He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 901: You said you were coming

After returning home, Song Ran was still a little uneasy. Gu Jingxing called her last night and said that she was coming to the General Military Region to do business today and that she would spend the night here after the business.

She thought, after the play, she could just see him when she came back.

But after she came back, she ate all night and watched TV for a while, but she still didn't wait for Gu Jingxing to come back.

Song Ran was faintly sleepy, so he sat on the sofa under a blanket and waited for him to come back.

Mother Wu naturally sat aside and waited with her.

At midnight, Gu Jingxing's car slowly stopped in front of the bungalow. Gu Jingxing asked Du Dapeng to stay here tonight and return to the Second Artillery Corps tomorrow.

The two got out of the car, and he reached out and knocked on the door.

In the living room, Song Ran had long been asleep, so Wu Ma hurried to open the door for Gu Jingxing.

It was freezing outside the house, and Wu Ma whispered: "Gu Fu Tuan, why are you here so late? My Xiao Ran has been waiting for you on the sofa."

Gu Jingxing smiled: "Sorry, something has been delayed."

Wu Ma entered her room, Du Dapeng entered the guest room, Gu Jing walked closer to the sofa, and put his hand around her waist.

He didn't intend to wake her up, the moment his big hand touched her waist, she woke up naturally.

Looking at him with his eyes open, his voice was very confused: "I have been waiting for you for a long time. Look, the TV station has no TV, only snowflakes."

Gu Jingxing hugged her up horizontally with a gentle voice: "Something has been delayed. If I come late in the future, you will go upstairs to sleep, eh?"

Song Ran leaned in his arms: "You said you want to come, but you never come, how could I be able to sleep?"

Gu Jingxing chuckled, "Then what were you doing just now?"

Song Ran snorted softly: "Close your eyes and rest your mind."

"Well, okay, close your eyes and rest your mind."

He held her upstairs, put her on the bed, covered her with a quilt, and wanted to say a few more words to her. Someone who closed his eyes closed his eyes and went to rest.

Gu Jingxing stretched out his hand and stroked her face with firm eyes. Those who have caused you pain in the past, and those who have been setting up you all the time, I will clear them for you, so that no one will have the chance to hurt you.

Early in the morning, the sun shined through the curtains and shone thinly on the bed, Song Ran stretched out and got up with sleepy eyes.

At a glance, I saw a certain tall man curled up on the sofa. This sofa let him sleep, really wronged him, that pair of long legs with nowhere to put.

Song Ran reached out and took the thick nightgown on the side and put it on, then walked to him, slammed, and pressed it down.

Gu Jingxing woke up suddenly, opened his eyes suddenly, and saw the person in front of him, his voice hoarse and said: "Wake up?"

"Last night I let the pigeon again, when did it come?"

Well, she slept in a dazed state, and even forgot about carrying her upstairs last night.

Gu Jingxing hurriedly dragged her into the bed: "Don't get cold."

Song Ran reached out and poked his face: "Why let me dove? Why, why and why?"

Gu Jingxing squinted at her, her voice still hoarse: "So you thought how did you go upstairs? Don't you remember where you were before going to bed?"

Song Ran's voice softened, still unreasonable: "Then why did you come so late? Did you do things so late in the General Military Region?"

Gu Jingxing touched her head: "Something has been delayed."

Song Ran raised his eyebrows: "What's the most important thing, is it more important than seeing your beautiful and charming girlfriend?"

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