He just played basketball and became the chosen one.

Chapter 10 010: If you have the ability, would you like to play against NBA players? You are not rea

ABCD training camp, 42 points in a single game.

The most critical thing is that Stoudemire only scored 8 points.

Broke James' record of 9 points.

When these so-called super talents faced Ryan, none of them scored in double figures!

Although there was a reason why Stoudemire didn't play in the second half, in the first half, he was completely at a disadvantage.

After the game, Stoudemire's agent said that Stoudemire had eaten badly the day before, which led to his poor condition and the reason why he did not play in the second half.

This rhetoric opened Ryan's eyes. It turns out that before the smart groin, Stoudemire had already used the smart nine-turn large intestine!

20 years ahead of the times!

However, Stoudemire's excuse did not affect Ryan's enthusiasm.

After torturing Stoudemire at the ABCD training camp, Ryan was no longer just a bully in Virginia.

The result of the brutal victory, coupled with Wesley's operation, made Ryan's reputation further spread throughout the country.

All major influential media began to report on Ryan’s deeds!

The New York Times devoted the largest space in its sports section to reporting on the game between Stoudemire and Ryan, with the headline:

"Breaking the record of 42 points in a single game! Ryan is the quasi-number one pick in the 2003 class!"

The Los Angeles media even used a shocking headline: "The days of Ugly Basketball dominating the world are over!"

With the publicity of major media, all fans know that Ryan scored 5 times more points than Stoudemire in the first game of the ABCD training camp, breaking the record.

Nowadays, there is no fan who cares about basketball who doesn’t know about Ryan.

In fact, Ryan's popularity has even exceeded his own imagination.

When he came out of the hotel room arranged by the ABCD training camp to have breakfast early this morning, he discovered that an ESPN team was following and filming him throughout the process.

From getting food to eating, Ryan is always followed by cameras, which is particularly eye-catching among the young players.

After eating, Ryan was about to go to the toilet, but found that the ESPN filming team had followed him to the door of the toilet!

Ryan was speechless: "Don't you want to collect this length of information?"

The photographer nodded apologetically and stayed outside the door.

Ryan sighed, is this the trouble of becoming a star?

Damn it, because there were cameras filming just now, Ryan was too embarrassed to take more of the hotel's free breakfast buffet, for fear of not looking elegant enough.

I lost 100 million this time!

In the afternoon, Stoudemire's agent also officially announced that he needed to take a break due to diarrhea, so Stoudemire simply officially quit the ABCD training camp and will not play in the next few games of the training camp.

Can we still fight? His agent is really afraid that Stoudemire will knock him out of the lottery!

As long as you don't fight, you will definitely not lose!

I thought that quitting would settle the matter, but in the evening, on the TNT program, Buckley began to comment:

"If it works, it's okay. If it doesn't work, it won't work. What's the point of taking a break?

To put it bluntly, Stoudemire was beaten directly by Ryan and fled the training camp!

The order in which people play games is the opening game, the life and death battle, and the train station. Fortunately for him, he went directly to the train station on the opening day!

Damn, I was so optimistic about him before the game! "

Smith on the side also complained about Stoudemire:

"Oh, the strongest player in the domestic high school league can't even hold the ball in front of international players, and he can actually shoot without touching it.

The basic skills of our domestic players are really poor now!

Moreover, Amare showed no tactical literacy and no basketball IQ. Sadly, this is really the best player we have in high school.

Chandler was beaten by Yao Ming last time, and Stoudemire was beaten by Ryan again this time.

If our high school league does not improve, it will really be doomed! "

Ryan was stunned for a moment after hearing these words. Why did he feel like he had heard such words so often before?

Stoudemire was beaten and ran away, and Ryan set a single-game scoring record. Under a series of hot topics, people were even more curious about Ryan.

So in the ABCD training camp in the next few days, every game with Ryan was packed.

But without Stoudemire, Ryan also lost his only opponent.

So in the next few games, with Paul's feeding, Ryan flew directly into the air.

Ah, thanks to Ryan's efforts, Paul's assist went straight up!

In the end, he ended the ABCD training camp with averages of 34.5 points, 11.8 rebounds and 6 blocks per game.

He was selected to the All-Star team of the training camp and became the MVP, scoring leader, rebounding leader and block leader of this training camp.

He is the only player in the history of ABCD training camp who can win four individual honors at one time!

Ugly Country fans watched Ryan defeat a group of young talents and easily win the award. They couldn't help crying and wailing: "No more, Ugly Country basketball has no future!"

