He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1015 Strong Enemy

"Come back, Reggie Elegant!"

After such an interruption off the field, Xiaozhi's fighting spirit was also extinguished a lot, and he actually took the Electric God Pillar back into the elf ball.

"Enough, Meow."

On the other side, Tetsu also recalled his Meow Meow knowingly.


Meow in boots glanced coldly at Xiaozhi, and finally jumped a few steps, falling back to Tetsuya's side.

Leaning against the stone pillar next to him, he assumed the same cold posture as the forest lizard.

It seems that like Ash's Pikachu, it is a Pokémon that does not like to enter the Poké Ball.

At the same time, the two who had lost their fighting spirit looked at each other from a distance, secretly remembering each other's appearance.

This guy is a formidable enemy!


Pikachu, who had been drinking tea off the court, finally knew it was his turn to play.

The body bounced and flickered again and again, and landed firmly on Xiaozhi's shoulder, looking down at the meow with closed eyes and resting its mind.

"Meow Li..."

Sensing Pikachu's gaze, the meow stretched out its sharp claws and assumed a posture of being ready for battle.

It is obviously the natural cat's designated son-the mouse, but at this moment it feels an extremely dangerous breath.


Zhe also set his eyes on Pikachu, and finally looked at Xiaozhi.

"I'm Tetsuya from Violet City, and I'm going to participate in the alliance meeting in the Yoshien area."

He took a few steps forward and extended his hand to Xiaozhi.

"Speaking of which, we will really decide the winner at the league meeting!"

Xiaozhi also held the opponent's palm. Although Zhe was a head and a half taller than Xiaozhi, his momentum was not inferior.

"Oh, by the way, I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, and this is my partner Pikachu."



A cat and a mouse also barked at each other, and they got to know each other temporarily.


at the table.

Everyone in the Ocean team left, and Bonny, the king of heaven, sat back in his original seat again, enjoying the food quite leisurely.

But in the future, she probably won't be able to be so leisurely.

With regard to the entanglement of the Ocean team's dog-skin plaster, the king of heaven, Bonnie, plans to not show her face these days...

Well, that's bad luck!

At the dining table, there were a few more people at the moment.

"Xiao Gang, thank you for your help~"

Bonnie smiled slightly at Xiaogang, thanking the latter for his help...although in the end it was Xiaogang who was treated lightly by the soldiers of the ocean team.

"Ah! I'm willing to die for Lady Bonnie, even...even if I offer my body!!"

Xiao Gang blushed, and formally bowed deeply to the Heavenly King Bonnie.

This appearance has completely changed back to that of Zeng Jin's innocent little virgin.

Similarly, Xiaozhi and his party, Zhe also sat at the same table.

blah blah blah...!

At this moment, Xiaozhi had already placed three signature delicacies in front of him, which made him and Pikachu gorge on them without any image.

In the last winning streak, Zhe also chose to admit defeat, allowing Xiaozhi to successfully complete the three small tests against the Shige.

Well, the taste is not bad.

"Both of you are incredible trainers. If you both participate in this Fang Yuan League Conference, maybe you can meet them in the final~"

Bonnie propped her chin, her beautiful eyes swept across the two of them.

It can be seen that Xiaozhi and Zhe are not ordinary trainers... even stronger than most elite trainers.

Especially this outsider named Xiaozhi.

"Is that Pokémon called Reggie? It really is a Pokémon from the Three Pillars series..."

After knowing the name of Dian Shenzhu, Tian Wang Bo Ni was secretly surprised.

The names of the three god pillars all start with "Reggie". Although this electric god pillar looks a bit special, it seems to be from the same factory.

"How is it possible? There have always been only three divine pillars in our Fangyuan area. How could there be a new divine pillar!"

Zhe Ye, who is a local, just blurted out, which made the people at the nearby tables cast curious glances.

Bonny, the king of heaven, appeared in the Battle Food Court, which is a big sign... The people in the restaurant also persuaded the passers-by to go back to their respective positions, so that others would not disturb Bonny.

"Although I haven't heard of it, maybe this world is so full of wonders."

Bonnie shrugged slightly and said with emotion.

She is still a little interested in the Ice God Pillar, one of the three divine pillars—Regies...

However, it is said that each of the three divine pillars is sealed in an extremely hidden place, and ordinary people cannot know the location at all, so she can only temporarily give up this idea.

"By the way, Miss Bonnie, please fight me!"

"Yes, yes, me too!! Please fight me!"

Xiaozhi and Zhe did not let go of this opportunity, and at the same time challenged the heavenly king Bonnie.

After seeing the king and the champion, no trainer can resist the urge.

If it weren't for Team Ocean's interruption, Bonnie might have agreed, but right now she has no interest.

"You two, if you become the winner of the Alliance Conference and challenge me at that time, I will naturally accept it... But today, forget it."

Heavenly King Boni drew a big cake for the two of them backhanded.

The winner of the Silver Conference will be eligible to challenge the Heavenly King. Naturally, this time the alliance conference in the Fangyuan area will also be able to.

Oh, the name of this alliance meeting has been officially decided, it is called Caiyou Alliance... that is, the alliance meeting held in Caiyou City.

Hearing this, the two of them could only feel great regret, and then they set their sights on the delicious food at the table.

But to Xiaozhi's surprise, Zheye has already obtained 7 badges at this moment... only the last scale badge of Chenghua Gymnasium is missing.

Xiaozhi also visited this gym at that time, but the owner of the gym was not at home.

"I heard that Mr. Qianli seems to have returned home, and the Kalu Tunnel has also been officially completed. I only need to pass through Lusha Town to get there quickly."

Zhe also opened his mouth to explain.

Lusha Town is just to the west of Zijin City, which is also the original destination of Manchu.

"Mr. Qianli is an incredible person, don't be careless."

Heavenly King Bonnie couldn't help interjecting.

She had a fight with the latter earlier... What surprised her was that this man was clearly in his prime, and his strength was also very strong, but he just chose to be an ordinary gym trainer. Not revealing.

"Is it a gym trainer that even Bonny, the king of heaven, admires..."

Zhe also nodded secretly, not daring to be careless at all.

Hearing the two people's praise for Qianli, Xiaozhi couldn't wait to fight this man.

"Do you only have three badges now? It is said that without four badges, Mr. Qianli will never open the door..."

Tetsuya slowly reminded:

"And the Fuyan gymnasium to the north from Zijin City is a little closer. I suggest you go to that gymnasium first."

The terrain in the Hoen area is not like the Kanto area, which is a one-way road to death... Anyway, it has to go around in circles.

"Kaguyan Gym?"

Xiaozhi nodded, secretly wrote down the name, and his fourth gym has also been found...

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