He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1036: The Intimidating Dog!


Emperor Yan stretched out his claws in mid-air, holding the Frisbee firmly in his hand.

After all, the saliva of dozens of previous dogs still remained on it, Emperor Yan didn't dare to put it in his mouth.

It's just that even Yandi, who used the super-speed trick, still flew tens of meters away from the edge of the high platform at this moment.

With Xiaozhi's arm strength, this is already the ultimate catching up distance of super speed.

Boom! !

Seeing this, Emperor Yan, who was in mid-air and unable to use his strength, immediately sprayed a thick dark brown flame into the air in front of him.

With the back thrust of the flames, Emperor Yan's figure rolled in mid-air for a while, and he retreated back to the high platform on the top of the mountain.


At the moment of landing, he launched the super-speed trick for the second time, and returned to Xiaozhi's body in the blink of an eye.

There is no doubt that Emperor Yan's performance reached the top on the spot...

Not only the flying distance of the Frisbee far exceeds that of others, but the total time it takes is even a little shorter than the speed dog.

"Tsk, damn it...!"

"It's just bullying people!"

"Where can the legendary Pokémon be brought to the competition!"

Many contestants were secretly discouraged, this Emperor Yan's quality was too strong.

However, Huo Huo, the big fat cadre of the Lava team, showed a rather apprehensive look, and looked towards the other direction of the mountaintop intentionally or unintentionally.

"I hope something goes wrong if the plan is not good..."

He sighed softly.


The top of Chimney Hill is nearly a hundred meters away from the dog fighting competition.

Surrounded by countless reddish-brown rocks, there is a large hole about ten meters wide on the ground here.

As for the pit, it is naturally the magma all the way to the bottom of Chimney Mountain.

However, since Chimney Mountain has not been in operation for many years, looking inside can only see condensed gray-brown magma rocks, not tumbling fiery red magma.

At this moment, there are two men in red uniforms looking back and forth in front of the cave.

"Hey, let's go down quickly, no one is coming here for the time being."


The two lava teams threw rope locks towards the inside of the cave, making a gesture to penetrate into the center of the volcano physically.

Because it is isolated by the hard rock at the bottom, the inside of the cave is actually like a huge steamer, which cannot reach the high temperature level that the human body cannot enter.

The lava team's belief is Gulardo, the god of the earth, and they hope that the land area will completely cover the sea water. The only thing that exists in the world is the earth... It is an ultra-extreme idea.

So they came up with the idea of ​​Chimney Hill.

This is a dormant volcano... The lava team intends to use explosives to forcibly blow up the lava layer below, and let the magma below completely boil and roll to achieve a volcanic eruption.

But the Ocean team will naturally not sit idly by.

This team is equally extreme, hoping that the tumbling tsunami will one day completely swallow the earth and return the world to the ocean.

Therefore, the Marine team has always had people stationed on the top of Chimney Mountain, guarding against any misdemeanor actions by the Lava team on the only volcano on land in the Fangyuan area.

But today's dog fighting competition attracted both teams to watch and walk the dogs... This gave them a good chance for the lava team.

At this moment, the two soldiers of the lava team had already strapped several tape bombs to their bodies, planning to go halfway into the hole and stick the explosives on the rock wall of the crater.

Then find an auspicious day to detonate it, realize the artificial volcanic eruption, and show the charm of the earth in front of the world.

This is a bunch of outlaws.

"Hey, what is this, slimy?"

Just as he was about to go down, a strange feeling came from the palm of a lava team soldier.

It's like touching a huge slug, and the palm of your hand even sank into it.

When I took a closer look, I saw that it was a piece of yellow-green clay, which looked like snot, and it was deformed in my hand.

"Hiss, it's disgusting."

The lava team soldier shook his hand and threw the clay into the crater.

Really bad luck.

Immediately, he and his teammates fell slowly one by one...


On the other side, the people in the dog fighting competition naturally didn't know what was going on here, and the competition was still going on.

The Frisbee catch in the first round left only 12 dogs on the scene.

At this moment, the 12 dogs were divided into four groups based on three groups, and they were separated by dozens of meters, facing each other. "Then the second round of events is to shout and demonstrate!" The referee, Ms. Junsha, walked to the center of the crowd again.

The three dogs were divided into a group, facing each other in a triangle state, unable to attack the opponent, and could only use the momentum of roaring and demonstration to overwhelm the opponent.

In the end, the four dogs who can still hold their heads high will enter the semi-finals.

"Intimidation is a natural ability of dog Pokémon. Using barking to overwhelm the target is also an important factor in judging a good dog."

Miss Junsha explained.

Although the dog Pokémon does not seem to be such a powerful Pokémon, nor does it look so vicious...

But cold knowledge, in fact, most of the dogs that can master the "intimidation" characteristic are dog Pokémon.

Katie Dog, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Blue Blue Emperor, Great Wolfhound, Hayoke Long-haired Dog and so on.

It is the local electric dog Raidenmon in the Yoshien area. Although it is not intimidating normally, once it completes the mega evolution, its characteristics will also change to intimidating.

It can be said that this is an innate talent of dog Pokémon.

Miss Junsha's partner Pokémon are generally police dogs, and they also have the purpose of using dog Pokémon to intimidate and deter criminals.



"Wang Hou!!"

And following Miss Junsha's signal, all kinds of violent barking began to sound one after another in Nuo Da's square.

The big wolfhounds of the Lava team and the Ocean team already possess the characteristic of "intimidation", and the roar comes with a powerful deterrent, which is combined with its own evil attribute.

"Wow!!" "Wow!!"

The ferocious roar of the two big wolf dogs immediately made the other dogs in their respective groups lower their heads gradually, not daring to confront them.


In another group, Trainer C's wind speed dog also let out a deep growl and growl.

It sounded like thunder, and it seemed to contain extremely hot flames.

This appearance immediately made a Dai Ruby and two coyote dogs in the same group lower their heads.

Soon, three contestants appeared in the quarter-finals. As for the fourth...

Xiaozhi stood beside Emperor Yan, and in front of him were two coyote dogs and a lightning beast.

"Wow!!" "Wow!!" "Wow!!"

The three dogs began to arch their backs, gnashing their teeth and barking, trying to overwhelm their opponents with momentum.

And Emperor Yan just closed his eyes lightly, motionless like a mountain, looking around, it was like a bottomless ocean.

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly patted Emperor Yan's butt, and blurted out:

"What should I say, Emperor Yan, if you don't come along, will you make a loud voice?"

Emperor Yan: "..."

In a word, the atmosphere was completely destroyed by the trainer.

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