He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1019 Yanshen Pillar, Reggie Locke!

boom! !

Flying in the air for a while, Xiaozhi and Pikachu finally turned into a meteor and fell hard to the ground.


It's just that this place is still in the desert, and the soft sand provides a great cushioning force. Except for the upper body of a person and a mouse with their heads inserted into the sand, they didn't suffer much damage.


The surrounding hot sand suddenly made Pikachu scream, and his body jumped up from the sand.

"Pickup, pickup...!"

It's just that there is exactly the same hot sand all around, and there is no foothold at all, so Pikachu can only do a frantic tap dance on the surface of the hot sand.

Xiaozhi supported the sand and pulled his head out of the sand.


Only then did Pikachu find a foothold, and landed on Xiaozhi's shoulder again, heaving a sigh of relief.

"Are you all right, Pikachu?"

One person and one mouse looked at each other, and shook off the sand on their bodies in a disheveled manner.

With the support of the soles, Xiaozhi can walk on sandy soil without much problem.

Well, even barefoot is fine.

"But here..."

Xiaozhi looked around, he didn't know where he came after being beaten up by the desert dragonfly family.

I don’t know where the rented skateboard and the dragonfly went, so I should lose money later, right?

I took out the illustration book and carefully compared the location of the map...

It was only then that Xiaozhi realized that he had been blown directly to the southernmost part of the desert... any more, and he would have been blown directly out of the desert.

But unexpectedly, perhaps because it is far away from the volcano on the northwest side, the temperature here is not as exaggerated as before.

Pikachu's tap dance still has acting elements more or less.

"I can only go back first..."

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi made a gesture to walk north and join his little friend.


It's just that before he went far, a raised rocky mound amidst the wind and sand attracted Xiaozhi's attention.

It looks like a huge house-like earth bag, rather abruptly blocking the way forward... There is a hole in the center.

Before it got close, a rather ancient and ethereal aura floated out from inside.

"The Phantom Tower?"

Xiaozhi was taken aback for a moment, but didn't it mean that the Phantom Tower is a five or six-story stone tower, and this one is only two stories high at best.

There is no doubt about him, since he encountered a mysterious building, Xiao Zhi naturally wanted to go in and find out.

And for some reason, this breath made him feel strangely familiar...?


Entering the mysterious cave, Xiaozhi discovered that there was a rather spacious stone chamber inside...

The surrounding walls are carved with cumbersome dot matrix marks and ancient murals.

This is somewhat similar to the stone room he entered in the Stone Cave in Wudou Town.

"Anyone else?!"

Xiaozhi also noticed that there were other people in this stone room at the moment.

This is a mountaineering man in overalls, with short dark green hair, his back is facing him, so that Xiaozhi can't see the former's face clearly.

There is also this blue-black catfish Pokémon in front of him, with a yellow abdomen and two slender curved tentacles on both sides of the mouth.

As for the Pokémon confronting each other with one man and one fish...


A familiar rapid telegram sounded, and a violent storm suddenly blew up in the stone room, and the ground trembled endlessly, blowing the sand on the ground again and again.

And in the deepest part of the stone room, there is a Pokémon made entirely of gray rocks, with uneven body surface and countless irregular rock cuts.

There is an "H"-shaped bitmap on the face, huge rock arms on both sides of the body, and a reddish-brown rock on the biceps.

"Pfft! Three God Pillars...?!"

Xiaozhi blurted out.

No matter from any angle, this Pokémon is too similar to his own Dian Shen Pillar.

It looks like it should be Yanshenzhu?

Xiaozhi quickly took out the illustration book.

"Didi. Reggie Locke, also known as Rock God Pillar, is a Pokémon that was sealed by humans in the past. If the body is damaged in battle, it will find new rocks to repair the body, so the body does not have a brain or heart."

The illustrated book not only reminded the Rock God Pillar, but also broadcast the Pokémon in front of the mountaineer by the way.

"Didi. Catfish king, water attribute and ground attribute, can cause a big earthquake when it runs wild, and the slender beard can also sense the occurrence of natural earthquakes."

It can be said that the two attributes of the catfish king restrained Yanshenzhu to death.

"Guigui, so this is subduing Yanshenzhu?!"

As soon as Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, he subconsciously took a step forward and watched from a close distance.

Didn't expect to see such exciting things by accident?

Can tame the legendary Pokémon... This mountain climber who can only see his back seems to be a great trainer? !



It's just that when Xiaozhi was about to take a step forward, the afterimages in the air in front of him flickered again and again, and there were faint sounds of insects flapping their wings.

call out! !

The next moment, I saw a sharp white light from the corner of my eye, which struck like a sharp blade, and the target pointed directly at my eyeball.

Xiaozhi raised his palm with muscle memory, and stretched out like a lightning snake, as if he was going to grab the knife directly.

call out...!

It was only when he closed his palms that he realized that he had completely missed the target.

"It's so fast, it escaped my capture..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help sighing, he could only narrow his eyes even more, and then saw a rather special existence in the air in front of him.

This is a black cicada-shaped Pokémon with a golden head and red eyes, and two sharp tentacles in front of it.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The wings trembled at high frequency, constantly flashing in every corner of the air.

"This is..."

Xiaozhi quickly took out the illustration book.

"Didi. Iron Masked Ninja, Bug and Flying Pokémon, the evolution of Dou Ninja, Pokémon (formerly) No. 1 Speed, because it moves too fast, it is sometimes difficult to see its figure."

The picture book suggested.

Only then did Xiaozhi come to his senses, and it turned out that the first speed that his Electric God Pillar surpassed was this Pokémon.

The speed is really incredible.

And that dangerous hook and claw tentacles... Is this a signal to myself not to take a step forward?

Seeing this, Xiaozhi didn't continue to move forward, but found a suitable position, and watched the show with Pikachu behind.

Some trainers really hate other people's intervention when catching wild Pokémon, but it shouldn't be a problem if you take a look for yourself?

He wants to see if this man's strength is enough to subdue Yanshenzhu.


And the iron-masked ninja blocking the way felt even more overwhelmed.

Into the shell of a ninja... What the hell is this human being who almost caught himself with his bare hands? !


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