He just played basketball and became the chosen one.

Chapter 54: The pain is borne by Davis, Ryan is also part of the Wild West!

Although under the influence of media public opinion, Ryan successfully became a brave boy who resisted bullying.

But after all, he beat someone, and he beat him hard.

James stopped talking and beat him until he was speechless.

Ricky Davis also suffered a laceration to his lip, a broken nose, and a fractured brow bone.

Therefore, no matter whether Ryan is famous or not, Stern still has to suspend Ryan for a few games.

Lest the audience still think that our NBA is some kind of barbaric league.

In the end, the league decided to suspend Ryan for three games and fine him $5,000.

Nene received the same treatment, but Ryan kept his word and helped Nene pay the fine.

In addition to being fined 5,000, Nene will also be booked for three absenteeism games this month, and will not be paid for the games he misses.

Ryan then also used his own money to help Nene pay for the three games.

Although Nene is not short of money, it is not a matter of money. Nene feels that Ryan is really interesting!

The fact that Ryan helped Nene pay the fine and supplement his salary also made Ryan's status within the Nuggets even higher.

Because a person who is loyal is often more likely to gain respect in men's circles.

Again, if you help a woman pay the bill, she will feel it is natural. But if you help your brother pay the bill, you can upgrade to become a father!

In just five games, Ryan has become the de facto boss of the Nuggets!

On the other hand, Ajan still has to follow Ricky Davis.

This "turnover game" originally expected by Nike really widened the gap between Ryan and James in every aspect.

Speaking of James, he was also punished by the league.

For diving and maliciously hugging Ryan, James was suspended for five games and fined 10,000.

Of course, a five-game suspension means nothing. Because James had to undergo jaw repair and reconstruction surgery, he had to recuperate for more than five games.

The biggest punishment was that James' popularity plummeted due to this incident.

Nike will need to spend a lot of energy to help James reshape his image.

Ricky Davis was even worse. He was directly labeled as racist.

In addition to being suspended and fined, he also has to publicly apologize to Ryan and then leave the team indefinitely!

Those things about racial discrimination were almost all tacitly blamed on Ricky Davis by the media.

This created an atmosphere of public opinion: James just made a mistake that a young boy would easily make, but Davis? He deserves death!

If Nike can't operate Ryan, can it also fail to operate Ricky Davis?

Davis was convinced, but he was beaten because he saved A Zhan. In the end, he didn't get any benefits, and instead became the scapegoat!

This society is too dark, and high school students have so many tricks! ?

Davis can just have some fun, it's all good for him. The Cavaliers just need to trade him, and then he can continue to play when the limelight passes.

At least he didn't sacrifice 20 million for James, but James turned around and ran away.

Even if this storm ends like this, James will be seriously injured.

But the season is still going on, and Ajan and Nike are also waiting for the opportunity to overtake in corners.

After experiencing a series of farce, on November 8, the Nuggets team will go to New York for a battle with the Knicks.

Although Ryan was suspended, he still traveled with the team.

Don't ask, just ask: "Of course I have to stay with my family! Even if we don't play, we still have to fight together! We are tired of logging! We are all fighting for our families!"

Wesley finally discovered that Ryan's talent in "talking to people and talking to ghosts" is better than Ajan's!

If you give him a shot, he is really awesome.

The only difference is that the darts thrown by Ryan will not hit himself.

Did Ryan come to New York this time to fight with his family?

Yes, but not entirely!

He came to New York to sign a contract!

As soon as she arrived at the hotel, Nene saw several stylists entering Ryan's room and working on it for several hours.

Finally, Ryan walked out of the room wearing a handsome all-black suit.

Nene's hand holding the game controller instantly relaxed: "Didn't we agree to play live together in the evening?"

"As promised, you'll kick me when I get back, adopted son! Hey, adults are always very busy."

Half an hour later, Ryan appeared at the Dior autumn and winter ready-to-wear series launch reception in New York.

Seeing Ryan's arrival, the reporters at the scene were very surprised and pressed their shutters frantically.

In the previous fights, Ryan didn't just escape unscathed.

But it became famous because of it!

Now the whole world knows that the NBA has such a positive anti-bullying fighter who is not easy to mess with, which has sucked a wave of traffic for Ryan.

As the hottest new basketball star today, even people who don't watch basketball know who Ryan is.

However, this is the first time in history that a basketball star has attended a Dior reception.

