He just played basketball and became the chosen one.

Chapter 13 013: 13-0 climax, Ryan is an NBA player!

Ryan is a foreign player who has just graduated from high school and has not officially played in the NCAA.

He actually helped the team take the lead when the college team was helpless.

Before this, college players performed well against the Dream Team. This is actually nothing new.

In 1992, the invincible dream team lost to the college student team.

Webb, Grant Hill, and Alan Houston, who made a difference for Dreamland in that game, will all be top-notch stars in the future.

In 1996, a college student also shined in a game against the Dream Team.

He performed extremely well in the interior composed of superstars such as Malone, Barkley, Olajuwon, Admiral and O'Neal.

This college student is none other than Tim Duncan, the number one bully in the NBA.

College student team VS dream team has always been a shortcut for college players to become famous.

It's just that people never expected that the person receiving the Dream Team bonus this year would be Ryan, who doesn't even have an exclusive jersey!

A walk-on player actually became the protagonist!

Wesley was extremely pleased. To be honest, it’s useless if you can’t seize the opportunity.

He can use his network to give Ryan a chance to face Meng Wu. But whether he can make good use of this opportunity depends on Ryan himself.

After his outstanding performance in the opening game, Wesley was already looking forward to Ryan's future performance.

However, even Wesley couldn't imagine that Ryan didn't just want to perform well at this time.

He wants to win this invincible team in the world of basketball!

The game continued. After Andre Miller controlled the half, he didn't dare to pass those fancy balls anymore. This time he steadily gave the ball to O'Neal Jr. inside.

O'Neal Jr. was ready to continue to attack the inside alone, but as soon as he caught the ball, he was caught in a trap!

Ryan directly let go of Marion and teamed up with Sweetney to attack Xiao Ou!

One can't satisfy him? Then one in front and one in the back!

For the past few minutes, Collegiate United had been executing man-to-man defense.

Because these college students simply don't have the guts to let go of their counterpoints.

They are too afraid of the stars in front of them and would like to grow directly on them.

But Ryan turned around and abandoned Marion without hesitation.

This is called strategically despising the enemy!

Ryan knew very well that Marion's three-pointers were unstable, and that his artistic shooting posture was easily disturbed. Therefore, it won't be a big problem to let him go.

Moreover, under the double-team, it is difficult for Xiao Ou to pass the ball directly to Marion on the other side.

Xiao Ao really didn't expect that someone would double-team him, but he still underestimated the enemy and felt that he could score even if he was double-teamed.

So, he chose to turn over and shoot a jumper under the attack. But Ryan's defense was very aggressive and proactive, and this ball seriously interfered with O'Brien.

In the end, O'Brien's jump shot bounced out of the frame.

Ryan actually helped the team defend against two Mengwu attacks in a row!

George Karl and Popovich used to look at Ryan with a joking attitude, but now they don't laugh.

Ryan is a jumping man with no physical fitness? Absolutely not!

His positioning, selection, and timing on the defensive end are all outstanding!

In addition, Ryan also has the courage that no one else has when facing powerful enemies!

Only he dares to let go of his opponent and try to attack from a flank!

A jumping man who can make correct judgments on the defensive end, as well as smart running and reasonable selection of catch-and-shoot shots.

Why do you feel that angua suddenly loses its flavor?

After successfully interfering with Xiao O's attack, Ryan took off desperately for a second time and grabbed the rebound before Ben.

Then Ryan waved his hand for Hinrich to come and catch the ball, clapped his hands and shouted: "You can try to counterattack quickly next time!"

Although it is magical, Ryan, a high school graduate, is directing these college stars!

Hinrich passed the half court and immediately gave the ball to Wade. Wade made a lightning-quick change of direction, passed Marion and went straight into the paint.

Marion actually didn't guard carefully, otherwise Wade wouldn't have broken through so easily. After all, Hacker is the most underestimated defensive player in the history of the league. He has never been selected for the defensive team in his career, just like Duncan has never been selected for DPOY, both are very stupid.

Although Wade broke through, Marion didn't care. It's okay, Ben will wipe my butt clean for me.

But this time, faced with a big save, Wade neither forced an attack on the frame nor made a timid throw.

Instead, after attracting Ben's defense, he hit the ground and passed to Ryan who cut along the baseline!

At this time, because Ben jumped out to defend Wade, the defense at the basket was empty.

