He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 998 What a ruthless chicken!

The instant sneak attack rushed in, Yuuki just repeated the old trick in a calm manner.

"Use protection!"

Protecting this move is definitely the most unsolvable move in the gorgeous contest... It must defend the opponent's move, which also means that it will inevitably reduce the opponent's HP.

It seems that they have noticed this bug mechanism. The gorgeous contest deducts the opponent's health for the protection moves, which is much lower than the general defense moves.

But no matter how few mosquitoes are, they are still meat.

However, this scene made Xiaolan's eyes brighten.

"Now, use the tooth of the spirit!!"

After the words fell, I saw a strong pink electric energy flashing on the teeth of the strange mandible protruding from the big mouth baby.

Even at the very front, a pink phantom of giant teeth appeared.

Bang bang! !

The mental fangs even directly gnawed through the protective barrier, and just bit on the body of the Marsh Leaping Fish without hindrance.

"Wow, what kind of move is this?!"

At the opening stage, Xiaozhi was amazed again and again, and quickly took out the illustration book.

"Didi. The tooth of the spirit has the effect of instantly crushing barriers such as the opponent's light wall and reflective wall."

Although the official data didn't say it clearly, even as a protective barrier, the mental fangs had a very strong restraining effect.

beep! !

This blow was a solid attack, and it broke through the opponent's defense very nimbly and cleverly, which caused Yushu's blood bar to drop a lot in an instant, and he actually entered the state of dying candles on the spot.

You must know that the starting method of the mental tooth is the same as that of gnawing, the latter can change into the former in an instant, and it is impossible to guard against.

"Tsk tsk, not only Xiaozhi is so powerful, but now even the girls who are with him are not easy...?"

Yushu faintly felt crazy, his head was a little big.

Because he knew that Big Mouth Baby also mastered the "surprise attack" move.

So in the next battle, no matter how you want to attack, your opponent will be able to attack first, completely ending your blood bar...

"Big Mouth, use Fairy Wind!"

But without waiting for Yushu to get entangled, Big Mouth Baby flicked his strange big mouth on his head, and a pink breeze blew up on the whole stage, shining brightly.

Although the power of scraping...

But it looks good.

This also means that Yushu's blood bar has completely come to an end.

"It's appeared!! The first contestant to enter the final is Xiaolan contestant from Zhenxin Town!!" The host Vivienne said hastily, causing the audience to burst into loud noises.

I have to say, this is definitely a battle of high-quality coordination trainers.

"Nice job, Big Mouth~!"

Hearing that the game was over, Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief, stepped forward and hugged Big Mouth Baby eagerly.

Looking at it from the side, I thought this traverser was still troublesome... It's not a big problem to fight.

Of course, the victory or defeat in the Gorgeous Contest is more a test of control over the rules, and the gap in actual strength level is much smaller.

This scene also made Yuki on the opposite side sigh helplessly.

Unexpectedly, just after killing a man from Zhenxin Town, he turned around and was sniped by another man from Xinzhen Town...

The gorgeous contest is not suitable for me.

Marsh Leap: "..."

The marsh jumping fish next to him had a dull expression, just looking at Yushu like a wooden fish, which made Yushu's scalp tingle again.

It seems that we really need to find some time to show Marsh Leap Fish to see a doctor.

I don't know if there is a Pokemon psychiatrist in this world...



As for the other semi-final.

"Is your name Xiaoyao? It doesn't look like a vase...?"

Xiao Shun held the rose in his hand, and looked at the other party with a bit of teasing.

However, Xiaoyao didn't pay attention to the latter at all, just quietly waiting for the start of the game. This appearance made Xiaoshun a little frown.

Woman, you are playing with fire! !

boom! boom! !

As the two threw the poke ball together, the one in front of Xiao Shuan was naturally the signature Poison Rose.

In front of Xiaoyao is a strong humanoid Pokémon with chicken head and muscles, waving its vigorous lower limbs and sharp claws, with high fighting spirit.

"Oh! Strong chicken?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up immediately, and it seemed that Xiaoyao's turkey chicken had also completed its evolution.

He wanted to take a good look at the difference between other people's strong chickens and his own.

The strong chicken of the fire attribute obviously restrained the poisonous rose to death.

"Hmph~ attribute restraint is not the focus of the gorgeous competition~"

Xiao Shun was still trying to explain something, but Xiao Yao had already launched an attack.

"A flash of lightning!"

Whoosh! !

The strong chicken was extremely fast, and it turned into a white light arrow. Before the opponent could react, he was knocked out instantly.

"Tsk, don't talk about martial arts..."

Looking at the expression on the other side, there was no intention of joking at all, and Xiao Shun quickly became serious.

Then let you see the serious Xiaoshun!

"Use the magic leaf!!"

Poison Rose's two rose arms swung out, and countless green light leaves shot out, piercing the air.

"Spray flames!"

Xiaoyao's instructions were short and to the point.

Similarly, this strong chicken opened its mouth, and a beam of thick flame light instantly burned the countless green leaves that hit it into pieces and burned them up.

Boom Boom...!!

The flame even continued to castrate, and bombarded the target again!

Such a fierce offensive made Xiao Shun panic for a while, but fortunately, Poison Qiangwei's quality is not low, and she dodged the flames with an elegant dancing posture.



The blood bars of the two have dropped a little, and they are evenly matched.

"In this case, use super absorption!!"

Poison Qiangwei raised her arm, and several green vines stretched out like spirit snakes, completely binding the strong chicken.


The red light current lights up, constantly absorbing the opponent's physical strength.

General effect.

"Use Bodybuilder!"

Just as Xiaoyao's voice fell, Li Zhuang Chicken put on a fit posture on the spot.


The muscles of his body swelled up quickly, and he abruptly tore apart the opponent's green vines!

"Damn...then use the petal dance!!"

It's just that the poisonous rose just started to spin in place, causing beautiful pink cherry blossoms to fall...

Whoosh boom boom! !

In the next instant, the strong chicken had already turned into a huge fireball, and it rushed towards the target at such a rapid speed.

The speed was so fast that Poison Rose had no time to dodge.

Accumulated Flame Strike! !

Boom! !

With the terrible impact of the flames, the poisonous rose, which was halfway through its petal dance, slammed and flew several meters away.

The effect is outstanding! !

Don't look at Xiao Shun's health bar is still half.


However, after landing, Poison Qiangwei let out a wail, unable to fight on the spot, unable to get up.

"The winner has been divided, and the second person to enter the final is Xiaoyao from Chenghua City!!"

The host Vivienne shouted quickly.

This game ended a little too soon...


Even Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang, who were watching off the field, couldn't help but gasped.

What a ruthless chicken!

Although it has a bodybuilding attack power bonus...but this strength is really scary.

And compared to strength, Xiaoyao's fighting style is really fierce.

"Tsk tsk, your fighting is still so hard to breathe..."

Even Yuki on the other side couldn't help sighing, his scalp tingling secretly.

Well, let's slip first...!

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