He just played basketball and became the chosen one.

Chapter 27 027: Fierce battle in the quarterfinals, great players are destined to create great games

Chapter 27 027: Fierce battle in the quarterfinals, great players are destined to create great games! (6.5K chapters!)

Ryan pulled the lever and dunked with one hand.

This scene was broadcast live nationwide and shocked countless fans across the country.

Let you compete in the NCAA, but why don't you give up on the slam dunk contest?

Although everyone knows that Ryan's physical fitness is abnormal, this pull-up dunk is still too amazing.

Even Ajan was dumbfounded and even had the illusion that he was looking at Jordan!

Only Jordan would smash the ball in the air with all kinds of outrageous moves at every turn.

Jordan said not to cue, even if I come here, I may not be able to dunk like this. You should ask if the glider can do it.

Glider: Like Ryan? Then you might as well call me Space Shuttle! If I can play like that, do I need to hold Da Meng’s lap?

Since the Internet is not yet developed in this era, there is no such thing as a short video APP. Therefore, there are still some fans who can only listen to the game on the radio.

And they simply can't imagine what it means to "complete the dunk even when the body is falling after pulling the bar."

Can you still complete a dunk even if your body is falling? If you don't fall, you can't fly directly over the backboard!

Ryan's inspiring operation completely changed the situation of the game.

Seeing this situation, Roy Williams began to give orders on the bench of the University of Kansas:

"I would rather shrink and shoot three-pointers in advance than let him easily attack the frame! Continue to focus on shrinking defense!"

Roy Williams' next step was to bet on the University of Wisconsin's three-point shot. In his opinion, a three-point shot that missed the mark was impossible to kill the game!

I would rather shoot a three-pointer than let Ryan attack the frame easily. The cage of the beast cannot be opened no matter what!

I'll let Wisconsin shoot. If they call a timeout, I'll eat up the tactical board!

After a few minutes.

"Coach, stop biting the tactical board, it's innocent!"

That's right, the University of Wisconsin's three-pointer severely punished Roy Williams' strategy!

Because Kansas shrinks in advance to prevent Ryan from attacking the frame, Wilkins, Owens, Harris and Penny all have the opportunity to take wide open long shots.

The four of them are already very capable in three-point shooting, not to mention that all they get are wide open spaces.

And because the team's morale was so high due to Ryan's shot of chicken blood, everyone really didn't hesitate at all when they got a chance, and no one dared to throw it away.

The more decisive the shot is, the smoother the action, and the more accurate the shot.

Coupled with the fact that the University of Kansas does not have strong defensive capabilities, their players have no way to immediately return to the three-point line to interfere after shrinking.

In this way, multiple reasons combined to make Kansas pierced by thousands of arrows!

During this period, although Ryan did not score directly, he was the key to the team's offensive climax.

After all, Kansas let others vote because they were afraid of being driven in by Ryan.

Ryan didn't even touch the ball. He messed up Kansas' defense just by cutting through the air and rolling down the pick-and-roll.

In this way, under the wise command of Roy Williams, Kansas went from an 8-0 start to a 9-point deficit!

Who would have thought that although Ryan failed to join forces with Roy Williams in the end, Roy Williams was about to lead Ryan to a bigger stage!

Roy Williams was so angry that he almost ate the tactical board. In his anger, he could only vent his anger on his own players:

"What's wrong with the tactics? It's been this way for so many years. Don't talk nonsense with your eyes open. It's difficult for domestic coaches. What's wrong?"

Sometimes you can't help but look for your own reasons. Has your level improved over the years? Have you taken serious defense? "

The players were speechless. Didn't you ask us to shoot three-pointers? Now you asked us if we defended seriously?

Why do you have the nerve to say such nonsense?

If this were left to the NBA, Roy Williams would probably have been criticized long ago.

If you want to launch a short video APP, his words can make him lose millions of followers.

But in college, there are only a few players who dare to challenge their coaches.

After venting, you still have to change your strategy.

Although he was very reluctant, Roy Williams was forced to adjust and let everyone strengthen their defense of three-pointers.

Any fool knows that if he does this, Ryan will become active again and the cage will open again.

