He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1026 Fuyan Gym, Yasha

After confirming with Ms. Joey that the coal tortoise could be discharged from the hospital, Xiao Zhi took his two little friends and rushed to the Fuyan gymnasium non-stop.

Fuyan Town.

Xiaozhi, who was anxious before, didn't pay much attention to his surroundings. Only after looking at it for the second time did he realize that the road along the road in the town is not flat.

More like a rather wet black soil mud.

On both sides of the road, there is a hot spring hotel from time to time... There are also many old ladies and grandfathers sitting at the door to enjoy the cool air.

"Guys, why don't you come in and take a break~"

"It can relax the congestion~"

The old grandmas smiled and waved, and the picture looked a little weird.

Xiaozhi hurriedly quickened his pace, obviously there is nothing attractive now, and he can surpass the Fuyan Gym.


Following the guidance of the map, the three of them soon came to a gymnasium.

This is a rather traditional wooden tile dojo, the roof is covered with crimson flame-like tiles.

But at this moment, there was another figure sitting on the steps at the entrance of the Fuyan Gym.

This is a woman who is a few years older than Xiao Zhi and the others. Her long fiery red hair is tied up and spread out at the end of the braid like an explosion.

She was dressed in black short sleeves, revealing her flat white belly, and her lower body was wearing a pair of hip-hop wide-leg jeans. She looked like a very chic girl.


But the latter just sat on the steps, his eyes were blank, and he sighed repeatedly with his cheeks on his hands.

Xiaozhi didn't doubt that there was him, so he hurriedly stepped forward to inquire.

"Hello, I'm here to challenge the trainer of Fuyan Gym. Is the Gym Master here?"

Hearing that Yasha just realized it, she jumped up suddenly, looking startled.

"Eh... that, oh, I am Yasha, the master of the gymnasium, please give me your advice!!"

She even made a deep 90-degree bow to Xiaozhi, showing restraint and embarrassment visible to the naked eye.

This made Xiaozhi completely confused, because such words are usually said by the challenger.

It seems that he is really a pure gym trainer.

"In this case, let's go in and start fighting!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi turned his back on the guest, and made a gesture to walk into the gymnasium.

It's just that Yasha stood outside the door like a piece of wood, seeming quite hesitant.

"Sorry, I can't accept your challenge..."

She suddenly bowed to Xiaozhi again and said:

"I'm planning to resign from the gymnasium. I'm not qualified for this position now."

The three of Xiaozhi: "?"

This is the first time they have seen such a gym trainer.

"So something happened...?"

Xiaogang patted Yasha on the shoulder like a caring big sister.

He is a Gym Master, and he knows that some Gym Masters do have some psychological barriers...just get over it.

It is worth mentioning that Xiao Gang's definition of "big sister" is three years older than him.

And Yasha happened to be a node three years older than him, so Xiaogang just felt that it was boring.

Hearing this, Yasha seemed to have found an outlet to confide in, and uttered her troubles all at once.

"I just took over the Fuyan Gym two weeks ago, and I accepted two Gym Challenges..."

Without exception, the challenged one wore three and got the badge very vigorously.

It is said that they are still two novice trainers who have just set off on a trip.

You must know that she used to be an apprentice, watching her grandfather, the former fire attribute king, participate in the gymnasium challenge, and there are not many people who can force her grandfather's strength.

Most of them clicked to the end, and the badge was given to them after a few pointers.

This has also led to their Fuyan gymnasium being considered by the outside world as a powerful and connotative gymnasium. "I lost the face of Fuyan Gym!"

Yasha sniffed, almost crying with this appearance.

Don't look at her fashionable dress, and her personality is like a flame...but she is an extremely emotional person in her bones.

Yasha even felt that she could get the position of the gymnasium master from her grandfather because of her nepotism.

Grandpa watched these two battles as a referee, and he was beaten twice in a row. Even the always kind grandpa became silent and didn't say much.

It seems that he is completely disappointed in himself.

After listening to Yasha's narration, Xiao Gang took the lead in comforting:

"It's okay, it's like this the first time, just keep working hard."

Uh, but how come the two fierce trainers that Yasha mentioned are so familiar?

Xiaozhi next to him also quickly interjected:

"Yes, yes, I have a friend. Their gyms are called the weakest gyms, and they will even give you badges for nothing...but they are still as tenacious as the carp king."

Xiaogang \u0026 Xiaolan: "..."

Is it a party now, and whoever is not here will be the topic?

But Asha's focus is not on this.

"Um, just give away badges for free, should this kind of gymnasium be directly reported and seized?"

Seeing that Yasha seemed to want to find out which gym it was, Xiaozhi quickly changed the subject and led Yasha into the gym.

Don't really report Hualan gymnasium...

Although Xiaoxia is currently guarding the Hualan gymnasium, Xiaozhi doesn't know if he can make the great contribution of pasting two big "seals" on the gate of the Hualan gymnasium if the old score is really overturned.


Soon, everyone entered the gymnasium.

After some encouragement from the three of them, Yasha seemed to muster up her courage again.

"Okay! Really Xiaozhi from New Town, then I, Yasha, accept your challenge!"

She clenched her fists and regained her confidence.

"This time I must prove to my grandfather that I can also become a qualified gym master!!"

With a wave of her hand, Yasha finally walked in the front and led the way.

The large open-air rock training ground seems to be surrounded by volcanic hot springs, with white water vapor steaming from time to time.

chi chi...!

There will even be jets of hot spring water jetting straight into the sky.

"Is it a volcanic fountain...?"

Xiaozhi didn't dare to be careless, and seemed to be able to see a figure rushing up into the air along the fountain.

And when everyone came here... an old man with curly white hair and a casual kimono robe also walked in front of everyone.

Wearing rimless glasses on his face, and crossing his chest with his hands, he walked seriously to the referee's position.

"Is this the former heavenly king? It looks like an ordinary grandpa..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help sighing secretly.

Ordinary heavenly kings all have unique outfits...

For example, the rough appearance of the old captain of the dragon attribute king, or the gorgeous lady appearance of the ice attribute king Bonnie.

But this person in front of him is really like an ordinary grandfather.

This appearance, he saw several old grandpas on the road just now also looked like this.

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