He just played basketball and became the chosen one.

Chapter 25 025: Kansas does have something, now the stage is given to Ryan!

The much-anticipated matchup officially began with Collison jumping to the ball and Kansas going first.

As soon as he came up, Hinrich immediately cooperated with Collison in a pick-and-roll, which is the most commonly used tactical start in Kansas.

Devin Harris, like before, tried his best to put pressure on Hinrich with confrontation.

Most previous point guards would rush the ball or be forced to stop when faced with Harris's aggressive defense.

But Hinrich faced Harris' pressure, but he was able to withstand the pressure and still skillfully dribbled around the screen.

And after bypassing the screen, Hinrich shot directly from mid-range. Harris' height has an advantage when facing most college point guards, but in front of the 1.93-meter Hinrich, the advantage disappeared instantly. He failed to interfere with Hinrich's shooting in the first place.

In this way, Hinrich easily scored 2 points as soon as he started, giving Kansas the lead.

Hinrich's first goal gave people the impression that everything was stable. There is no fancy shaking, no difficult shots, but it can inflict heavy damage to the defense.

Hinrich is a typical academic representative. He is strict and has no particularly explosive advantages, but he is above the standard in all aspects.

Moreover, Hinrich at this time is stronger and more experienced than Hinrich, who was Meng Wu's sparring partner last summer.

After all, he is a senior who can still be selected in the top ten in a draft like 2003, which shows his strong ability.

In fact, Hinrich also performed well after entering the NBA. The founder of a certain poker forum is a Hinrich fan.

Now that he is at a quasi-NBA level, playing a sophomore Harris is not a big problem.

On the first offense, Kansas scored cleanly, but the offense was not the most lethal part of Kansas today.

Roy Williams is already looking forward to the team's next defense!

Next, is the beginning of Ryan's ruin!

After one round, Hinrich opposed Harris' pressure defense, which made Harris, a defender known for his speed, very uncomfortable.

Although Hinrich is a white point guard and looks soft and soft, his playing style is actually very tough.

At his peak, he was known as "the best defender against Wade", and after Wade retired, he also admitted on the show that Hinrich was one of the most difficult defenders he had ever encountered in his career.

Hinrich is extremely focused on the defensive end, never falters, never loses position, never makes mistakes, and fights hard. There haven’t been any little moves yet, the defense is pretty clean.

It is estimated that even if the female fans feint outside the court, it will not interfere with his defensive concentration.

This resulted in Harris always hitting a solid wall every time he started to speed up.

Hinrich is very good at dealing with breakthrough defenders.

Harris failed to stand out under Hinrich's defense and failed to destroy Kansas' defensive formation.

Hinrich's defense was so strong that the logo men in the stands called Liu Bie. Compared to last year, this white point guard has indeed matured a lot.

He stood in a standard posture, with his knees bent and his arms raised, and he was constantly adjusting and moving.

Walking flat, stepping back and forth, raising hands to cover eyes, waving to interfere, often shaking head to communicate with teammates

This is just like boxing. Anyone who has watched a boxing match knows that a hearty KO with a heavy punch actually only lasts a moment. For most of the match, the two boxers adjusted their pace and kept up with their opponent for a long time. Grind the distance and seize the opportunity to hit.

You might think that Hinrich just stopped Harris, but in fact, he had already used various techniques and steps to seize the opportunity before Harris started to speed up, so that he could achieve the final "one-punch KO".

Without going through a long game, how could there be that last tremor?

It is no longer a problem that Harris is being forced to break through, but that he is simply unable to play the ball smoothly!

Yes, this is Roy Williams' strategy.

The key to defending Ryan is not Ryan.

And on Harris!

Ryan's biggest shortcoming now is that he is not threatening enough with the ball. Most of his points come from without the ball, and his assist rate has always been very high.

So as long as Harris, the main point guard, cannot play the ball smoothly, Ryan's offensive threat will also be greatly reduced!