Ryan was also rude. He pulled it up and made a one-handed dunk. If he could dunk, he would never go for a layup.

12 to 4, the college team narrowed the point difference to single digits!

And Wade actually started passing the ball to Ryan!

He willingly gave up his position as the main attacker, truly worthy of being the central air conditioner in the basketball world.

Seeing a high school graduate scoring consecutive goals to narrow the point difference, Pierce refused.

Originally I was the one pretending to be cool in front of my junior classmates, why are you here to join in the fun?

He, who was the most stable in singles on the team, decided to score a goal to stabilize the situation.

In this Dream Five offense, Pierce directly shouted to Miller to give him the ball.

After getting the basketball, Pierce waved his hand and called Marion to come over and cover.

Marion's pick-and-roll quality is good. As for pick-and-rolls, of course it has to be able to block it to make sense. Who would take a quick step outside and then immediately open it up?

Wade couldn't get around Marion for a while, so Ryan directly chose to switch defenses.

Wade still feels strange. Wouldn't it be easier for Pierce to force himself in the low post? Why are you still starting a pick-and-roll?

Pierce did it on purpose, he just wanted to kill Ryan with his own hands and destroy his spirit!

A mere high school graduate, really want to break ground on our heads?

When Pierce saw Ryan in the limelight, he slowed down, lowered his center of gravity, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly:

"You can cry for a long time after such a young super genius beats you up, right?"

This guy Pierce has never been a good person in the game. He doesn't know how to shoot without spewing some trash talk.

But in the face of Pierce's trash talk offensive, Ryan remained unmoved.

Seeing that the little kid Ryan was not frightened, Pierce lowered his center of gravity and prepared to attack directly:

"Okay, maybe you can keep your composure quite well. But be careful later and don't get down on the ground on guard!

Looking at the extremely naive Pierce, Ryan couldn't help but muttered: "You talk a lot."

"Fuck, what did you say?"

"It's nothing, my English is not very good, nice to meet you."

“Nice to meet you too, ah, it’s not a mess!

Don't think I didn't hear you, you didn't say anything nice just now!

I admit that you have some strength, but the gap between us is beyond your imagination! "

Having said that, Pierce first started to the left, then changed his direction and accelerated to the right.

When he first moved to the left, Pierce was sure that Ryan's center of gravity had been shaken.

But when he changed direction and accelerated, he found that Ryan was still standing in front of him!

Pierce was a little surprised. Ryan's focus had clearly shifted just now!

Ryan was indeed shaken just now, but with his lateral speed, there was no problem in adjusting in time.

Seeing that he couldn't shake Ryan away, Pierce started to hit him from behind.

As an offensive kaleidoscope, Pierce has no blind spots on the offensive end.

But when he leaned in with his back, he realized that it was very difficult for him to push up against Ryan, a high school graduate!

Others couldn't see it, but Wade was sweating profusely.

Damn it, I just grabbed a rebound from a big player, and now I'm trying to pick up Pierce.

Is this horse 18 years old?

Are all high school graduates this tough nowadays?

Let’s take another look at the contemporary college students who were just killed by Pierce. Are all contemporary college students such failures? ?

Pierce couldn't hold up Ryan, so he could only turn over on the spot, lift the basketball, and try to hit Ryan with a fake shot.

But Ryan is not so easy to stumble, because he knows that his bounce speed and bounce are very strong. Even if he jumps behind others, he can still interfere and even block shots.

So in most cases, Ryan will never jump unless he sees someone else jump first.

The last time I was beaten by Ajan at the last moment of the high school game, it was mainly because I didn’t expect that Ajan would actually take two more steps after taking two steps. With such advanced footwork skills, Ryan really can't guard against him.

Pierce failed to shake Ryan away, but Ryan raised his arms and stayed close to Pierce.

In the end, last season's NBA scoring champion could only take off on the spot and force his shot backwards under severe interference.

Ryan tried his best to jump up, but Pierce couldn't jump high because he was forced to take off. And Ryan, because of his incredible bullet speed and wingspan, finally touched Pierce with his fingertips and blocked Pierce's fadeaway jumper!

Pierce's skills are inferior to his absolute talent!

Although Ryan's block prediction attribute is not high, this thing of block prediction is prepared for people like Duncan.

They can't jump, so they need to rely on prediction and timing to make up for the disadvantage of jumping.

