He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 989: Speak for others

Song Ran was holding the test paper, his eyes could almost burn the test paper out of the hole, wouldn't it be two points, two points, she didn't believe it, she couldn't figure it out, she didn't believe that Gu Jingxing's correction was so without omissions?

She doesn't believe it...

After reading it again, um...it seems...it's hard to pick.

Do it again, Song Ran's lips trembled slightly, and he grabbed his big hand: "Jingxing...One night...One night is too cruel. I tremble when I do the questions. I have to correct the test paper later. Look at you, can Can't you open one side online?"

Gu Jingxing put it behind her ear, and the subwoofer was **** and charming: "How can you be a teacher?"

Song Ran struggled: "The rules are all set by you, it's not fair."

Gu Jingxing hugged her horizontally: "The teacher sets the rules and it is justified."

Gu Jingxing said he wanted her to accompany her all night, but in fact it was one o'clock in the morning, and he let her go. He whispered in her ear: "I will try to get more than 80 points in the exam next time, eh?"

Song Ran collapsed from exhaustion and hummed, "I won't come next time."

Gu Jingxing was in a good mood, with a satisfied expression: "Also, next time I go to your house, it will be the same."

Song Ran beat his chest: "Damn it, my final exam will definitely open your eyes to you. If I get an average score of 80 points or more, you won't be allowed to touch me for a month."

Gu Jingxing said, "I won't bet on this with you."

Song Ran trembling his finger: "Why?"

Gu Jingxing took it for granted: "Of course I can choose not to bet with you, just as you have the right to choose not to bet with me just now."

Song Ran turned over to him: "I'll kill you a rascal."

Gu Jingxing looked like a rascal, with a writing on his face, just hit it as you please.

Now, Song Ran doesn’t need to be a star or go to a cultural troupe, so she has plenty of time. Two days on weekends, she spends here with Gu Jingxing. He studies hard during the day. Gu Jingxing is also very serious during the day. That's a dedicated effort.

It's this night, Teacher Gu has become less serious, and the disguised face is removed, and the limbs are soft and weak.

Unexpectedly, Song Ran said no, he was very honest physically.

In this way, Gu Jingxing has ridiculed countless times.

The final exam came, and the second Miss Song family and the big boss of the Yang family lived a hard life of hanging their heads and piercing their heads.

Fortunately, God will not treat people who are working hard and motivated. Yang Haitao flew at a low altitude and finally passed every class.

And Song Ran, really got an average score of 81 points, and she still took two months of leave. This result can completely get rid of the title of scumbag.

The dean of the department said to the grade dean: "Look, Song Ran is smart. It's no problem to ask for leave. In the future, don't be so strict with students who can win honor for the school, you know? Because of Song Ran's promotional video. There are more students applying for Fuguang than the two universities in Kyoto, which makes our school a face."

The grade director sighed. After all, the times are different. It seems that his style is indeed an old fashioned one.

From now on, Song Ran will ask for leave if she wants to.

Well, Song Ran will not ask for leave anymore, after all, he is already planning to quit the entertainment industry.

Old Gu, who knew that Song Ran scored an average of 81 points, was really relieved.

It's a good risk, but fortunately, I didn't bet with that girl, the crazy girl actually got an average score of over 80 points.

This girl is still very clever, as long as he studies hard, those homework will be fine.

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