He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1030: Fuyan Gymnasium, vs Yasha! (Down)

"This coal turtle looks much stronger than the two just now..."

Looking at the opponent in front of him, it is different from his coal tortoise that howls at every turn, this one is the fire attribute Pokémon character of the public, and it looks full of fighting spirit

With that thick body, it is estimated that he can still use ground-type moves, and Xiao Zhi dare not let the lobster soldiers use the trick of digging holes casually.

"Preemptive strike, use bubble light!!"

When the lobster soldier lifted his pincers, countless bubbles were shot out immediately.

The coal turtle belongs to the ultimate turtle speed, and has no right to shoot in front of the lobster minion.

"Use hot air!"

However, Yasha just instructed calmly. After putting on her trump card, Yasha's expression became completely new, full of confidence.

The coal tortoise raised its head and let out a high-pitched cry, and blew a dark red scorching hot wind forward out of nowhere.

Hush! !

With the blessing of the sunny day, the power of the hot wind is much greater, it actually blows the bubble light completely and bursts, and even has more stamina, and continues to roar out.


The scorching storm caused the lobster soldiers to keep retreating, their eyes half pressed against their supports.

"Use the Crab Claw Hammer!!"

After the words fell, the lobster soldier's pair of pincers lingered the energy of the water flow, and slashed towards the void in front of him.

Hush! !

The strong energy and the ripples of the water are about to split the scalding hot wind.

"Hey hey!!"

The next moment, the lobster soldier stepped up his horsepower again and sprinted away, waving two water tongs, and swung down on the head of the coal turtle.

Yasha has seen the latter's crab claw hammer before. It is so powerful that it is completely different from the small body of the lobster soldier.

"Use the shrink shell to block it!"

The coal tortoise understood, and completely retracted its head and limbs on the spot, leaving only a black-gray coal tortoise shell.

Bang bang! !

The lobster soldier slammed down with a hammer, making a ton-heavy explosion, and the big turtle shell was thrown back several meters in an instant.

The effect is outstanding!

Even though it was weakened by the sunny day and the shrinking shell, this crab claw hammer is still very powerful!

"Hey hey hey~!!"

However, the lobster soldier just continued to sprint to keep up, and even raised the second pincer, as if he was about to smash the second crab claw hammer.

"Use Iron Wall!"

Yasha said in a deep voice, she did not choose to confront directly, but chose to keep defending.

The closed turtle shell did not move at all, but the surface was covered with a layer of silver-white metallic luster, and the defense power was greatly improved.

Bang bang! !

The second-stage crab claw hammer of the lobster soldier fell down again.

It was as if it had really hit a piece of steel, even the lobster soldier was shaken so badly that his claws hurt.

But Yasha seized the opportunity and immediately instructed:

"It's now, use the broken shell!!"

The next moment, as the coal turtle suddenly stretched out its limbs and head.

Click bang! !

There seemed to be a crisp sound of eggshells breaking in the air.

This made the coal turtle's power suddenly become fierce, and its whole body was covered with dangerous red light.

"Little Lobster, cracking the shell is also our chance...!"

But Xiaozhi reminded loudly that after breaking the shell, the speed and double attack of the Pokémon will be greatly improved...but as a price, his own double defense will also decrease.


However, the next moment, the coal turtle just let out a loud cry.

In the groove of the tortoise shell behind him, with the gushing heat wave, a piece of blue-white feathered herbal medicine flew out...

This restores the coal turtle's reduced dual defense ability to its original state.

"Didi, White Vanilla, when your own ability is reduced, you will recover your own ability once."

The illustration book reminded in time.

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows. It seemed that Yasha had come fully prepared, and there was also the saying of carrying props.

"Coal Turtle, let it see your flame wheel!!"

At this moment, Yasha seemed to have won the battle, with a joyful expression, as if the victory was already in her hands.

Whoosh! !

The next moment, the coal turtle turned into a huge fireball tank, galloping towards the lobster soldiers.

It's just that the speed of the coal turtle itself is too weak, which also leads to the fact that even if it gets the speed increase of breaking the shell, the speed at this moment is only at the same level as the lobster minions.

But with the blessing of the broken shell, the power of the flame wheel is extremely fierce.

"Use hard to block it!!"

Seeing that he couldn't dodge, Xiaozhi could only choose to fight head-on.

The lobster soldier immediately raised his pair of pincers in a defensive posture, and a white light film appeared all over his body.

Bang bang! !

Even so, the small body was still completely sent flying by the flame wheel.

The effect is average, but it looks very bluffing.

"Hey Hey!!"

After falling to the ground, the little lobster soldier got up again with a disheveled face, yelling and cursing quite angrily.

And Yasha didn't care about these at all, and she was highly focused at the moment.

She looked up at the sky, the sunny weather is probably coming to an end soon...

"Coal Turtle, overheating!!"

Yasha's gaze sharpened, and she immediately launched a fire-attribute ultimate move.

The power of overheating is higher than that of Big Character Explosion... But as a price, after using this move, one's own special attack ability will also be greatly reduced.

I saw that the coal turtle began to accumulate energy, and the heat in the hollow part of the black-gray turtle shell was soaring, as if it was burning crazily inside its body.

Then it opened its mouth as wide as possible.

Boom! !

A beam of golden-white flame beams shot out like a laser!

The large diameter, as if even the air is scorched by the heat, the power is extremely terrifying!

"Use the Crab Claw Hammer to block it!!"

Xiaozhi also didn't dare to be careless, and quickly instructed.

When such a move struck, the terrifying power seemed to lock the lobster soldier completely, making it impossible to dodge or escape at all.


The lobster soldier also became serious, holding up two large pincers that gathered strong water flow energy, and blocked in front of him like a shield.

In the end, it was the superheated beam that was bombarding right here!

Boom! !

The terrible impact force instantly broke the defensive pincers of the crab claw hammer, and the water evaporated completely, and even completely blasted the whole body of the lobster soldier on the spot, rolling back and forth on the ground.

However, it was also due to being knocked into the air in an instant, the lobster soldier only endured the initial energy impact, and the stamina of overheating was towards the rear, piercing through the air.


On Xiaozhi's side of the arena, there was a violent explosion of flames, and the movement was terrifying.

"It's so powerful...!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help blurting out in admiration.

Sunny day + the overheating trick of breaking the shell, the power is terrifying!

After one blow, the lobster soldier's body was already covered with a layer of black charred scars. The damage was not light, but he did not completely fall down.

On the other side, the coal tortoise's special attack ability has dropped significantly...but it only offsets the ability bonus of breaking the shell and returns to the original level.

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