But don't tell me, Ryan's style is very different from those big and fat NBA stars.

With the efforts of the stylist and Ryan's already "ordinary Louis Koo"-like conditions, he looked like a model today.

Although Ryan has a typical Asian face, because his facial features are very three-dimensional, his appearance is also considered to be indiscriminate in Europe and America.

Originally, aesthetics are the same all over the world, and everyone likes good-looking things. Otherwise, it cannot be explained why the European and American regions are also very popular in Asia.

Ryan, who has long been accustomed to flashing lights, walked calmly across the red carpet and entered the reception.

As soon as he walked in, many people greeted Ryan.

After all, sports stars are a rare species at Dior cocktail parties, so they naturally attracted the attention of most people.

Although it was a cocktail party, Ryan only got a glass of juice because he was not yet old enough, and waited for Michael Burke, the CEO of Dior's North America region.

That's right, Ryan is here to sign an endorsement contract with Dior today!

They have already negotiated a price with Wesley, 20 million over three years.

Today, Dior knew that Ryan happened to be in New York, so they specially invited Ryan to the reception to sign the contract, which seemed more sincere and ceremonial.

Ryan is relatively knowledgeable about Dior. After all, in the hot summer of her teenage years, Charlize Theron’s Dior perfume advertisement was one of the few moments of enlightenment for Ryan in Europe and the United States.

But what Ryan doesn't know is that Dior actually has many male spokespersons.

The most famous one should be pirate captain Johnny Depp.

The men's fragrance he endorses is also one of Dior's main products.

This time Dior also took a fancy to Ryan's flow and appearance, so he decided to open the scoring and sign a contract with the sports star.

Ryan stood at the reception holding juice, and most people greeted him friendly.

But there were also two women who looked like ladies talking behind Ryan’s back:

"I heard that his team is very good at running things. I guess he spent money to attend this cocktail party, right? It is said that many Chinese celebrities like to spend money to attend such occasions to improve their class!"

"It's just to gain traffic. If he was really invited, he would have gone to the sealed VIP area over there."

"Stop talking, let's find a good seat and take a photo with CEO Mr. Burke later!"

At this time, the whole place suddenly became restless.

One man attracted the attention of the audience. He was Michael Burke, CEO of Dior North America.

Along with him was Delphine Arnault, the group's eldest princess and future heir to the company.

They are well-known in the fashion industry. Everyone who attended the reception raised their glasses to pay tribute to them and took the opportunity to take photos.

The two women who had just discussed Ryan naturally immediately squeezed into the crowd and wanted to take a photo with the two big guys.

Seeing Burke and Delphine walking towards them, the two women clenched their fists with excitement, and their diamond nails were embedded into the flesh of their palms.

As a result, Burke and Delphine just smiled politely at them, and then

Walking towards Ryan with open arms.

"Ryan, it's such an honor to have you here!"

"Welcome, Ryan. Are you still used to drinking? Come on, go to the office, let's talk slowly!"

After that, the eldest princess and the CEO surrounded Ryan and walked into the VIP area that was cordoned off.

Both women's faces turned red, but luckily, Ryan didn't seem to hear them just now.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Ryan turned his head and winked at them: "Goodbye, two foul-mouthed ladies. It is very impolite to talk about others behind their backs."

The two women stood there awkwardly, as if they had been stripped naked.

Ryan doesn't tolerate them, he looks down on others with his stubbornness! So when it comes to quality, the richer the person, the better!

After entering the office, Burke excitedly took out the contract:

"I believe Mr. Wesley has told you the details of the contract. If there is no problem, let's sign the contract!"

At this time, the office door was opened again, and a woman was brought into the office.

Ryan turned his head and was stunned for a second.

I was just thinking about Theron's enlightening commercial, but now the real Theron is standing in front of me!


Why does it feel like she has become so short!

Now with this damn height of 2.03 meters, Ryan saw that Theron, who was 1.82 meters tall in high heels, was stunned to see how 1.4 meters felt!

So in just one second, Ryan looked away from Theron and quickly signed the contract.

Looking at women? Can women be eaten? It would be wise to take these 20 million away quickly!

After signing the contract, Ryan nodded politely to everyone in the room:

"Thank you for the hospitality. I would also like to stay at the reception for a while. But you know, I have to train tomorrow morning, so..."

"I'll see you off Ryan!" Burke led Ryan out, leaving only Theron and the group's eldest princess.

