He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1034 Don't be embarrassed, Emperor Yan is also called Little Wind Speed ​​Dog

"Miss referee! My Blue is going to compete~!"

Soon, Xiaolan successfully signed up with Miss Junsha.

Bru is a pet dog in the Chengdu area. It is usually a Pokémon raised by a noble lady, but it is quite rare for passers-by to train.

But this time in the dog fighting competition, apart from Xiaozhi and his party, there were also a few newcomers who gathered around Miss Junsha at the last minute to sign up.

"Eh? Miss referee, why didn't my big water dog sign up?"

A passer-by brother pointed to his giant marsh monster and asked repeatedly.

The big water dog is the name of the giant marsh monster Zeng Jin...now the official name is the giant marsh monster, but many people still call it the big water dog.

"Since they are all dogs, they must be able to compete!"

The little brother argued hard.

The Yusanjia Giant Swamp Monster in Fangyuan District who was standing behind him was much bigger than a person, but at the moment he was standing behind rather awkwardly.

My dear trainer, I am an amphibian fish!

"Well, this trainer, we have registered dog-type Pokémon here. Even if the giant marsh monster is called a big water dog, it is not a dog."

One of them, Miss Junsha, could only explain with a helpless expression.

"What about me? What about me, can my dog ​​Pokémon compete?"

At this time, another passer-by brother came up next to him.

Beside him is a Pokémon with upright legs, a brown body covered with loose white fur, a slender nose, and a face shaped like an old human being, looking quite sinister.

The lower limbs look like clogs, and the ends of the arms are not normal arms, but forked leaves.

"My cunning tengu is finally a dog, right?"

Miss Junsha: "..."

How do you feel that this year's dog fighting competition has so many ghosts and ghosts mixed in.

After dismissing a few inexplicable people, at this time someone came up again.

It's okay for people to say, it's the Pokémon standing next to this person, which is a bit curious.

A dark brown animal-shaped Pokémon, with a majestic face covered with a three-color hard-shell mask, and gray smoke billowing like a volcano on its back.

"!?" "?!" "??"

Especially this extremely powerful oppressive force instantly made the three Miss Junsha stand up subconsciously.

"How do you say, Miss Junsha, my Emperor Yan should be able to participate in the dog fighting competition?"

Xiaozhi patted himself on the side of Emperor Yan's body, and asked curiously.

After discussing with one person and one beast, Emperor Yan finally agreed to participate in the competition.

As a god in legends, even an existence that directly collided with King Feng, Emperor Yan was not convinced by King Feng...

You must know that Fengwang is the most proud ancient god, and he may still have discrimination against low-race Pokémon.

Although he has the same sacred flame as Feng Wang, Emperor Yan does not intend to complete the chain of discrimination like Feng Wang.

Dogs and the like... Well, they are also normal Pokémon, so I shouldn't have any resistance.

In order to prove to Xiaozhi that he didn't have any partiality and resistance, Emperor Yan decided to participate in this competition.

Miss Junsha: "?!"

This is what they didn't expect, someone can subdue Emperor Yan...even bring Emperor Yan to participate in dog fighting?

Are you really not afraid of Emperor Yan killing the lord? !

But they don't know if this kind of Pokémon is considered a dog... It doesn't matter, it has hands and feet, and it should be rounded.

The main reason is that Miss Junsha also wants to meet the legendary Emperor Yan.

Xiaozhi just scratched his head, he didn't know why Emperor Yan, who was furious just now, suddenly agreed to participate in the dog fighting contest.


Soon, a group of trainers and their pet dogs stood neatly in a row.

It's just that Emperor Yan, who is tall and tall like a hill, stands out from the crowd.

Especially the suffocating aura emanating from his body completely suppressed Team Lava and Team Ocean, last year's champion and runner-up Big Wolf Dog.

"Emperor Yan?!"

"Looks like a legendary Pokémon in the Johto area?"

"There is still someone subduing it?"

"No, is Emperor Yan a dog?"

Yandi's sudden appearance caused other contestants and audience around to discuss and cast sideways glances.


However, at this time, there was a high-pitched low growl from the side, and it was a wind speed dog slowly walking to Yandi's side, and it seemed that it was also a contestant.

Yandi is similar to Fengsugou in body shape, Fengsugou is smaller, but the mane covering the whole body looks a little bigger than Yandi overall.


The wind speed dog didn't have any respect for Emperor Yan, and immediately roared in demonstration at the latter.

Feature·Intimidation, activate!


However, Emperor Yan directly ignored the wind speed dog's threat, and didn't even bother to pay attention to it, just closed his eyes, quietly waiting for the start of the game.

But this scene has a completely different feeling in the eyes of everyone.

"Wow, Emperor Yan is too scared to speak because of the intimidating nature of the wind speed dog!"

"Is this the legendary Pokémon from other regions? It doesn't seem very powerful..."

"Don't be embarrassed, I'm from the Chengdu area. In our place, Emperor Yan is also called Little Wind Speed ​​Dog."

The wind speed dog beside him raised his head triumphantly, as if he had won a battle.

Hmph, he had diarrhea and didn't come to participate last year. Do you really think the big wolf dog is also a champion dog?

Emperor Yan: "..."

Listening to the discussions around it, it really wanted to let out a roar to show its arrogance.

It holds the sacred flame, not to mention ancient gods like Feng Wang... It is generally said that Pokémon can't touch it.

It's just such a sudden sound, and it's a bit artificial, as if to show off your strength.

Emperor Yan wanted to be a god with self-cultivation.

"It's fine..."

As if sensing Emperor Yan's thoughts, Xiaozhi beside him patted the latter's body.

"When the dog fighting competition starts, you should perform well and tell everyone that you are the strongest dog!"

Xiaozhi just said so comfortingly.

Emperor Yan: "..."

It seems that it promised to come out today, which is a complete mistake!


Soon, the dog fighting competition officially began.

Contestant No. 1, a trainer with a coyote, walked slowly to the center of the square... and Miss Junsha also handed him a plastic flying saucer.

"The first round of the dogfighting contest, catch the Frisbee!"

The three Miss Junsha have a clear division of labor, and one is responsible for explaining as the host.

One is responsible for delivering the Frisbee, and the other is responsible for counting the time.

"The dog is the best friend of the trainer, and catching the Frisbee is the best interactive game between the trainer and the dog..."

Miss Junsha made a demonstration, flying a plastic Frisbee forward.


A catty dog ​​next to him jumped out immediately, jumped high, and held the frisbee in his mouth.

After falling gracefully, he returned quickly and handed the Frisbee back to Miss Junsha.


Miss Jun Sha, who was in charge of timing, pressed the stopwatch to signal the end of the process.

"The contestant flies out the flying saucer, and the dog returns the flying saucer to the contestant, which is regarded as the end of the game... and the longer the flying saucer is thrown, and the shorter the time to complete, the higher the contestant's score will be."

"And the top 12 players will enter the next round."

Emperor Yan: "..."

Is this a dog fight or a dog walk! ?

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