He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1005 Crazy Volts and High Voltage Electric Shocks!

"Thunder Beast, use the electric field!!"

As soon as the game started, Tie Xuan took the initiative to attack.


All I could hear was the furry thunderbolt raising its head and roaring loudly.


Countless electric currents suddenly flickered throughout the open arena, and everything in everyone's eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of yellow filter, and the broken electric currents visible to the naked eye flowed in the air.

"An electrical field?"

Xiaozhi looked around, Pikachu didn't know how to do this trick, but he could sneak it if he had the chance...

But now everyone is a purely electric Pokémon, and both sides of such an electric field are beneficiaries, so it doesn't make any sense at all...

"In this case, use one hundred thousand volts!!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi simply borrowed the opponent's field and launched an attack directly.


The bending lightning shot out from Pikachu's body, under the boost of the electric field, is indeed much thicker than usual, which is really impressive.

Just facing the lightning, the latter didn't move at all to dodge, or even defend, and just used his body to catch it.


The lightning exploded on the thunder beast, but the latter did not tremble at all.

When the 100,000 volts dissipated, a tiny electric current even flashed from the Lightning Beast's body, raising its power to a higher level.

"Didi. The characteristic of the lightning beast, the lightning rod, can completely absorb the moves of the electric attribute, and improve its own special attack."

The picture book suggested.

This feature is the same as the power engine, and it is a move that completely negates electric-type moves.

But Tie Xuan just raised his hand and said offensively:

"It's now, use the power up!!"

The Lightning Beast roared loudly on the spot, and in an instant, countless thick pillars of lightning rose from the entire ground of the arena, soaring into the sky.

The successive and intensive dazzling rays of light are extremely powerful! !

"Didi. The power rises, and when used in an electric field, the power will be doubled."

The illustrated book was promoted again.

Right now, this power is already much higher than that of thunder.

"Get out of the way!!"

The rising pattern of the electric beam of light under his feet is elusive, Xiaozhi can only choose to avoid the edge temporarily.

Damn it, is this why the other party wants to open the electric field...

"Pickup, pickup...!"

Pikachu immediately ran quickly on the field, shuttling through the rising current gaps.

Although the effect is mediocre, Pikachu itself is also a big crispy skin, and a few powerful electric attribute moves are also unbearable.

It's just that Pikachu's focus is on his feet at this moment, but he doesn't know that danger is coming from ahead.

"Now, use the flame tooth!!"

Tie Xuan's Thunderbolt figure has already jumped in front of Pikachu, looking down at the latter, the kind of coercion that only belongs to dog-type Pokémon is not intimidating and angry.


Flames exploded from the gaping jaws, gradually condensing a phantom of the energy of the flaming teeth.

Boom! !

The flaming teeth bit and exploded on Pikachu's body. The violent impact immediately blasted Pikachu several meters away, rolling on the ground several times before stopping.


"The strength is very strong, it is indeed the trump card of the gymnasium trainer..."

The start was at a disadvantage, Xiaozhi couldn't help sighing secretly.

Generally, when facing a challenger, the general gym masters will have different degrees of release, but obviously the thunder beast in front of him is already Tie Xuan's trump card.

"In this case, use the poison!"

Seeing that Pikachu's signature move was completely blocked by the lightning rod on the opposite side, Xiao Zhi quickly changed his tactics.

His Pikachu isn't just an electric mouse, it's a poisonous mouse too! "Pickup!"

Pikachu understood, a purple gas bomb had condensed on the raised mouse paw, and just threw it out.

"Use electric shock wave!!"

However, a lightning wave shot out by the thunder beast easily shattered the poisonous bomb completely.

This is highly poisonous without any power, not a high-power sludge bomb that can be easily broken.

Sizzling! !

The electric shock wave continued to castrate, and continued to fly towards Pikachu.

After the power field, and the Thunderbolt's own special attack +1 increase, the power is not low...

Although the effect of electric attribute moves is mediocre, there is no reason to eat the opponent's moves for nothing.

"Pikachu, run, use your tail as a lightning rod!!"

Xiaozhi quickly instructed.

Pikachu nodded, and his figure ran at high speed again and again on the electric field.

In the process, it completely erected its stepped tail, exuding a silver-white metallic luster.


As if attracted by a strong magnet, the electric shock wave turned around and landed on Pikachu's metal tail, causing golden lightning to explode from the entire silver tail.

The next moment, Pikachu, who had already run up to the target, swung his lightning tail backwards, so fast that the dog had no time to react.

Electric Shock Wave Iron Tail! !

Whoosh! !

The Lightning Beast couldn't react in time, and was hit head-on in the face, and its figure quickly backed away.

It's just that the double effect is generally superimposed... still the effect is normal.


The Lightning Beast shook its head, and soon stood up again, there was no big problem.

"Don't let it go, use the Straw Knot next!!"

Xiaozhi's offensive hadn't stopped yet. Pikachu raised his paws from the air, and countless vines rose from the ground under the Thunder Beast's feet, directly entangling the latter's limbs completely.

"Haha! You Pikachu has quite a lot of moves!"

Tie Xuan just laughed, but this move has no effect on his Lightning Beast.

"Thunder Beast, use Crazy Volt!!"

Tie Xuan shouted loudly.


The next moment, the Thunder Beast raised its head high and roared, and an incomparably surging lightning coat erupted from its entire body, and its physical strength also increased a lot. crack.

Boom! !

In the next moment, the Thunder Beast, carrying this berserk lightning coat, rushed towards Pikachu like this, sparking with lightning all the way!

Seeing this, Xiaozhi naturally didn't take half a step back, raised his hand and pointed:

"In this case, we also use high-voltage electric shocks!!"

Sure enough, this battle had to be a collision of electric attributes! !


Pikachu also let out a low cry on the spot, and his petite body burst into a burst of dazzling lightning like a volcanic eruption.

Boom! !

In the next moment, Pikachu turned into a four-legged beast and rushed up to meet the opponent's attack.

The high-voltage electric shock that was several times stronger than the thunderbolt beast burst out with golden light, and even completely covered Pikachu's figure, leaving only a shocking bolt of lightning for a while.

You must know that the high-voltage electric shock is an enhanced version of Crazy Volt's move, but it is also the exclusive skill of the Pikachu family.

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