But that’s the way basketball is, it’s the lesser of two evils.

Now Roy Williams would rather let Ryan score two points than be killed by a bunch of three-pointers.

As a result, the game entered Ryan's performance moment.

He pushed away his opponent and scored a dunk.

He ran back to the mid-range shot and succeeded.

He caught the ball in the mid-range and took a feint shot before entering the penalty area and dunking hard.

After bypassing the screen, he made a steady two-pointer.

Ryan is completely crazy and no one can guard him.

So much so that Kansas used a total of five people to take turns guarding Ryan today. To be honest, Ryan had never had such a good time in KTV.

Facing someone shorter than himself, he would cut to the basket.

When he encounters someone taller than himself, he uses a reverse run to get rid of him and then shoots.

When he meets someone who is similar to himself, he does both!

Although this kind of defense limited Wisconsin's three-pointers, Ryan's knife cut the flesh, and it would still hurt if he cut too much!

After the first half, Ryan had scored 23 points.

You know, an NCAA halftime game only lasts 20 minutes!

This amazing scoring efficiency forced Roy Williams to adjust his strategy again:

"Forget it, let's shrink the basket!"

As a result, in the second half, Roy Williams really made the right bet!

In the second half of the game, Wisconsin's three-point shooting percentage began to decline.

The shooting percentage of many wide-open opportunities is no longer as high as before.

One thing to say is that the overall three-point ability of players in this era is indeed not as good as that of players twenty years later.

In the league twenty years from now, centers will not be able to shoot three-pointers, so they can only be a baguette in the penalty area that everyone wants to take a bite of, often appearing in dunk highlights of major stars.

In this era, let alone centers, it is nothing new that guards cannot shoot three-pointers.

It's amazing that Wisconsin can hit a half-court game.

In the second half, due to the decline in three-point shooting percentage and the shrinking defense faced by Ryan, it became more difficult to attack.

Therefore, Kansas still stubbornly recovered the score slowly.

Ryan used strong defense to restrict Hinrich and Collison, but they were not the only ones in Kansas who could score.

The two forward lines of Langford and Ximing shined today and carried the team's offense.

The second half was full of twists and turns and climaxes one after another.

Go ahead, tie, take the lead again, and stalemate each other.

This kind of game can best reflect the excitement of March Madness!

The two teams faced off in the second half until the last 57 seconds of the game, with the University of Wisconsin temporarily trailing by 2 points.

Even though 57 seconds seems quite long, at this stage there are 35 NCAA seconds in one round, which is enough for two rounds.

Wisconsin's offense was also not going well this time, because after consecutive three-pointers, everyone's three-pointers were not as decisive as before.

Until the last 8 seconds of the attack time, the University of Wisconsin did not find a particularly good offensive opportunity.

After receiving the ball in the last 6 seconds, Ryan strode to the basket and prepared to attack the frame, but was caught by Nick Collison, Wayne Siming and Langford.

There was no other way, Ryan could only find his teammates before time ran out.

Well, now Ryan didn't even leave a pass for Ajan in the last few seconds!

Because his passing attributes are not high enough, Ryan is not very fast in getting the ball out of the trap, and his accuracy is not very good, making it impossible for his teammates to comfortably catch the ball and shoot directly.

By the time the ball was passed to Harris, Hinrich had already rotated up.

But Harris still shot, after all, time no longer allowed him to pass the ball again.

Harris desperately hopes that this three-pointer will allow the team to take the lead at the critical moment. Ryan has already scored 31 points today, while Harris, under Hinrich's defense, has only scored 9 points today.

This has made Harris blame herself very much.

With 9 points in a single game, what's the difference between me and a weakling like James?

Therefore, he extremely hopes to score this key goal and contribute to the victory!

But Harris's hope was dashed. Under Hinrich's interference, his shot finally bounced out of the frame.

At that moment, Wisconsin fans were in despair.

If this goal is not scored, the University of Wisconsin will have to use a tactical foul to send the opponent to the free throw line.

At that time, all the initiative lies with Kansas!

In the end, is it still impossible to reach the elite eight?

