He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 995 Mongoose Zhan vs Rice Spoon Snake!

"Well, this..."

The other party's rather eager inquiry also made Xiao Lan basically affirmed that the other party should be an existence similar to her own.

There is no soul in the body, but there is a set of memories that are different from ordinary people...

It seems to be a completely different way of traveling?

Thinking of this, Xiaolan regained her composure slightly, and replied:

"Later, that madman was arrested by the authorities. As for what happened next, I don't know~"

She started pretending to be a fool and throwing the pot away.

Seeing this, Xiaoyao made a gesture to take out the illustration book and search for relevant news.

She doesn't know why she and Yuki crossed paths... But if there are other cases now, it needs to be studied carefully.

"Don't look for it, this matter has been completely blocked in our place, and there is no news on the Internet."

Xiaolan just interrupted Xiaoyao's search on the spot, and even added:

"The only ones who know about this are our locals...but if you ask, most people probably won't tell you."

A few words directly blocked the road.

Seeing Xiaoyao immediately lost in thought, Xiaolan just hummed a ditty and looked at the TV screen again.

It feels so good to suppress others on the information gap!

"Hey, don't say it, this feeling...!"

I don't know why, after Xiaolan tasted the pleasure of sister Bilan tricking others, she has a faint tendency to become addicted...

On the screen, the second match was the battle of the boy named Xiao Shun.

Poison Qiangwei used several gorgeous moves one after another, and within a short while, easily killed the opposite trainer who couldn't see his face clearly, and easily advanced to the semi-finals.

Xiao Shun even held a rose with thorns in his hand and put it to his nose to sniff lightly. This appearance instantly made the audience boil.

The gorgeous contest is different from the battle in the gymnasium... The popularity of the crowd is also an indicator of the strength of the coordination trainer.

"Tsk, this kid is even more flirtatious than me...!"

In the crowd, Kojiro couldn't help complaining.

But it seems that the strength is not easy, I don't know how many rounds Musashi can pass...


"Hey, it's my turn~!"

Soon, the third battle was between Xiaolan and an unknown trainer B.

Xiaolan once again released a cute baby with a big mouth, which she planned to cultivate as her trump card in the Fangyuan area.

It's just that the Hercules mentioned in the illustrated book did not appear on Big Mouth Baby.

"A new feature after mega evolution...?"

Even so, the appearance of the big mouth baby itself and the disparity in personality are still extremely confusing.

A set of fake crying followed by fright breaks the opponent's psychology, and the last frolic ends the battle easily.

The big-mouthed baby with the fairy attribute can always show his cuteness and charm in battle, which can be said to have an advantage.

"Come on Xiaolan!! Don't embarrass us Zhenxin Town!!"

Off the court, Xiaozhi, who had already been defeated, sat next to Xiaogang, and said a classic moral kidnapping, which raised Xiaolan high.

As for the final fourth game...

"Xiaoyao contestant, against Musashi Wei contestant!!"

The host, Vivienne, introduced with high spirits that she never expected that such an ordinary grand competition would gather so many monsters... young talents this time.

"Cold knowledge, contestant Xiaoyao is also a trainer who just started traveling this year, we look forward to her good results!"

"As for contestant Wei Musang, according to her own statement, she is a coordinator trainer who has grown up for many years, although no such person has been found yet..."

After the host's introduction, the two appeared on the stage one after another, appearing on both sides of the arena.

"The little girl of the novice trainer, it's no big deal~!"

Musashi looked extremely confident.

"Xiaoyao? It really doesn't seem like a big deal."

In the lounge, Xiao Shun glanced at the screen and stopped looking at the screen, apparently not paying attention to the girl.


Yuki, who was in the same lounge as him, tilted his head back indifferently.

He always felt that Xiaoyao was the person he knew...

If this is the case, then her strength is only half a chip inferior to his own, and she is definitely an extremely terrifying woman.

But if not...


Soon, on the stage, two women threw their pokeballs at the same time.


The one sent by Musashi is naturally her number one general in the Fangyuan area, with a high-level rice spoon snake.

The one in front of Xiaoyao is not the fire chicken of the original Yusanjia, or the evolved strong chicken.

It's an upright humanoid animal-headed Pokémon with a chubby body, and a cat's head can be seen faintly.

She was covered in snow-white fur with streaks of blood-red patterns, and the two palms hanging down each had two sharp claws.

The ferocious expression seems to be quite irritable.

"This is...!?"

Xiaozhi, who turned into a passerby, saw this kind of Pokémon for the first time, and quickly took out the illustration book.

"Didi. Mongoose Slash, a Pokémon with normal attributes. The memory of the battle with the old enemy, the rice spoon snake, is engraved into the DNA. The sharp claws are its most terrifying weapon."

The illustration book reminded seriously.

"An old enemy? Interesting..."

Xiaozhi showed a curious look.

At this moment in the arena, Rice Spoon Snake and Mongoose Zhan also noticed each other for the first time, and they showed their fierceness in an instant.

The fur on the mongoose's back was blown up, it was so vicious!

"Speaking of these two Pokémon..."

Xiao Gang noticed that no matter it was the cat beating the weasel or the rice spoon snake, they all had lightning-like patterns on their bodies, just like the scars left after the bloody battle.

This battle of old enemies instantly attracted everyone's attention, and the movement was lively.

The battle begins!


"Calm down first, Mongoose Slash!"

As the five-minute countdown officially began, Xiaoyao immediately restrained the mongoose chop's urge to kill regardless of everything.


Although Mongoose Zhan had a grumpy expression, he unexpectedly obeyed the command and just put out his sharp claws on the spot.

This is the Pokémon that Xiaoyao's father, the trainer of Chenghua Gym, gave her by Qianli, and the level is not low.

"Hey, calm down, rice spoon snake!"

On the other hand, Musashi is also trying to command the rice spoon snake.


However, the rice spoon snake didn't respond to Musashi at all, and the whole snake jumped out so quickly, opened its bloody mouth and slashed at the mongoose.

This is the imprint of the old enemy from the memory, allowing it to ignore everything around it.

Comparing the commanding power of the two trainers, Musashi deducted part of his HP at the beginning.


The Rice Spoon Snake didn't care about anything at all. At this moment, he only wanted to completely kill the opponent in front of him.

The body sprang out close to the ground, and then spiraled away, intending to kill the mongoose completely.

However, Xiaoyao calmly instructed:

"Mongoose Slash, use Sword Dance!"

The mongoose slashed knowingly, its fat body spun on the spot at high speed, and its sharp claws turned into dangerous spinning top blades, forcing the rice spoon snake to loosen its body and dare not tighten it at all.

He cleverly resisted the moves, and even increased his attack power... This made Musashi lose another tube of blood.

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