He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1041 Gulardo is estimated to be sprayed

Passing through Route 113 covered by volcanic ash all year round, Xiaozhi and the others soon came to a small town.

Akiba Town.

This is an agricultural town, and the surfaces of the houses and streets are also covered with a thick layer of volcanic ash.

But these volcanic ashes are natural high-grade fertilizers, and the soil rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium has also allowed the vast arable land around Qiuye Town to be reclaimed.

Even though the temperature is not too high, the crops still grow very luxuriantly.

The Grass-type Pokémon here can perform the rooting trick, and even get higher stamina recovery.

The three of Xiaozhi walked and stopped all the way, and finally officially entered this small town at nightfall.

"The gorgeous autumn leaves contest will be held the day after tomorrow!"

The huge billboard at the entrance of the Pokémon Center instantly attracted the attention of the three of them.

Xiaozhi rubbed his head. After the fiasco last time, he didn't have much desire for a revenge for the gorgeous contest.

If there is no score bar, simply defeating the opponent cannot be regarded as a victory. He would choose to continue participating, but right now... he is not interested.

"The Gorgeous Contest is not bad, you can watch it!"

Xiao Gang's eyes gradually became hotter, a good-looking big sister is indispensable for this kind of competition.

"Glamourous Contest..."

Xiaolan was holding the billboard with one hand, thoughtful.

Unlike Xiaogang or Xiaozhi, she had a goal and direction from the beginning... Now she is still living a life of going with the situation.

Subconsciously, Xiaolan doesn't even feel this kind of thought, what's the problem?

In life, happiness is enough.

However, the last time he successfully won an ordinary level ribbon, it proved that Xiaolan's coordination trainer talent is quite good.

"Well, you can take part and see..."

Xiaolan nodded and made up her mind.

Of course, it's not that she has the dream of becoming a coordination trainer, it's just that she simply has the idea of ​​"since I won a game, I should continue to win".

"In that case, let's stay here for two days first."

Xiaozhi nodded, but didn't urge anything.

Now that he has collected half of the badges, he has more than enough time and is not in a hurry.

It's just that a few people just gave the Pokémon to Ms. Joey to replenish the magic, and chatted and ate leisurely in the lounge.

"Beep! An urgent message is being broadcast now!"

At this time, the public TV next to it suddenly switched to a news channel.

Xiaozhi and the others in the picture are also very familiar, it is the reporter Mary who had met once before.

And the background is the chimney mountain they just landed a few days ago.

From the looks of it, reporter Mary should be at the summit plaza of Chimney Hill right now.

"The lava team said in a high-profile statement today that their leader recently received a dream from the god of the earth, Gulardo... Chimney Mountain will have a terrible volcanic eruption in 3 days. I hope that the people will evacuate safely under the guidance of Gulardo .”

Miss Mary introduced with a serious face, it seems to be a real-time live broadcast.

When they received the news, even the officials were taken aback.

However, geological experts have also done research. It is impossible for Chimney Mountain to have a large-scale volcanic eruption for at least a hundred years... At most, it will spew fertile volcanic ash to the vicinity of Qiuye Town and Route 113 once a year.

It's just that the Lava team used their group's honor as a guarantee and swore it, which made them officials lose their minds for a while.

But in the end it was the three Miss Junsha stationed at Chimney Mountain who brought the news and informed them of the bomb incident.

Without evidence, they naturally couldn't do anything about Team Lava.

"However, after overnight investigation by our experts, it is certain that there will be no volcanic eruption in Chimney Mountain within ten years. I hope everyone will believe in science and do not need to cause any riots."

In the end, the TV station defined this matter as a contest between science and metaphysics...

The lava team with Gurado's dream is obviously even more untenable in the face of science.

This is a good opportunity for their Pokémon League to deal a blow to Team Lava's reputation!

"So it really was the lava team guy who planted the bomb, these guys...!"

Xiaozhi frowned. It's okay if the Lava team doesn't say anything. Once they say it, it's basically the default that they installed the bomb.

Seeing the doubts on the faces of the two little friends next to him, he informed them of the bomb incident inside Chimney Hill.

If he and Emperor Yan hadn't happened to participate in the dog fighting competition this time, maybe Team Lava could really become the "savior" in the eyes of the public.

Next, the volcano will not erupt, and the swearing lava team will not only be countered by the public and spread rumors, but will be stigmatized as "witchcraft and pseudoscience"... The Ocean team will probably stare at them like jackals.

"So, Gulardo is probably going to be sprayed too."

Xiao Gang couldn't help but speak.

After all, idols have to pay for fan behavior.

The lava team has always acted on the belief of the god of the earth... Even in the media, Gulardo's post bar forum super chat is managed by the lava team.

Although Gulardo has never recognized it, in the eyes of the public, Team Lava is Gulardo's messenger in the human world.

Just like in the Kanto area, if the three holy beasts burned, killed, looted, and trampled on the banker, the wind king would be sprayed in the end.

"So, is the Marine team going to make a move next?"

Xiaozhi frowned, these two organizations are dog eat dog, he doesn't like either.

Sure enough, the Fangyuan area is too chaotic, and it is more comfortable to have only one Rocket team in my hometown.

Although he covered the sky with one hand, at least he lived in peace.



Due to the strong official guarantee, this time the lava team's dreaming incident did not cause any big waves.

This also made Team Lava panic for a while.

Even ignoring the time, the senior cadre flames directly detonated the bomb!

They want to let people all over the world understand the fate of underestimating the fate of their lava team!


Only then, nothing happened.

Standing on the outskirts of Zijin City, overlooking the entire Chimney Hill, Flame, the senior cadre of the lava team, was about to press the button in his hand.

Still nothing happened.

But beside the flame, Chi Yansong, the leader of the lava team, had a gloomy face, like a volcano about to erupt.

"Well, Boss, something must be wrong...!!"

Huo Huo, the big fat man, also became flustered immediately.

But Chi Yansong didn't care about this, because he was the one who showed his face in the media!

At the beginning, this guy came to offer advice to him swearing, but now the bomb cannot be detonated, and Team Lava will lose face because of this!

Could it be an undercover agent sent by the Marine team...?

"Hmph, listen to the flame, now that the words have been spoken, no matter what method you use, you must detonate Chimney Mountain within 5 days... Otherwise, I will completely stuff you into the magma of Chimney Mountain!!"

Chi Yansong snorted coldly, no doubt he was really angry.

Immediately, regardless of Huo Huo's expression, he left angrily, leaving only Huo Huo standing still and looking at the bomb detonator...

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