Just when the Wisconsin fans were desperate, Collison, who jumped up to grab the board, felt someone pressing him from behind.

Ryan jumped hard and succeeded in making up the dunk through Collison.

It’s not unusual for Ryan to make a put-in dunk from another person, but this time, after Ryan jumped up, his head completely surpassed the basket, and the front half of his forearm also surpassed the basket. He held the basketball at an incredible height, and then made a put-back dunk from another person. Points deducted!

This height is like hanging a wire.

After an astonishing extra dunk, Ryan scored his 33rd point of the game. And in the last 22 seconds of the game, he helped the team equalize the score!

Kevin Harlan yelled: "

Ryan saves the University of Wisconsin again!

With 33 points and 12 rebounds, Ryan did everything a star can do today.

He carried his team and crawled towards the semi-finals stage bit by bit! "

Roy Williams was so angry that he smashed the tactical board to pieces. The team made no mistakes in the previous defense, and Collison also blocked the rebound position.

But Ryan still used his personal ability to turn decay into magic!

There is simply nothing in the world that hurts morale more than being able to defend yourself only to be dunked by someone else.

Roy Williams could only endure his anger and use the last timeout to arrange the offense.

In the last 22 seconds, Kansas was definitely not in a hurry and was definitely trying to delay the time as much as possible.

Because even if the final shot doesn't go in, it's just overtime.

But if he makes a rash move and the University of Wisconsin gets the ball and counterattacks, it is very likely that he will dig his own grave.

So no matter what, Kansas will keep the ball until the end and won't take it away easily. I would rather not take action than take action easily.

Beau Ryan also knew this very well, so he specifically told Harris:

"Use your speed advantage, be more active in your rotation, and control their passing routes as much as possible!"

Beau Ryan hopes that Harris will use his mobility advantage to cut off the passing route and force the opponent to make a mistake.

If it succeeds, the situation will be reversed immediately!

In a basketball game, who would love to play overtime? Not all ball games are better with longer overtime.

In a single-elimination game like March Madness, you must be able to win the best directly to avoid long nights and dreams.

Devin Harris clenched his fists. He was still worried about missing the key shot just now.

If Ryan hadn't used an incredible height to complete the cover-up dunk, the current situation would be unimaginable.

Today, everyone worked so hard and fought so hard, and Ryan gave it his all.

As an adopted son, I have to do something!

I won't lose to anyone because I have the hardest dick in Wisconsin!

After the timeout, as soon as Ryan stood up, Harris punched Ryan hard on the shoulder:

"I'll steal the ball!"

Ryan frowned and said nothing.

In this situation, if I had to say something, Ryan would probably yell: "It hurts, bastard!"

As the game continued, Roy Williams chose a conservative strategy and did not rush to attack.

They would rather drag the game directly into overtime than risk losing the ball.

Just keep controlling it until the end. When the time comes, if you can throw one in, it will go in. If you can't, it doesn't matter.

Wisconsin's position began to press forward, forcing Kansas to keep passing the ball.

Harris is the most active among them, and he has been chasing the basketball tirelessly.

But how easy is it to complete a steal? At this time, Harris was just like a clown being teased by a group of people.

But no matter how the opponent passes, even if there seems to be no chance of stealing at all, Harris will still actively try to block it like a dog chasing a bone.

With six seconds left in the game, Langford absentmindedly passed the ball to Hinrich, preparing to let the team's brain decide the game's final possession.

The reason why it was passed carelessly is because this tug-of-war has consumed a lot of energy from the players, and it is now difficult to stay focused all the time.

Secondly, there was no one in front of Hinrich, because Harris, who was responsible for guarding him, had just rushed towards Langford to intercept the pass and was not beside Hinrich.

Everyone in the audience felt that there was no problem with this ball, but the moment Langford passed the ball, Harris still immediately changed direction and ran towards the passing route.

Harris was still far away from the passing route at this time, so Hinrich did not take the initiative to catch the ball, but stood still and waited for the ball to fly over.

But just when Hinrich was about to catch the basketball, he saw Harris breaking into his field of vision!

Harris appeared like an afterimage in an instant.

That baby face showed a rare look of ferocity.