Ryan never imagined that one day he could make Ugly fans despair

When awarding the training camp MVP trophy, the host did not forget to mention the No. 1 high school student who was offline early after just half the game:

"Ryan, how do you feel about being able to defeat the number one high school student Stoudemire in this training camp?"

In fact, this is a traditional question. When James defeated Lanny Cook, the host also asked this question.

However, Ajan's answer was very modest: "Everyone is talking about this game, making it like the game of the century, but I just want to play well, that's all."

But Ryan, maybe he was tired of talking nonsense to his boss in his previous life, but in this life he has always spoken very truthfully.

And the truth is often harsh.

What's more, Stoudemire didn't respect Ryan before, so there was no need for Ryan to save face for him.

Under the lens of ESPN, Ryan shrugged:

"The only reason Amare can become the number one high school student is because he and I are not in the same division, so we can't beat him violently, that's all."

At the end of training camp that night, Ryan treated Paul to a meal.

Pao'er averaged 10.3 points and 13 assists per game in this year's training camp, making him equally famous despite being just over 1.7 meters tall.

Since Pao'er has been playing so selflessly, Ryan wanted to express his gratitude by treating him to a meal.

In the end, it was Paul who rushed to buy the order:

"Lai Gong is so kind to me! If I don't give up, please leave a phone number and we can train together during the holidays!"


Now that we have talked about it this far, let me show you the enthusiasm of the people of the Mi Li family.

In this way, Ryan not only killed everyone at the ABCD training camp, but also made a new friend.

Back at the hotel, the more Ryan thought about it, the more something was wrong.

The future NBA stars with whom I have a close relationship now are Anthony and Paul, who are crazy, and there is still Wade, maybe they will be able to create a new version of the Banana Split Brothers!

Ah Zhan, even this little thing is going to be taken away by himself! ?

How could poor Azhan have thought that he had already lost more and more.

After the training camp, Ryan became famous, but he did not lose it and was still busy training.

At the same time, I am also thinking about where my next stop will be.

Anthony called Ryan every day and asked Ryan to report to Syracuse University with him.

But to be honest, Ryan is not very interested in "joining forces with Anthony".

Next to Anthony, Ryan will always be treated like Pippen.

And Ryan, who knows the history of basketball, knows very well how strong Anthony's first college season was.

In his first year of college, he led the team to win the championship and MOP, which was simply a miracle.

On the same team as Anthony, Ryan won't have many opportunities to perform, and his pick will definitely not be high.

Since you want to make money from basketball, you must create the best money-making environment. Naturally, the higher the ranking, the better.

It would be best if we could win Ajan's No. 1 pick!

That's right, if possible, Ryan wouldn't even want to keep the top pick for Ajan.

Although Ajan has lost a lot,...

As the saying goes, you can make more money if you lose it, but you can make even more money if you lose your conscience!

When it comes to college selection this time, Ryan just wants to shout: "If you have fun, take a step forward! Oh no, the school that can make you the core will automatically take a step forward!"

With this in mind, Ryan recently became close to the University of Kansas.

Coach Roy Williams agreed to Ryan's various requests on the phone.

Lane also called Wesley to ask for his opinion.

Wesley felt that Kansas was not the best place for Ryan.

After all, that school is already very strong. Joining an already strong team and winning the championship doesn't seem like a big plus for me personally.

I don’t know why, but when Wesley said this, Ryan thought of the most temperamental man in basketball.

And Wesley also felt that coach Roy Williams was too famous. Even if Ryan does help Kansas win the championship, part of the credit will go to Roy Williams.

According to Wesley's personal network, Roy Williams is conspiring to cooperate with North Carolina.

The specific contract amount has not yet been negotiated, but if Roy Williams can lead Kansas to win the championship, his asking price will definitely increase.

Therefore, Roy Williams is most likely using Ryan as a springboard to make money. When the time comes, take all the credit for yourself.

However, Wesley still asked Ryan to go to the University of Kansas.

Wesley didn't say why specifically.

He just told Ryan: "You'll know when you get there. It's time to let you know my power~"

Ryan was speechless. The Riddler should get out of Gotham!

After hanging up the phone, Wesley smiled excitedly.

The matter he helped contact Ryan before has become clear!

Kansas will be the next place where Ryan will create miracles!

In this way, Ryan arrived at the University of Kansas.

Coach Roy Williams finally saw the answer to his long-cherished striker, and he couldn't be happier.

The coach took Ryan to visit the school, talking and laughing along the way.

When he arrived at the training hall, Ryan noticed something was wrong.

It is obviously the offseason, but there are many people training on the training ground at the University of Kansas.

And all the people who come to train are famous NBA players!

