He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 913: She has a strong heart

Song Ran lay on him, without speaking, holding his face directly, and kissing his thin lips, not a soft kiss, but a passionate kiss.

The fire in Gu Jingxing's lower abdomen ignited, and his big hand hooped her waist, and her voice became hoarse: "Ran Ran... Ran Ran, what's wrong with you?"

Song Ran had no time to speak, only awkwardly sucking his lips and tongue, Gu Jingxing's voice became hoarse: "Ran Ran..."

With a bang, the door was pushed open, and Du Dapeng rushed in. With this rush, without stopping, he rushed directly to the sofa, and then he saw the cold eyes of his boss.

Du Dapeng's face blushed thoroughly, thinking that all came, he quickly handed over the list and pen in his hand: "Boss, someone who teaches an outside driver to drive, asks you to sign and approve, my sister-in-law asked me to teach Yin Hua drove."

Song Ran lay on Gu Jingxing's body, motionless, pretending to be dead, and it was over, her old face, it was really impossible to see people.

Gu Jingxing circled her in his arms, reached out his hand to take the note, and gave Du Dapeng gritted teeth.

Du Dapeng glanced around, adding: "The door is not closed properly, so..."

So he can't be blamed for this, but the sister-in-law is not defensive and doesn't know to shut the door when he comes in.

"Shut up!" Gu Jingxing's face was green.

"Yes, boss!"

Gu Jingxing signed a few big characters, and then threw it to Du Dapeng with a very cold voice: "Hurry up!"

Du Dapeng said quickly: "Boss, you and sister-in-law continue."

After speaking, he took the note and pen, ran away, and closed the door intimately for them.

Du Dapeng who rushed out the door leaned on the wall and took a breath. Good fellow, isn't the sister-in-law just arriving at the boss's dormitory? Why did you hug and kiss you when you met?

Dapeng felt bitter.

In the room, on the sofa, Song Ran reached out and beat his chest: "Blame you, blame you."

Gu Jingxing grabbed the fist that was shaking, and said, "Because you didn't close the door properly, so that he can take advantage of this opportunity, why do you blame me in the end?"

Song Ran snorted: "Do you dare to talk back?"

Gu Jingxing hugged her: "Well, well, then it's my fault."

Song Ran could not forgive people, or forgive people, "What do you mean by your fault? Is it your fault?"

"Well, well, I was wrong, I...Where did I go wrong? Can you enlighten me?"

Song Ran was still lying in his arms, propped his elbows, and looked at him condescendingly: "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Huh? What?"

"You caught that person back then, why didn't you tell me?"

Gu Jingxing reached out and touched her face: "How did you...how did you know?"

Song Ran snorted, "I'm watching all directions, you still want to hide it from me?"

Gu Jingxing smiled and touched her face lovingly: "I just... don't want you to remember that dark thing again."

Song Ran nestled in his arms, and his voice was a little dull: "Painful things can't be passed by covering them all the time. Jingxing, this matter has a certain psychological shadow for me, but I will not go. Escape from it, talk about it, or suffer so much that you can't sleep at night, and don't think about eating or drinking, because, that man, and Wen Huihui, they are not worthy, they are not worthy for me.

Gu Jingxing looked at the person in his arms appreciatively.

Well, it's not cherishment, or affection, but appreciation. His Song Ran has a strong heart.

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