He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter One Thousand and One: New Corydalis

Wait until the lightning smoke clears.


The head of this "Thunder God" has been separated from the body, and there is something like a spring connected in the middle, and the electric current sounds at the gap.

Xiaozhi: "?!"

robot? !

Only then did the three of them react inexplicably, no wonder this Thunder God didn't have the slightest aura of the legendary Pokémon.

However, this image is made to be lifelike...

"Hey! Everyone, my Thunder God didn't hurt you!!"

At this time, an old man came running from a distance, shouting in a drawn out voice.

The visitor had white hair standing up into spikes, and a white beard around his chin and mouth.

The chubby body is wearing a brown-yellow overalls and a yellow-black lightning-patterned lace shirt, which looks quite fancy and trendy.

With a smiling face, he maintains a hearty smile no matter what.

Tie Xuan, he is the inventor of this mechanical Thunder God. There is an electric induction device in his head, and he will run to areas rich in electric power to absorb and accumulate lightning.

In other words, this is the mobile battery he invented.

Especially in a thunderstorm, would get a lot of power... well, haven't tried that yet though.

Of course, it also has some combat capabilities.

Generally speaking, they will not approach people or Pokémon, and humans and animals are harmless.

"Tsk tsk, what a powerful lightning strike..."

But just now, Tie Xuan saw Pikachu's thunder move, and the movement was really scary.

"Did the powerful electricity of this electric mouse attract my Leigong's attention...?"

Tie Xuan rubbed his chin. From the looks of it, his machine Thunder still needs to be upgraded to version 2.0, otherwise, with its current size, it won't be able to withstand a few thunder strikes.

Today is the first time he has released the robot Lei Gong, so he deliberately chose the uninhabited suburb of Zijin City.

Well, it could also be a problem with this electric mouse...


After some conversation, the three of Xiaozhi knew the whole story.

"Haha, hello you three young men, I am the owner of Zijin gymnasium, Tie Xuan, haha ​​I'm really sorry..."

Tie Xuan would laugh out loud after saying a few words, although he was not young, he looked like a lively big child.

When saying this, Tie Xuan took a few more glances at Pikachu on Xiaozhi's shoulder.

He is an expert in electrical attributes, and he can feel the electrical cyst on the cheek of this foreign electric mouse, the powerful electricity stored...

Rather than the general kind of ornamental vase electric mouse with no power to restrain the chicken.

Before he entered Zijin City, he met Zhengjiao, Xiaozhi looked happy, and immediately challenged the laughing old man in front of him.

"Mr. Tiexuan, I am Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, and I want to challenge your Purple Violet Gym!!"

"Oh~ so it's the challenger~? No wonder it's so powerful~"

Tie Xuan looked Xiaozhi up and down, as if he was thinking about something.

Xiaozhi from the new town?

The name seems familiar too.

And with the power of this Pikachu, it seems...

"Young man, if it's a gymnasium battle, I don't know if you can send this electric mouse to fight?"

Tie Xuan suddenly said.

Xiaozhi scratched his head, not knowing what was going on...but it was not a big problem to fight against the electric attribute, so he quickly agreed.

"Haha, then I, Tie Xuan, will formally accept your challenge!!"

Tie Xuan laughed out loud, then said again:

"But the battle location will be in the new purple violet!"

Xiaozhi: "?"

He knew that Zijin City was the big city in front of him... He also knew that it was the bankrupt company that was once all the rage.

He also knew about Hai Zijin, it was the black-hearted factory in the sea...

Why now, a new Viola popped out?

"Haha, then three boys, come with me~"

Tie Xuan didn't explain much, he waved his hand with a smile, and led everyone towards Zijin City.

It was still early in the sky, and he planned to complete the challenge of the gymnasium today.

"Come out, Magneto Trinity!"

Tie Xuan also released two 3-in-1 magnet monsters, which activated magnetic currents up and down, and just lifted up the wreckage of the machine Thunder.

He is holding the damaged head of Robot Thunder.

The other party is so eager to fight, Xiaozhi is naturally happy to follow...


Corydalis City.

This is a modern big city. Although there are no high-rise buildings everywhere, the 7-8 storey buildings are closely arranged, which seems to have been specially planned.

Most of the residents passing by on the street are ordinary people who travel for leisure.

Instead of throwing a stone in the sky like Manjin City and Jinhuang City, there is a high probability of hitting a white-collar office worker.

"Grandpa Tie Xuan is good~!"

"What did the old man invent again~?"

Along the way, quite a few people greeted Tie Xuan, it seemed that he had quite a high status in this city.

"Ha ha!!"

Tie Xuan also walked a few steps and then looked up to the sky and laughed in response, like a child who hasn't grown up.

"How is it, is this city okay~?"

As he walked, Tie Xuan still didn't forget to turn around and ask the three of them.

Xiaozhi nodded... Although it is a big city, it still gives people a relaxed and comfortable feeling, a city that is very suitable for living.

"Haha, I am one of the planners of this city~!"

Tie Xuan touched his big belly, and praised himself without any trace.

He is not only a student of electrical engineering, but also a student of civil engineering...


Zijin City went straight all the way, and soon, everyone came to the Zijin Gym.

At the beginning is a narrow and long metal enclosed passage, surrounded by silver-white metal walls, nested layer by layer, as if leading to the future, full of sense of technology.

Inside is a wide indoor venue, separated by a few meters, neatly lined up with pillar-like metal devices.


As Tie Xuan pressed the remote control in his hand, an electric current was generated visible to the naked eye between these metal devices, and the flames burst out, which caused the three of Xiaozhi to be surprised.

And beyond these current pillars, you can also see a battle field.

"Haha, I built this gymnasium myself, isn't it not bad~?"

Showing off his operations in front of the juniors, Tie Xuan hummed a little song, feeling quite happy.

"Then next, it's the new Viola..."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, no matter how flashy it was, he cared more about this gymnasium challenge.


Tie Xuan pressed a switch again, and a metal wall not far from everyone suddenly cracked, revealing the appearance of the elevator.

"Then three, please~"

Tie Xuan took the lead and walked in the front into the elevator.

The three of Xiaozhi were at a loss, but soon followed into the elevator.

Whoosh...! !

The closed elevator began to descend rapidly, and it took a period of time that was definitely not short.

"Tsk tsk, this depth..."

Xiaogang was secretly startled, the rate of decline, and the time...

This is estimated to have landed hundreds of meters, which is already an extremely exaggerated depth distance.

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