He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1028: Fuyan Gymnasium, vs Yasha! (superior)

"Does the flame have no effect at all...?"

Seeing the appearance of the lobster soldiers kicking up countless dust, the speed is not too fast, but the momentum is indeed extremely outrageous, Yasha blurted out immediately:

"In this case, let's use the ramming trick!!"


The dull camel honked in response, and its short limbs began to run. After the whole body was covered with a layer of white light, the whole body rushed up against the crab claw hammer of the lobster soldier.

Boom...! !

The moves collided, and there was a blunt, low-pitched explosion!

"Asha, don't forget, my lobster soldier has two pincers!"

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly spoke.


The lobster soldier understood it even more. One big pincer collided to offset the latter's slamming move, and the other big pincer was already covered with a thick layer of water...

Bang bang! !

The lobster soldier's crab claw hammer directly sent the dull camel flying several meters away.

The effect is outstanding!


After the latter retreated, his figure suddenly half-kneeled on the ground, unable to support his body, and it seemed that he had entered the state of a candle in the wind on the spot.

Water-attributed moves are four times more restraint against a dull fire camel, not to mention that this is the adaptive version of the crab claw hammer.

"For the final blow, use the bubble light!!"

Xiaozhi's attack did not stop at all.


The lobster soldier waved his pair of pincers and opened it suddenly, and countless blue bubbles flew out densely in an instant.

Yasha frowned, it was already impossible to block this blow.

"Since you're so dumb, use Sunny Day!!"

Dai Huo nodded, and exhausted his last strength to raise his head to the sky and let out a low cry.

The entire arena was suddenly irradiated by fierce sunlight... Since this place is at the foot of Chimney Mountain, even if you don't need to carry hot rock props, the number of rounds on sunny days can still be extended a lot.

On the other side, the unsuspecting camel body was hit by countless blue bubbles.

Da da da...Boom! !

The foam continued to shatter, and finally turned into a violent explosion, billowing with smoke and dust.

And in the smoke and dust, the stupefied hunchback collapsed like that.

"The dumb fire camel can't fight, the lobster minion wins!"

Mu La said with a serious face.

Well, in Yasha's three battles, the first one ended so quickly...



Yasha took back the dull camel. This is just her tentative Pokémon, and the real victory or defeat is yet to come.

And with sunny days, the power of the fire attribute increases, and the power of the water attribute decreases... Now she is the best!

If you don't get hit three times today, you will be victorious!

"Come out, lava snail!!"

Asha's second Pokémon is still the Volcanic Pokémon that is common in Chimney Mountain.

The body of a magma-like snail, with high-temperature magma dripping down from the corner of its mouth, is covered with gray condensed magma shells behind it, and a few resurgent flames are ignited from time to time.

"Preemptive attack, spray flames!"

This time it was Yasha who took the initiative to attack.

With the blessing of the sunny day, the flames ejected from the lava snail's mouth became much larger in scope and power, burning the air.

Chi Chi Chi...!!

The flame hit Xiaobing's face, and the heat wave directly pushed it several meters away, and the flame with endless stamina entangled and burned away again and again.


However, the lobster minions were still waving their large pincers in the flames, as if there was no problem.

Of course, it's not that it's harmless...but even when it's hurt, the lobster minion is still acting as hyper as usual.

To put it simply, this lobster soldier is a little careless.

"Tsk, sunny day..."

Xiao Zhi frowned and looked at the sky, but he didn't expect that the dull camel would finally open the weather.

It seems that the lobster soldiers should master the magical skill of "water jet" to harvest heads as soon as possible, otherwise it would be so troublesome to use it now.

"Use Rockfall!!"

And Asha's attack continued.

As the lava snail raised its head, countless rocks condensed in the sky, and they all fell in the direction of the lobster soldier.

"Use bubble light to block it!!"

The lobster soldier raised his double pincers, and countless blue bubbles flew out, colliding with the rock above.

It's just that on a sunny day, it seems that a lot of water has been evaporated, and the power of the foam light is average.


Unable to resist, in the end countless rocks fell heavily, completely covering the figure of the lobster soldier, and the momentum was terrifying.


The lava snail let out a low cry, looking arrogant.

It is a volcanic Pokémon, not only the power of fire is high, but also the rock-type moves are very violent.


It's just that the lava snail hadn't been happy for a long time, and suddenly found that the ground beside it began to tremble out of thin air.


Immediately afterwards, a fiery red figure broke through the ground.

Among them, the oval-shaped tongs that were waving, just swung straight.

Burrowing and Hooking Pliers! !

Whoosh! !

The lobster soldier is small and powerful, and with an uppercut, he directly lifted the lava snail into the air.

The effect is outstanding!

You must know that the lobster soldier is a lobster mixed in the swamp sand, and he is a good burrower.

However, at this time, Yasha's eyes suddenly brightened, and she instructed:

"That's it, use Mount Tai to suppress the top!"

I saw the lava snail, which was lifted into the air, fell heavily again.


The lower body of the lava-shaped snail body, like a swamp net, was covered together, and it completely suppressed the lobster soldier just like that.

Although its skin was not really magma, the temperature was not low, and the lobster soldier who was pressed under him felt a burning sensation all over his body.


The lobster soldiers are constantly struggling, but the semi-liquid snail body is extremely absorbent, not to mention the lava snail is carrying a thick lava shell, which is not low in weight, and it is difficult to break free.

"Hey~Xiao Zhi, let me show you this move..."

At this time, Yasha touched her nose proudly, and then pointed her finger at the sky.

"It's now, lava snail, use the sun flame!!"


Hearing this, Xiaozhi's expression changed.

Don't think that this is a fire attribute gym, so there are no grass attribute moves...

Since she thought that the opponent was likely to be a restrained water-type Pokémon, Yasha naturally prepared an anti-restraint grass-type move.

It seems that fire-type Pokémon are naturally restrained by water-type... This also leads to many fire-type Pokémon, in fact, they can master the move of Sunshine Flame.

Non-grass-type Pokémon use this trick, and it takes a long time to charge.

But now it is a sunny state, and there is no need to store energy.

The lava snail looked at the red-shelled lobster struggling under it, and moved slightly back, exposing the head of the lobster soldier.

Whoosh! !

The next moment, the sun hanging in the sky seemed to suddenly shoot down a golden-white fiery beam!

Generally speaking, grass-type Pokémon emit direct sunlight and flames...

Pokémon with other attributes use a method similar to "summoning" to drop a sun beam from the sky.

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