Pierce, who has 11 more holes in his body than anyone else, Reggie Miller, the ultimate corncob lover, Marion, the most handsome player in American basketball, Ben, the three-point shooter, and so on.

Seeing Ryan walking in, they all glanced at the legendary Chinese man who killed James and broke the record to defeat Stoudemire at the ABCD training camp.

While watching, he was muttering something.

Ryan didn't think much about it. He was so famous now, so it was normal for NBA players to discuss him, right?

Ryan asked Roy Williams: "Why are so many NBA players training here?"

Seeing that Ryan was a little confused, Roy Williams quickly explained:

"Oh, that's right, our arena is the training ground for the Dream Team 5 to prepare for the 2002 World Championships.

Because my general Nick Collison is the only college student in this dream team, and a training match between the Dream Team 5 and the college student team will be held here in the next few days.

Therefore, they will train here for a period of time.

You can take this opportunity to have more contact with Collison. After all, he is our core player and offensive fulcrum next season. "

Hearing this, Ryan was stunned for a moment: "Core player?"

On the phone, Roy Williams ensured Ryan's core position, and Ryan came over.

The result is here, you tell me that the center is the core of the offense?

Of course the veteran Roy Williams knew what Ryan was thinking, and he quickly explained with a smile:

"Of course I will keep my promise, you will be our core, but

not now.

In your freshman season, I hope you can serve as a dedicated forward defensive leader. Just leave the offense to Hinrich and Collison.

They have worked together for many years and have developed a tacit understanding on the offensive end.

Of course, Ryan, don't worry, Collison graduated as a senior in 2003, and next season will be his last.

After your freshman year, I guarantee that you will be the first core of the team! "

To be honest, Ryan almost jumped up and slapped Roy Williams in the face.

This means that there is no anti-fraud APP in Chou Country, otherwise Ryan would have opened it and reported him.

As expected, Wesley was right. This bad old man just wanted to trick Ryan into coming to play, help the team win the championship, and then get a big contract so that he could go to North Carolina.

As for the core position he guaranteed for the sophomore year, when Roy Williams is gone, who will Ryan find? It's just a blank promise and pure deception.

Moreover, Ryan has no intention of playing in college for more than one year, and he does not want to help the NCAA make money for free.

If it weren't for the need for the NCAA to continue to expand its influence and win better draft picks, Ryan wouldn't even bother to play in the NCAA.

But there was no way, Ryan completely became famous during the ABCD training camp and Dream Five warm-up games in the offseason. At that time, draft registration had already ended.

Therefore, he needs the NCAA to continue to ferment his influence. One year is enough!

Ryan simply stopped and didn't even bother to enter Roy Williams' office:

"Coach Roy, I thought you would be sincere."

"You know our strength, Ryan. We have a high probability of reaching the top spot in the NCAA next season. Think about it, how many players have the chance to win the championship in their freshman year?

Besides, Collison is the only player selected for the Dream Five team as a college student, so it’s normal for him to be the core, right?

Hinrich was also selected for the college team and is about to play a warm-up match with Mengwu.

Both of them can compete with NBA players on the same court!

You are indeed strong, Ryan. But with all due respect, you are still far behind them.

Can you play against NBA players now? If I can, I can also give you the core position.

Do you have the ability to let George Karl invite you to the college team and the Dream Five War warm-up match? No, you can't, you don't have that ability yet. "

Just as Roy Williams was frantically PUAing against Ryan, George Karl walked out of the office and walked directly towards the two of them:

"Are you Ryan?"


"Wes called me before. Starting from this afternoon, you will train with the college team. I want you to be on the court in the warm-up match in a few days. Roy, is it okay?"

After saying that, George Karl turned around and left, leaving only Roy Williams standing there stunned.


I just said that, but George Karl really invited Ryan to play a warm-up match with the Dream Team 5?

Ah this

Roy Williams has been a coach for half his life, and for the first time he discovered that he can still be a clown!

Ryan smiled. He finally understood why Wesley insisted on calling him here even though he knew Kansas was not suitable.

That guy must have managed the relationship within the Dream Team 5 and allowed himself to join the warm-up match as an exception.

He asked himself to come to Kansas to compete with NBA players!

Ryan looked at Roy Williams, who was arrogant just now, but now stood there with a look of shock on his face, and shrugged:

"It seems that being invited by Meng Wu to play in a warm-up match is not a big deal, coach."

A famous college coach was tricked by a high school rookie!

Today’s second update is coming, another 4K+ chapter! As a conscientious couple, I beg for rewards, monthly tickets and follow-up reading. The support of all fathers is the only way for this book to survive. Thank you all!

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