Hinrich was confused. Harris was clearly far away from the passing route just now.

Why so quickly?


The basketball was poked by Harris's fingertips and missed the target. Kansas fans were shaken at that moment, thinking it was over.

But fortunately, Harris didn't get the ball directly.

Harris did burst out with incredible speed just now, but the distance was too far after all, and he could only barely catch up and poke the basketball away, unable to intercept the ball directly.

After the basketball was destroyed, it rolled towards Aaron Myers who was diagonally behind Hinrich.

All Miles had to do was bend down, pick up the basketball, and wait for the game to end to safely send the game into overtime.

But as soon as he bent down and before his hand touched the basketball, Harris was already in front of him and picked up the ball first! Harris still didn't give up. He was like a crazy cheetah, biting the basketball from beginning to end!

Just like that, the basketball that was so close to Miles was suddenly snatched away by Harris!

At this time, the game time was close to zero, so Harris immediately called a timeout after getting the ball.


The referee's whistle sounded and the time on the timer was fixed at 1.1.

In the last 1.1 seconds, Devin Harris used the spirit of never giving up to grab a winning chance!

"Beautiful steal! This is the best part of competitive sports!

The struggle to never give up and the determination to win with all your strength!

These qualities in Harris are far more precious than his speed!

Devin Harris completed the impossible task. His performance before today was very average, allowing his opponent Hinrich to have the upper hand.

But his steal was enough to change the game!

In the last 1.1 seconds, anything can happen! "

Amid the shouts of the on-site commentary, an exhausted Harris hugged the basketball, lay on the floor, and gasped for breath.

Ryan walked up to pull his adopted son up. As soon as he approached Harris, Harris, who was lying on the ground, raised the basketball: "I grabbed it for you, Ryan!"

Ryan smiled and reached out, grabbed Harris' forearm, pulled him up, and then touched Harris' head:

"We will definitely go to the Final Four!"

The applause was endless. This was undoubtedly the most exciting scene in this year’s March Madness so far.

But over there in Kansas, it was a completely different atmosphere.

Roy Williams is going crazy, why are the troubles happening one after another today!

Why can a trashy team like Wisconsin be so powerful?

Williams shook his head and tried to calm down. Now was not the time to get angry.

So far this season, he has been troubling Ryan.

Since the results of this group came out, everyone has been paying attention to this game.

Therefore, he must win!

This is related to his honor as a famous college coach!

It's about how big a contract he can sign with North Carolina next!

Beau Ryan is also arranging tactics in the last 1.1 seconds. This arrangement in the last 1.1 seconds may be more important than the previous arrangement of 39 minutes and 58.9 seconds.

After the coaches from both sides made nervous arrangements, the game started again.

The University of Wisconsin served a sideline kick, and all the fans stood up at this moment.

This kind of round, where one goal determines the outcome of a game, makes all fans restless.

The ratings of the game soared wildly, and almost all fans were paying attention to the focus round of the focus battle.

Wilkins kicked the ball from the sideline, and Ryan set a screen for Harris. Harris broke out of the screen to catch the ball, but Ryan immediately took it away and wandered to a zero-degree angle in the mid-range.

The pick-and-roll is fake, Ryan catching the ball is real!

Beau Ryan's tactic is to let Ryan catch the ball and make a mid-range shot at the last moment!

Wilkins also immediately passed the ball, but the next second, Kirk Hinrich, the future legendary Bulls captain, arrived in time and reached out to destroy the ball!

Hinrich, who has a very high basketball IQ, saw that Harris was just feinting, so he was staring at Ryan from beginning to end!

The basketball was pushed out of the baseline, and there were only 0.6 seconds left in the game!

Kansas can be said to have dragged the game into overtime!

"Kirk Hinrich changed the game again!

Ryan's key putback dunk, Harris' desperate steal, and Hinrich's devastating steal. God, this game is a classic among classics even if we look at the entire NCAA history! "

Hinrich raised his arms high, he also didn’t want to fall down here!

Beau Ruian felt as if his throat was being strangled and he couldn't breathe.

Unexpectedly, the final tactic was resolved by Hinrich.