Theron looked at Ryan who was walking away. Although the little boy was an athlete, he was quite good-looking.

Young, confident and full of youthful energy.

Moreover, he still kept his eyes open in front of himself.

Unlike most perverts!

"So...he is my next shooting partner?"

Seeing Theron ask this, the eldest princess shrugged:

"It's all Burke's idea! I've said before that I only want to do your special series of ads, but he insists on saying that men and women are not tired when they work together, traffic + traffic, there is so much traffic! Hey, I can't beat him!"

"It doesn't matter, just listen to Burke. Your father's company is able to achieve what it is now, and Burke is indispensable!"

The next morning, in the hotel restaurant, the Nuggets players who were having breakfast saw the news that Ryan was attending a Dior cocktail party.

Looking at Ryan who is as handsome as an entertainment star in the photo, everyone couldn't help but joke:

"Nene, wasn't your kid driven to the corridor to sleep last night?"

"Ah? Why do you say that?"

"Because it's impossible for Ryan to go to a cocktail party like this without bringing a female celebrity back! Don't you look redundant in the room?"


"Don't talk nonsense, my adoptive father who is clean and tidy came back alone!"

Ryan did not participate in the discussion and continued to eat breakfast.

At this time, the Nuggets' No. 1 loser, ah, the Nuggets' water fountain manager, Skotishvili, pointed at the newspaper and shouted:

"Charlize Theron also went to the reception yesterday? Ryan, did you see her?"

Ryan calmly put down the glass of milk: "More than just seeing her, she and I are in the same room."

"Holy crap! Do you want to get her phone number?"

"Phone number? I didn't ask for it. I asked for 20 million and came back."

"You're stupid! Damn, you have such a good opportunity, but you don't think of ways to make a date with her!"

Ryan glanced at Scotishvili in confusion, "It's not 20 million and a phone number. You have the nerve to call me stupid!" ? It seems like you don’t just have a low basketball IQ!

Soon, the best loser in Denver said to himself: "But Hawking said that even in infinite parallel universes, you can't date a woman like Theron.

Even you may not be able to date her.

You were right to choose 20 million.

Wait, 20 million!

Ryan, you signed another 20 million before you finished receiving 120 million! ? "

Ryan finished his breakfast and wiped his mouth:

"I said, you usually read less street literature. Would Hawking say such a thing?

Okay, I just signed a small endorsement contract without any surprises. There is nothing worth discussing.

Come on, everyone, our goal is to take victory from New York! "

The whole team also roared in agreement with Ryan, and then.

Then the Nuggets lost!

Not only did they lose to New York, but the Nuggets also lost to the Mavericks and SuperSonics.

Without Ryan, the Nuggets have no stable offensive point at all.

Without Nene, the Nuggets' interior defense and offensive diversity are also greatly reduced.

Although the Nuggets still have Birdie and Camby inside, the current Birdman is immature, and Camby has lost the defensive enthusiasm he had in New York and now loves to block shots and rebound.

In addition, New York, Dallas and Seattle are not weak teams, so the Nuggets cannot win at all.

Ryan is convinced, you guys can't win this game without me!

Hey, as a rookie, I have to shoulder the responsibility of the thigh. So sometimes I envy Ajan. He has been in the industry for seven or eight years and he can still go to Miami and hug other people's legs.

Unlike Ryan, who is doomed to a lifetime of hard work.

The Nuggets lost three games in a row and their record became 4 wins and 4 losses.

Good news: Ryan is coming back.

Bad news: Although Ryan is back, the Nuggets' next opponent is still difficult to deal with. It is the Lakers F4 who started with 6 wins and 2 losses!

Many people talk about the failure of Lakers F4, but in fact, Lakers F4 won 56 games in the regular season and successfully reached the finals. Although they did not win the championship, they are by no means a weak team.

Unlike the Lakers F4 led by someone, they didn't even make the play-offs.

Now in people's eyes, Lakers F4 is a very strong existence.

Nike is going to cry, he can finally see Ryan suffering the hardships of the Wild West!

But Ryan didn't think so.

Kobe had to miss the next game because he had to go to court again.

In other words, the Lakers' strongest defensive point is gone.

Therefore, Ryan feels that no one in the Lakers can match him!

Don’t forget, Lane itself is also part of the Wild West!

It’s time to let the West be number one and suffer the hardships of the Wild West!

Another 4K chapter is presented. I beg you to read it, give me monthly votes, and give me rewards. Thank you all!

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