like her heart, she was prosperous. She peeked down and said with a smile: "Wait for you to get married, I will prepare for you There are more quilts, eh?"

Song Ran played with her hair and responded, "Sister, are you happy?"

Song Xuan was full of heart: "What do you think?"

"It feels like you are more beautiful and more charming than before. The moisture of love is really different. I guess you are very happy."

Song Xuan's cheeks flew into red clouds, her expression a bit shy: "What are you talking about?"

Song Ran was confused: "Ah? What nonsense? Where did you think of it? Oh... I see, tut tut... married women, the scale is big."

Song Xuan reached out and pinched her: "Let you talk nonsense, let you talk nonsense."

Song Ran was very curious, took her sister's hand, and asked very seriously: "Sister, is your life harmonious?"

Song Xuan blushed thoroughly: "You little girl, how can you ask such shameless words?"

Song Ran brushed her hair: "Everyone is an adult, why are you so shy, sister?"

Song Xuan continued to pinch her: "You still have to keep an inch. Are these words that a child of you should ask?"

Song Ran's face was black and belly: "Actually, I and my brother Jingxing..."

Song Xuan opened her mouth wide: "You... won't... won't you also do it?"

Song Ran chuckled, "It's just the last step."

Song Xuan wondered: "What do you mean?"

Song Ran waved his hand: "Forget it, I won't tell you, teach bad kids."

Song Xuan worried: "Song Ran, you can be honest with me, you are still young, you are still in school."

After a while, he said, "It really doesn't work. Then we must take protective measures. Don't get pregnant, do you know?"

In the dark sky, the stars are shining dazzlingly, and in the cold air, it seems that pulses and affection are flowing slowly.

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