He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 967: Where did my daughter go

After Song Ran left, Tang Qingru called the secretary general to verify what Song Ran said.

The next day, the secretary-general reported to him: "That Song Ran has indeed received the certificate, and the other party is still a deputy head of the army."

Sitting in the office, Tang Qingru raised his eyebrows slightly: "She doesn't lie, how about that deputy head?"

The secretary-general whispered: "The deputy head of the regiment is called Gu Jingxing. I inquired about it. I heard that it is a very popular young man in the military."

Tang Qingru nodded: "I see."

As he was talking, there was a knock on the door, and the female secretary walked in: "Mr. Mayor, there is a lady on the first floor looking for you."

Tang Qingru was not in a good mood, so he took out a cigarette: "Which department does it have an appointment?"

Secretary: "There is no appointment."

Tang Qingru frowned and glanced at her: "So why are you standing here and reporting to me?"

The secretary was a little flustered, and quickly said: "She said her name is Yu Jin, and that she knew you, I...I will let her go."

The secretary-general found that Mr. Mayor’s fingers tremble slightly and the cigarette fell to the ground. Mr. Mayor has always been calm. He has hardly seen such a scene of losing his mind.

He said to the female secretary: "Don't rush to let her go, wait a while, you go out first."

The door closed, the secretary-general bent over and picked up the cigarette on the ground, handed it over, and whispered: "Sir, what's the matter with you?"

It happened twenty years ago, and no one of the staff around him now knows about his past.

Tang Qingru's lips fluttered and he didn't say a word. He sat in the chair, and the secretary-general hurriedly struck a match to help him light the smoke.

Tang Qingru just smoked a cigarette in silence, and the Secretary-General didn't bother him.

After a cigarette, Tang Qingru raised his eyes: "Let her come in."

Of course the Secretary-General knew that she was referring to the woman downstairs who suddenly visited.

Ten minutes later, Yu Jin sat down at Tang Qingru's desk.

She wore a hidden blue dress that was well maintained, and the fine lines around her eyes did not affect her to become a still beautiful and attractive middle-aged woman.

She smiled gracefully and her eyes were indifferent, as if she had experienced everything in the world to be so calm as water.

On the contrary, it was Tang Qingru who was less calm. Tang Qingru looked at the woman in front of him, gritted his teeth and said, "Why did you leave without saying goodbye?"

Yu Jin stretched out her hand: "My Lord Mayor used to smoke Peony cigarettes, please give me one."

There was a faint smile on her face, but the smile did not reach the bottom of her eyes. Her eyes are beautiful, but they are not warm.

Tang Qingru's eyes were cold, as if he was carrying a knife, but Yu Jin ignored it, leaned over and picked up a pack of cigarettes in his hand, took out one, lit it, and smoked it unhurriedly.

She glanced at him: "What did you ask just now? Oh, why did you leave without saying goodbye? Time is too long, I really can't remember."

Her expression was playful, and she was a bit cynical.

Tang Qingru changed his elegant and elegant makeup, gritted his teeth and said, "Yu Jin, where did you get my two daughters?"

Through the smoke, Yu Jin looked at the thunderous man in front of her and chuckled, "I threw them away, maybe... they are all dead."

Tang Qingru grabbed her neck: "You poison woman, why do you do this? Why do you do this? They are your children, how can you do this?"

Yu Jin's eyes were no longer as gentle as they were 20 years ago, but full of disdain.

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