He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 911: Wen Huihui, 30 years in prison

In prison, Wen Huihui's sentence came quickly and brutally, and he was sentenced to 30 years in prison.

In recent years, the crime of **** has always been extremely severely sentenced, and death sentences are everywhere. When receiving the result of this sentence, Wen Huihui's whole body collapsed.

She lost, she lost completely, and since then, she has been trapped in the quagmire, and it will never be sunny.

She collapsed. After a few days of collapse, she asked the prison guard: "Who caught Jia Dahai?"

The prison guard said: "A soldier."

Wen Huihui's face was pale: "How did he know about the incident four years ago?"

The prison guard glanced at her: "If it were not for the soldier, Jia Dahai would have succeeded, and you would be sentenced to death."

Wen Huihui's teeth trembled, and she asked word by word: "The soldier...what is it called, do you know?"

The prison guard said impatiently: "I don't know, I only know that it is an officer of the Second Artillery Corps."

Wen Huihui fell to the ground all of a sudden, Gu Jingxing and Song Ran had such a fate, they had such a fate.

She sat there, cold all over, clutching her hands tightly on the iron railings, looking at the small square window above her head, and the sky outside the window, it was so blue.

It's so pretty.

Song Ran can continue to live freely and confidently and proudly under the blue sky, and she, there is no tomorrow, no more.

She clung to the iron railing, her eyes were muddy, and she couldn't tell whether it was tears or what.

Obviously, she was only envious of Song Ran in the past, not jealous.

Song Ran is so beautiful and good-natured, and she protected her when she was young.

When did it start?

Since when did she become jealous of Song Ran?

It’s been too long. It seems that Song Ran’s mother dressed her as a little princess and took the two sisters to the photo studio to take beautiful pictures.

At that time, her parents hadn't divorced either. She went home and asked her mother to take her to take pictures. Her mother said that she didn't have the money at home, and her father beat her up and said she was not studying well.

Song Ran took a good photo and brought a photo album to show her. This one was taken at the photo studio, the other was taken at the entrance of the park, this one was taken on her birthday, and that one went to the Children’s Palace. Taken.

She looked at those photos, envious, envious and full of taste changed. She also wants these, wants to have a good life, wants to have a gentle mother, wants to have a beautiful sister, wants to live in a big bungalow, wants to have a good one. the man.

But no, she has nothing, nothing, unwilling, especially unwilling.

Since she didn't have it, she didn't want Song Ran to have it either.

If you have everyone, or if you don’t have everyone, then this is a good friend, isn’t it?

Why did Song Ran take advantage of her? Why should she keep looking up at Song Ran?

At the age of fifteen, Song Ran, a beautiful and well-off family, even got the first place in the grade, and her jealousy reached its peak.

She couldn't let Song Ran continue to be so proud of the spring breeze, the gap between them was getting bigger and bigger.

No, it is not possible.

She went to Jia Dahai and wanted him to **** Song Ran. Yes, there should be some waves and thorns in Song Ran's smooth life.

But unfortunately, I made a mistake. At that point, there would be no one in normal times.

Gu Jingxing, why are you there?


Why are you saving her?

why? why?

Why did God fool her like this?

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