If Wisconsin's ball-holding point is eliminated, Ryan won't be able to play!

On the court, Harris wanted to pass the ball to Ryan, but because Hinrich pressed too hard, Harris couldn't pass the ball at all.

In the end, he could only pass the ball to Kirk Penny.

Seeing this, Ryan reversed and ran away from Langford, gaining a fleeting opportunity to catch and shoot.

But Penney's pass was half a beat late, which meant that when Ryan received the ball, Langford was already on defense.

Although Penny has a certain passing and control ability, the effect is definitely not as good as Harris. Passing timing, passing accuracy, etc. all need to be improved.

Ryan had no choice but to hold the ball and charge hard, but in the end his pull-up layup, blocked by Langford and Collison, slipped out of the frame.

Although Ryan can rely on his abnormal physical fitness to make various evasive moves in the air, the real difficulty of pull-up layups is not to make these moves, but to be able to gently put the ball in after making these difficult moves. .

Ryan is limited by his current layup feel attribute of only 59, so pull-up layups have always been his weakness. His attack is actually a bit like that of You Zhan, more than fierce, but lacking a bit of spirituality.

The hard one is fine, but the soft one is a bit weak.

The basketball fell off the basket, and Kansas No. 4 Wayne Siming protected the rebound.

Their defense in the first round was as impregnable as a fortress!

Roy Williams deliberately applauded wildly on the sidelines. Today Ryan will not only lose, but also suffer an unprecedented upset in history!

Now, realize how small you are in front of a great team and a great coach!

Ryan also curled his lips. Kansas is indeed extraordinary, and its tactical literacy is indeed very strong.

The targeted strategies of other teams are, at best, to shrink the basket.

But Kansas was so sophisticated that it directly cut off the connection between Harris and Ryan.

The next few rounds are basically a replica of this opening.

Offensively, Hinrich has been blasting Harris as that breaking point.

Harris had gained a lot of muscle through intensive training with Ryan last summer, but he still couldn't withstand the destruction of Hinrich, a tough white man.

The pick-and-roll between him and Collison is like Stockton and the Postman in Salt Lake City, simple and crude, but extremely efficient.

On the defensive end, Hinrich was able to restrict Harris' ball-holding point, preventing Ryan from exerting his strength.

After several consecutive rounds, Kansas started with an 8-0 start!

Beau Ryan immediately paused the game, and many fans watching the game were a little surprised.

Why do you feel that Ryan has suddenly become weaker?

Could it be that this is his true performance when facing a truly high-level team?

Ryan really struggled in these rounds. He couldn't catch the ball, and his scoring skills on the defensive end were to deal with Langford, unable to help Harris.

The camera now showed Roy Williams, who was holding his hands and was confident.

The on-site commentator Kevin Harlan, who is also the commentator of previous NBA2K games, couldn’t help but sigh:

"Maybe like Coach Roy said, Ryan may have missed the opportunity to go further. If he is playing as a Kansas player now."

Before Kevin Harlan could finish his words, he was refuted by his partner and NBA LIVE series commentator Marvin Albert:

"The game has just begun, why are you talking about regrets? I believe that coach Bo Ryan will make adjustments immediately!"

On the bench, Beau Ryan decided to make a substitution after hesitating for a while.

He replaced the short center Helmick, who was 2.06 meters tall, and called in Freddy Owens, a short guard who was 1.88 meters tall, fast, accurate in three-pointers, and capable of breaking through.

He has been coming on as Harris's substitute this season, but since the team now has no ball-holding point, let's add another ball-holding point!

No matter how strong Hinrich is, he can't lock two ball-holders in one place, right?

As for defense

Beau Ryan made a bold decision:

"Ryan, you play the fifth position on the defensive end! Keep an eye on Nick Collison! Guard him and Hinrich's pick-and-roll!"

Ryan was pushed directly in front of the opponent's strongest duo!

