He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1045 Doubles match, vs Flame Fire Goose! (Down)

"Just use the frozen teeth to bite it to death!!"

Huo Huo made up his mind and killed him with one move.

Faced with the ice-cold teeth, the forest lizard also felt the trickiness of this move after several confrontations. It immediately moved around the rocky square, using high-speed movements to dodge.


But the wolfhound's speed is not slow, maintaining the big frozen teeth in its mouth, and chasing the forest lizard nimbly.

"Seed Machine Gun!!"

Hearing Xiaozhi's voice, the forest lizard immediately understood the latter's intention.

When the figure is in the gap of dodging, it will find the opportunity to spit out dense seed bombs towards the rear.

Da da da! !

After firing a shot, the forest lizard was not greedy for a knife, and hurriedly dodged.

Then there was the seed machine gun, another dodge, and repeated... The forest lizard brought this cd flow style to the extreme.

This kind of attack completely enraged the already irritable wolfhound.


It stopped chasing, opened its mouth to the maximum, and let out a roar.

The sound echoed again and again in this empty meteor waterfall, and it turned into a dark corrugated light circle visible to the naked eye, completely covering the forest lizard.



The loud noise coming from the ear made the forest lizard stop, covered its ears and trembled all over, and felt dizzy for a while.

The loud roar of this attribute is really powerful.

On the other side, the battle between Huoyan and Xiaogang is also progressing fiercely.

"Nine tails, use the flame vortex!"

Nine tails with golden and gorgeous fur danced behind him, and the flames spit out from his mouth spiraled forward, burning the air.

"Kodora, use metal claws!!"

But this time, Kedora's forelimbs stretched out silver-white sharp claws, and slashed forward, abruptly scattering the flames in the sky.

"It's our turn... Kodora, use the rock seal!!"

Xiao Gang took the initiative to attack.

The rock seal is an ancestral move of the Nibi gymnasium, and he naturally taught it to Kodola immediately.


As Kedora raised his head and let out a low shout, several rocks suddenly condensed in the sky on the rock wall, and they all fell in the direction of Nine Tails.

However, Huoyan just spit out a sentence lightly:

"Supernatural power."

Jiuwei's eyes suddenly lit up with a burst of blue light, and the power of thought spread out, unexpectedly freezing several rocks in midair in the air.

Whoosh! ! Whoosh! !

With a thought, these rock seals flew down in the direction of Kedora.

"Use Iron Wall!!"

Xiao Gang responded calmly.


The flashing Kedora's whole body was covered with silver-white streamers, which were extremely hard. Numerous rocks bombarded her back, but they were only exploded by the counter-shock, without any effect.

It's just that amidst the rising dust, only a low cry from Huoyan was heard.

"Now, use jet flames!!"

Boom! !

The fiery pillar of fire broke through the smoke and dust, and the trajectory pointed directly at the forest lizard that hadn't fully recovered from the loud roar.


Xiaogang's face was startled, the flames had already passed Kedora, and they couldn't catch up at all.

Huo Yan just smiled softly, not feeling any meanness in doing so.

"Heh~ little brother, now we are playing doubles~"

And the dangerous approach also made the forest lizard, which was still in the period of roaring and rigidity, and the five senses had not recovered, look a little lax.

But perhaps it was because of such a crisis that his sixth sense ability rose rapidly.


The eyes of the forest lizard suddenly fixed, and there was a strange green light in the eyes.

Facing the oncoming flames, the forest lizard didn't dodge in a wide range, but just slightly tilted its head and neck back, barely avoiding the jet of flames that must hit this blow.

"Didi. The forest lizard has mastered a new move: see through!"

The illustration book reminded in time.

At the other end, Xiao Gang also shouted loudly:

"It's now, use Sacrificial Charge!!"


But Dora understood, and immediately started to run, her blunt figure made the rocky square vibrate again and again.

The whole body turned into a golden light tank, but it also passed the Nine Tails in front of it, and rushed towards the big wolfhound behind it.

Boom! !

With the strong force of the sacrifice, the whole body of the wolf dog was about to be sent flying, and there was no time to dodge.

But Kedora, who has the characteristics of a hard head, did not receive any anti-injury effect.

"Hmph, don't underestimate Xiaosheng~!"

Xiao Gang couldn't help but smiled triumphantly at Huo Yan.



"Damn, these two brats...!!"

After a fight, he didn't expect that his side fell below, which made Huo Huo immediately fly into a rage.

"Hey! Big Wolf Dog, use Flame Fang!!"

This time, the icy energy between the big wolf's canine teeth suddenly turned into a fiery flame.

Hurrah! !

It's just that the next moment, the flame of the flame tooth did not attack the forest lizard and Kodora, but suddenly rose up and roared in the direction of Nine Tails.

The flames covered Nine-Tails' golden fur, and instantly melted into it.


This also made the Nine-Tails aura suddenly rise, and white smoke was steaming from its whole body.

Characteristic · Ignite, can completely absorb flame moves, and greatly enhance the power of one's own flame.

Seeing this, Huo Yan raised his hand and pointed:

"It's now, use big characters to explode!!"

Nine Tails understood, opened his mouth suddenly, and a huge fiery character was formed, whizzing out quickly.

The big-character explosion with the blessing of ignition is not only extremely hot, but also much larger than usual in size.

And the target...is Cordora!

Because the latter's speed was too slow, it was impossible to dodge such a fierce and fast flame move, so in the end, he could only lift up the metal claws, intending to forcefully carry it.

And the forest lizard on the side couldn't move forward either. If it mastered "hold", it could go up and block it.

Hold is to form a barrier and completely nullify the opponent's moves, but the disadvantage is that it can only be used once in a round.

But seeing through means avoiding moves, not invalidating them...but it can also complete seeing through for a period of time, and even dodge multiple attacks.

Da da da! !

Seeing this, the forest lizard could only use the seed machine gun in an attempt to destroy the big character explosion.

However, in the end, neither the metal claws nor the seed machine gun could stop the explosive flames with soaring power.

Boom! !

The big characters of Lie Yan fell on Kedora's body and burst instantly, forming an extremely violent smoke and dust explosion.

The terrifying power even blasted Kedora's blunt body out on the spot, and smashed heavily on the nearby rock wall.


When it fell, Dora was already unable to fight.

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