But for a player like Ryan, as long as he doesn't stagger and jumps later or earlier, he can cover the ball!

Just like that, after just deducting the title of Defensive Player of the Year, Ryan stole last season's total scoring champion Pierce again!

Popovich and George Karl have gone from disdainful to open-mouthed.

Ryan looks like an NBA player!

After being covered, Pierce lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground.

Ryan asked deliberately: "Who reminded me not to fall to the ground just now?"

After saying that, Ryan immediately participated in the counterattack, and Hinrich had already rushed forward with the ball.

As soon as Ryan inserted himself from the center, Hinrich immediately fed the ball. But when Ryan took two steps to the free throw line, he found that Pierce and Marion had already rushed back and closed the penalty area.

At the same time, Da Ben also followed closely behind. If Ryan jumped rashly, he would most likely be chased.

These three people are all determined to regain their dignity as NBA stars from this high school graduate!

It seemed that such a shrinking defense put too much pressure on Ryan. Ryan chose to throw the ball in the direction of the basket indiscriminately amid the siege of many people.

On the bench, George Karl breathed a sigh of relief.

The reason why I was relieved was because Ryan finally showed his high school side.

Before, Ryan's performance was too perfect, too perfect to be true.

If Ryan can handle this fast break perfectly, then Ryan is too fake.

George Karl doesn't believe there are such strong high school players in the world.


After Ryan threw the ball randomly, he raised his arms, turned around, and retreated!

He celebrated his goal in advance!

The whole audience was stunned, what's going on with this guy? So confident? He doesn't think his floater can go in, does he?

The next second, people discovered that Ryan was not throwing, but passing!

During the encirclement and suppression, Ryan passed an alley-oop to Wade who came from behind him!

To be honest, Ryan's pass was not very good, it was high and deflected. Understand, Ryan's passing attribute is only 55.

But passing the ball to a player like Wade still requires accuracy?

As long as you can throw the ball into the air, the rest is just pretending!


When Ryan turned his back to the basket and raised his arms in celebration.

Wade also happened to get the basketball and dunked with one hand to score!

Everyone thought Ryan was nervous and threw randomly, but in the end, he calmly sent an alley-oop like a top-five ball!

After the key pass, Ryan actually turned back early.

This kind of self-confidence is simply not like that of a high school student!

In the future, when fans mention the Janeway connection, they will probably just complain disdainfully: "Oh, those are all leftovers from Ryan's play."

Since Ryan came on the field, the college team has gone 6-0!

12 to 6, the point difference no longer looks so exaggerated.

ESPN also found that game ratings are rising crazily.

After all, basketball games are more enjoyable if they come and go.

At the scene, the cheers were obviously much louder than before.

Ryan's walk-on made this game exciting!

The game continued, and the Dream Five team failed again this time. Marion saw Ryan going to double-team Ou, so he caught the ball and shot a three-pointer. But I didn't expect Ryan to make up for it so quickly. Under Ryan's strict interference, his three-point shot missed the frame.

Experts from all walks of life have gone crazy. A player like Ryan who does not need to develop defense is already a ceiling-level player. I dare to ask which team does not need it?

Ryan came down quickly, causing Pierce to pursue him hard.

But after Ryan cut to the basket, he immediately turned around and ran toward the free throw line.

Pierce didn't keep up, after all, Ryan's explosive power was far superior to him. Just like that, Pierce was thrown away by Ryan's counter run.

Hinrich also fed the ball to Ryan with quick eyesight and quick hands. After receiving the basketball at the free throw line, Ryan took action decisively.

Because Pierce interferes slowly, this is almost a pure open opportunity.

The basketball bounced on the rim twice and finally fell into the net.

12 to 8!

After one round, Okafor fouled Ben, who missed both free throws and missed a good opportunity. After Wade came up, he broke through and scored, assisting Okafor in the mid-range shot, 12 to 10

The college student team is now only 2 points away!

However, Dream Team 5 has not become nervous yet.

They still have a "we can win if we just fight" mentality.

Therefore, this time, O'Neal's pass after being flanked by Ryan again in the low post was very casual.

The ball floated and slowed, and at this moment, a bolt of lightning flashed across the passing lane and swept away the basketball.

Wade had been paying attention to Xiao Ou just now. The moment Xiao Ou passed the ball, he left Pierce behind and went to steal it!