In the last 0.6 seconds, there is no pause.

Overtime seemed a sure thing.

At this time, Bo Ruian had an idea and thought of a solution that was not a solution.

He took advantage of the dead ball opportunity to gather the players on the sidelines and verbally arranged a few words.

Roy Williams immediately complained to the referee, and the referee went to warn Beau Ryan, who was defending himself.

Bickering, cheering, gasping players. The whole stadium exuded a tense atmosphere.

Wilkins glanced at Ryan and swallowed nervously.

"The coach just arranged that."

"It doesn't matter, just do as he says."

The last 0.6 seconds of the game officially started. Wilkins went to the baseline to prepare for the kickoff, while Ryan was near the free throw line. From this position, he could run from left to right.

Hinrich is sure that the University of Wisconsin's final attack will definitely be handed over to Ryan.

So he directed his teammates to position themselves. He mainly defended the left side of the free throw line, and the other two perimeter defenders guarded the right side of the free throw line.

Collison and Ximing guard the basket inside.

In this way, no matter how the University of Wisconsin passes the ball and no matter how Ryan runs back, there is no chance.

Beau Ryan stood nervously on the sidelines. The next goal could be said to be purely based on Ryan's personal ability!

The referee blew the whistle, then handed the ball to Wilkins, and the game officially began!

The moment the referee's whistle blew, Ryan took a step to the left.

Hinrich moved laterally and prepared to block, but in an instant, Ryan ran back and changed direction.

Hinrich lost track of Ryan, who was running extremely fast, but it didn't matter, there was also someone guarding the other side.

However, what happened next was beyond Hinrich's expectation.

Because Ryan's reverse run was not to the right, but to the middle, straight to the basket!

Hinrich's eyes widened. What did that guy want to do? Walking under the basket? There's no way he can catch the ball!

Normally, Ryan really can't catch the ball.

After all, at this time, Kansas power forward Wayne Siming was raising his arms to interfere with Wilkins' pass, blocking his frontal passing route. It was impossible for Wilkins to pass the ball directly through the opponent's body. Bar.

But what about a less routine pass?

Wilkins threw the ball directly into the air, and the basketball jumped over Ximing who was blocking him in front of him and jumped into the air.

That's right, for this baseline ball, Beau Ryan directly asked Wilkins to pass an alley-oop to Ryan!

The only difficulty now is that Ryan has to dunk the ball under the obstruction of Collison and Ximing!

Ximing and Collison immediately raised their arms to block the basket. At this time, Ryan, who was running in, had also caught the basketball in the air.

Collison and Wilkins both jumped up, like a double blocker in a volleyball game.

But because their bullet speed and bounce were average, they had just barely lifted their feet off the ground when Ryan had already bumped into them, crushing them!

Ryan slammed into the two of them, and his body that was gliding forward was suddenly braked.

But at that moment, Ryan's body seemed to be suspended in the air. Unable to continue gliding, Ryan separated Ximing and Collison, waved his long arm hard, and smashed the ball toward the basket!


There was a loud bang from the basket, and Ryan was knocked flat and fell to the ground.

The whole place was silent, except for the sound of basketballs hitting the wooden floor.

After a brief silence, the fans cheered like an erupting volcano!

Kevin Harlan also came back to his senses, picked up the microphone and shouted:

"Ryan succeeded in an alley-oop dunk with two people separated!

With only 0.1 seconds left in the game, the University of Wisconsin takes the lead!

Ryan, using his legendary 118 centimeters jump, alley-oop dunk to win!

Ryan created a great game!

And only great players can create great games!

Note, I am talking about greatness like Jordan and Magic! "

At this moment, all fans across the country were shouting in surprise at Ryan's shocking performance.

Alley-oop dunk to win? There is simply no more exciting way to advance!

Ryan successfully became the center of attention on the biggest stage!

Thanks to Lang G for coming back, I won’t wait for the boss’s reward tonight! Just give me 6.5K chapters, one chapter is as good as three chapters for others. No one in the public period is as conscientious as me! I am a conscientious old friend, please kneel down and beg for a monthly ticket and continue to read! Thank you all!

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