He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1003 Zijin Gymnasium, vs Tiexuan!

"Well, after my investigation, although the energy source of this city is still electric energy...but the energy supply system is extremely advanced, and it is completely possible to realize the closed-loop operation of an underground city itself."

Tie Xuanben is an expert in the electrical field, and knows how terrifying the wisdom of the ancients who created this city is.

"But everything is restricted by this switch."

Tie Xuan pointed to the toilet rock statue in front of everyone.

It's not a power system, it's not a battery... it's just a switch.

As long as it is moved, this dead city can be truly operated and become a veritable dream city.

This is a great treasure for the entire Fangyuan area.

The current Tie Xuan is considered to be half a public family, so this new purple pansy is also a public property, and it is just waiting for how to operate this city to the public.

"So how do you open it?"

Xiaozhi scratched his head, and even stepped forward to knock on the rock sculpture twice, but there was no response.

But for some reason, he could feel a burst of anger from it, as if the statue was a living thing. "I was also confused, so this city has been stranded under Zijin City, and no one cares about it... until ten days ago, the whole Zijin City suddenly trembled."

Tie Xuan still remembered that day, the whole city suddenly trembled mysteriously, but Zijin City was not near the earthquake zone.

There is nothing unusual about the chimney volcano next to it.

Sensing that the source of the vibration came from the ground, Tie Xuan immediately entered the new purple violet to find out.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the rock sculpture trembling again and again.

It seems that someone lifted the seal, thus giving life to this rock statue.

This also gave Tie Xuan a new feeling in the dark.

The stuck switch can now be toggled.

"And from that day on, it's time to do this action in front of this statue... Do me a favor, Magneto 3 in 1."


The three-in-one Magneto next to him understood, and slowly flew towards the sculpture.

Zizizi! !

The magnetic force erupted, and a layer of blue current burst out in front of him, spreading outward.

Buzz buzz...! !

Although it was an ordinary electric discharge trick, it seemed that the existence of electric current was sensed, and the rock sculpture began to visibly shake with the naked eye.

"Is something coming out...?"

"But what's missing...?"

The three of Xiaozhi looked at each other, and a similar feeling appeared in their minds.

And as the discharge move ended, the rock statue also stopped shaking, as if nothing had happened.

"So the electric shock is the key to open the switch of this statue?"

Xiao Gang touched his chin, and now he completely understood.

So after seeing Xiaozhi Pikachu's electric shock, Tie Xuan asked Xiaozhi to send Pikachu to fight, and the location was chosen here.

"My electric shock is still a bit weak...but if it is a collision between electric shocks, maybe it can really turn on this switch!"

Tie Xuan's eyes were quite fiery.

Speaking of which, this rock statue is like the mechanical thunder he invented, and it is sensitive to strong electric shocks.

"In this case, let's start fighting immediately, I also want to see what will happen!"

Xiaozhi's eyes also brightened, and he would not refuse to fight with all his strength.

Just in front of this rock statue, there is an open space the size of a normal battle field, which can be used as the venue for the Gym Challenge.

Tie Xuan and Xiaozhi understood, they stood a few meters apart, and looked at each other from afar.

"Then the rule of the game is 2v2. If both Pokémon are defeated, the winner of the Gym Challenge will be determined!"

Tie Xuan said loudly, although the purpose is to activate the city through electric collision...but the Gym Challenge is also his job, so don't be careless.

call out...!

The three-in-one Magnemite from before slowly flew down in front of Tie Xuan, it seemed to be his first Pokémon.


Xiao Zhi thought to himself, if one must be Pikachu, then the other...

"It's up to you, Aoguyan!!"

With a backhand throw, Xiao Zhi sent Ao Gu Yan to the battlefield.

He had already made up his mind before, let his Proud Swallow have a good use of electric shock moves, and today he can finally make his official debut.

"The Proud Swallow...?"

It's just this scene that made Tie Xuan's scalp tingle while watching.

Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, and a Pikachu...is it indeed the youngest king trainer he saw on TV before?

Why don't you even know the basic attribute restraint?

Wait a minute, or did he admit the wrong person?

Bringing the strangers he met on the first day into this fantasy city, Tie Xuan dared to bring them down because he knew Xiaozhi's information early in the morning...

But looking at the proud swallow in front of him with high fighting spirit, Tie Xuan could only go all out.

The battle begins!


"Proud Swallow, use Lightning Flash!!"

The game started, and Xiao Zhi preemptively struck.

Regardless of the resistance of the opponent's steel attribute to general attributes, first break the full health state.

Whoosh! !

Ao Gu Yan was shaped like an arrow, and directly hit the upper body of the three-in-one Magneto, but instead hit her own beak trembling and painful.

General effect.

"Three-in-one magnet monster, use discharge!!"

And Tie Xuan doesn't talk about martial arts, it's an electric attribute move with outstanding effects.

Sizzling! !

In an instant, countless blue lightnings turned into dense branched thin lines and flew towards the proud swallow.

The lightning of this three-in-one magnet monster is still a different negative electrode from Pikachu, which is light blue.

"Use the shadow clone to escape!!"

The figure of Aoguyan hovered in the air, and instantly transformed into a dozen shadow figures.



Aoe's electric discharge trick completely penetrated all the shadow clones, and the last electric shock was rolled sideways by Aoguyan, barely dodging it.

"But this power..."

Xiaozhi frowned secretly, this discharge move is much more violent than the discharge just now.

"Didi. The characteristics of the three-in-one magnet monster, analysis. If you attack later than the opponent, you can improve your own attacking moves."

The illustrated book suddenly interjected.

That is to say, if you make a second move, the power of your own moves will increase.

"Does the three-in-one magnet monster still have this characteristic?"

Xiaozhi was taken aback for a moment, this is the Pokémon from his hometown, but this is the first time he has heard of this feature.


The rock sculpture next to it began to vibrate steadily after sensing the powerful electricity.

This scene also made Tie Xuan overjoyed, and attacked again:

"Continue to use the discharge move!!"

The dense blue current spread towards the entire arena, which made Aoguyan's movements appear to be very hasty, so he could only use his shadow clone to dodge again.

Steel attributes and electricity attributes can be said to restrain it to death.

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