Ryan is responsible for flanking and Wade is responsible for cutting off passes. Don't tell me, the college team's defense is actually quite systematic!

Seeing that Wade was about to counterattack after stealing the ball, Marion directly grabbed Wade's jersey and stopped the college team's fast break at the cost of a foul!

Although they successfully prevented the counterattack, the Dream Team 5 was undoubtedly in a very awkward situation.

Facing a group of college students, they had to rely on this method to prevent the opponent from scoring.

Ryan and Wade high-fived again. The two of them undoubtedly formed a terrible blockade, giving the stars of the Dream Team a huge headache.

Ryan's single defense is invincible, and he can defend from 1 to 4 seamlessly.

Wade is quick to assist in defense. If you dare to pass the ball long distance, Wade can steal it.

And the defensive talents of these two people are unmatched!

Before you know it, Ryan and Paul, Anthony and Wade have all partnered up, and they have all given wonderful performances!

Let’s just say that if Ajan wants to play brother basketball in the future, will he find that he can’t find his brothers?

The cheers at the scene continued, and they were already excited by the 10-0 climax of the college student team.

Before, people had no expectations for Ryan.

After all, the guy wearing the jersey with the temporary number was just there to feel the atmosphere from the beginning.

But now, everyone has changed their minds.

He really wants to see where Ryan's limit is! I really want to see what this high school graduate can do!

The game continued, and Dream Team 5’s lead was running low.

After the college team took a sideline kick, Hinrich still handed it over to Wade to initiate the attack.

Ryan took the initiative and started a pick-and-roll with Wade.

Although Ryan is only 2 meters long and has no body, it is enough to block Pierce.

Wade quickly passed by Pierce. Pierce was about to step off the line and get around Ryan, but Ryan cut directly in!

This is a short screen, that is, the moment the screen is successful, it must be followed immediately.

Pierce had to keep up with Ryan and was forced to switch defenses with Marion.

Pierce's defense is, to be honest, very good. But limited by his body, his defense is only good.

And Ryan is exactly the kind of player who relies on his body to score points.

At this time, because Ben had just been hit by Okafor's mid-range shot, he did not let Okafor go this time and left the basket.

This resulted in an extremely empty basket.

So after Ryan received the basketball, he hugged the basketball directly and forced Pierce to the basket with his head in a rugby style.

Then it exploded directly!

As soon as Pierce raised his arms, Ryan spread his legs and straddled him. While smashing the ball into the basket with one hand, Ryan also directly rode Pierce down and brutally dunked Pierce to the ground!

At the same time, the referee's whistle sounded.

Pierce blocked the foul and Ryan got the chance to play 2+1!

In other words, if Ryan makes a free throw next, he will lead the college team to a 13-0 offensive climax and directly lead the score!

After the dunk ended, amidst the cheers of the crowd, Ryan looked at Pierce on the ground, shook his head, and complained:

“It turns out that there are really people in this world who are so defensive that they put themselves on the ground.

I’ll give you a suggestion: use less criticism next time and be more defensive! "

The Pierce people lying on the ground were all dumbfounded. I, who ranked first in total scoring last season, was educated by a high school graduate! ?

Immediately afterwards, all the players on the college team rushed up to hug Ryan.

The players on the bench of the college team also raised their arms and bent over crazily, making worshiping movements.

It can be seen that Ryan has become the backbone of the entire team!

I thought he was a soy sauce guy, but he turned out to be a boss!

Ryan stood on the free throw line with the cheers of the audience, made the free throw steadily, and scored a three-pointer!

At this point, Ryan directly led the team to a 13-0 wave after coming on the field, of which he scored 9 points to equalize the score!

After hitting the extra free throw, the Dream Team 5 paused the game and everyone walked off the court.

When Ryan walked to the bench, he had been arrogant before, teasing Ryan that he could not play with the Dream Team. Roy Williams, who wanted Ryan to be a role player, now greeted him with a smile:

"Where's the drink? Hurry up and get a bottle of drink for Ryan!

Ryan, sit down quickly!

Our core, next.

I will draw some exclusive tactics for you! "

Ryan sighed. It turns out that this is how it feels to be flattered by others in the workplace.

5,004 big chapters presented! The public issue has one chapter more than the other two chapters, and there is one in the afternoon! As a conscientious friend, I beg you to read, recommend, and comment. Thank you all!

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