Beau Ryan knew very well that Ryan was the only hope. The game has reached this point, and it’s time to fight for the stars!

Everyone is a little worried. Will Ryan directly guard Collison at the fifth position? Let’s not talk about the effectiveness of guarding against pick-and-rolls. If we are to defend alone, Ryan is also a big mismatch in single defense!

Is it really possible for a forward to defend a center?

But Beau Ryan was not worried about this. Although Collison's official height was 2.08 meters, Beau Ryan discovered that he was actually about the same height as Helmick, who was 2.06 meters tall.

Although Ryan's official height measured a year ago was 2 meters, to the naked eye now, the gap between Ryan and Helmick is definitely not as big as 6 centimeters.

Beau Ryan estimated that Ryan should have grown taller during his time in college and should now be about 2.03 meters tall.

Ryan, who is 2.03 meters tall, faces Collison, who is 2.06 meters tall. Looking at it this way, height is not an issue at all!

All in all, the real height difference between Ryan and Collison is very small. According to the official height,

What's more, Ryan also has a wingspan of 2.20 meters, which is enough to erase the slight height disadvantage.

As long as Ryan can solve the defensive problem, then this lineup will definitely help Ryan on the offensive end.

After adding Freddy Owens as a point guard, there will definitely be no more problems with the offensive organization. And as long as someone can deliver ammunition to Ryan, Ryan can severely punish the opponent's defense!

Moreover, now everyone on the court at the University of Wisconsin except Ryan has a stable three-pointer, which can free up enough space for Ryan to make a big impact.

After Beau Ryan arranged all the tactics, the whole team looked at each other and finally turned their attention to Ryan.


All the keys to the counterattack point to Ryan.

Ryan is required to defend the opponent's top two players, and Ryan is required to open up space on the offensive end.

He will take on the greatest responsibility on this huge stage!

Of course, that also means he'll have all the spotlight to himself.

After listening to the tactics, Ryan nodded thoughtfully.

Next, all the pressure will be on him.

The stage is given to him!

But...that's why he chose the University of Wisconsin!

He can team up with Anthony and easily dominate the NCAA.

You can play brother basketball with Wade and win the championship easily.

But what's the point?

Why can't Ryan win the championship himself?

Why can’t we have this stage to ourselves?

Now, he has got his wish and gained an independent stage. It depends on whether Ryan can hold it!

Before taking the field, Ryan stretched out his hand and placed it among his teammates.

Others also put their hands up one by one.

Then, Ryan closed his eyes:

"This is basketball, they're not the Big Bad Wolf, we're not the Three Little Pigs.

We won't sit still!

I know the game has just begun, but the game has also reached a critical point.

So, give it a try!

We live for this moment, and we work hard for this moment!

We won't give up, we won't give up!

We need to fucking fight! We want to fight!

Defeat them and tear them apart!

A bigger stage belongs to us!

one! two! three! "


The entire audience heard a roar from the Wisconsin bench, and then saw Ryan stepping onto the court with an incredibly short lineup.

Seeing Ryan revitalizing his teammates as a freshman, Marvin Albert stood up excitedly:

“Look, look at those boys, they are not discouraged at all!

The injured lion became even more excited!

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s March Madness.

Now, welcome to the craziest part!

You never know who will have the last laugh! "

After Ryan and his teammates took the field with high morale, Roy Williams poured cold water on the sidelines:


Basketball games are not won by leading the team and yelling a few slogans.

Basketball games rely on strategy, tactics, execution, and ability.

You have none of that!

I told you Ryan, you made a wrong choice, you shouldn't be my enemy! "

Ryan responded to Roy Williams without looking back:

"Coach, I admit you have something going on at Kansas.

But there isn’t much!

Cherish it, this is the time when you have the biggest lead in this game! "

After saying that, Ryan began to attack.

The stage is set and it’s time to start dancing!

I beg for recommendations, monthly votes, and follow-up reading. Thank you all!

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