"So this scroll is a move skill machine?"

Tianwang Huayue was the first to react.

It seems to be the exclusive move of Rikakuza...but by analogy, maybe I have obtained this skill machine, and other Pokémon can learn it too!

The eyes of the people next to him brightened up.

A powerful move and skill machine, not to mention that it can also form a bond with Rikakuza... The picture is so beautiful!

"Then the Dragon God Trial officially begins!"

So the old lady shouted in a deep voice, making everyone energetic.

However, according to the order of priority, the three outsiders, Xiaozhi, were ranked behind.

"Okay, let's see how it works."

"Usually in this kind of routine, the protagonists are all outsiders."

"Indeed, the locals are generally just green leaves..."

The three whispered in the back, and in the empty and closed stone room, the voice naturally entered the ears of the Meteor People.

"Damn it, these outsiders!"

Penghuo and the others looked furious, and immediately calmed down so that they could perform at their best.


But the old lady just sighed with emotion, as if she had expected it.


Among the Meteor People, the person who had the closest relationship with Lord Dragon God died unexpectedly many years ago...

Only her daughter Sigana remained.

The latter also broke into the stone room secretly, trying to take out the scroll to prove his bond with Likongzao.

In the end, it did open and close the dragon's mouth to a large extent...but it still couldn't be taken out.

"Sigana, I don't know where you are now...?"

There was a bit of worry in the eyes of the elder lady.

Later, the woman came out of Meteor Falls on her own initiative, not intending to use the method of her ancestors to solve the disaster, but to save the world by her own strength.

The people of Meteor were sent to search for it many times, but there was no trace of Sijana at all...

"I hope this time, we can choose the real messenger of the Dragon God."

The old woman looked fixed, but most of the hope in her heart was placed on the three outsiders behind.


Soon, the trial began, and Penghuo was the first to walk up the steps.

But it's not as simple as pulling it out by hand...

"Please, Desert Dragonfly!"

He released his partner, Desert Dragonfly. As soon as the latter appeared on the stage, he immediately noticed the red-haired maid behind Xiaozhi, and immediately shuddered.

And Penghuo put his keepsake, the dragon scale fragment, into the hands of the desert dragonfly.

Dragon teeth are the props that can enhance the power of dragon attribute moves.

And this fragment of the dragon god can allow the holder's dragon attribute moves to be stained with a breath of cracked empty seat.

"Desert Dragonfly, use Dragon's Breath at that place!!"

The next moment, Penghuo pointed to a prominent brazier above the dragon head statue.

Boom...! !

The bluish-white dragon's breath whizzed out, landed on the brazier, and immediately ignited a blue flame.


And the whole stone room also began to tremble, especially the statue of Likongzuo in front of Penghuo, whose eyes turned into blood-colored pupils, which seemed to be completely triggered.

After the preparatory conditions were completed, Penghuo swallowed, and stretched out his arm with a solemn expression.

"Is that so...?"

The three of Xiaozhi repeatedly expressed surprise, no wonder they needed to tame a dragon-type Pokémon in advance.

Immediately, the eyes of the three of them fell on the palm of the fluffy palm, curious about what would happen next.


I saw fluffy palms grasping the body of the scroll, and started exerting force, trying to pull it out.

It's just that the big golden teeth in Longkou didn't seem to be loose at all, they stuck the scroll tightly, and didn't get the slightest effect at all.

After working hard for a long time, Penghuo's face turned red, but the scroll still remained motionless.

"Hey, you don't have a chance with Lord Dragon God... the next one."

Seeing this, the old lady sighed, and then directed:

"Green cotton bird, please."


This chubby green bird flew near the brazier, flapped its wings, and blew a pink whirlwind.


The dragon's breath flame on the brazier was instantly extinguished as if it encountered a stream of water.

Although there is no evolved green cotton bird at this moment, and it has not yet acquired the fairy attribute...but the fairy wind is still the natural nemesis of the dragon attribute moves.

It seems that the dragon's breath flame on the brazier is still connected with the tester, and the next tester cannot continue to use the flame of the previous tester.

The flames were extinguished, and the stone room, which was still restless before, suddenly became quiet...


Seeing this, Penghuo immediately retreated with a gloomy expression, without the arrogance he had at the beginning.

And the two Meteor People's Trialists at the back also walked up to the Dragon God statue one by one with the same unscrupulous expressions.

Take the dragon scale fragments, release the dragon's breath, and start pulling the scroll.

It's just the scene of three people, exactly the same.


This scene made the elder woman shake her head again and again.

Sigana managed to part the teeth, but the three of them didn't even move the teeth.

How could it be pulled out by force!

"Next, we can only place our hopes on the three of them."

The old lady looked at Xiaozhi and the three with some expectation... Although she is not a native of the Meteor People, but now that the disaster is approaching, there is no time to think so much.

"Hmph, then I will come and see you!"

Seeing this, Tianwang Huayue walked up the steps with her mouth crooked, with an arrogant look.

"Come out, two-headed Tyrannosaurus!"

Following the example, he handed over his dragon scale fragments to his new partner, and then waved his fingers:

"Now, use the dragon's breath!!"


The double-headed tyrannosaurus understood, and immediately spit out two blue-white flames from the two heads, intertwined and roared out.

Parent-child love·Dragon's Breath! !

laugh...! !

This also makes the flame power of the brazier above appear extremely high.

But Tianwang Huayue suddenly stretched her palm into the dragon's mouth, held the scroll tightly, and then exerted force with her arm and began to pull it outward.

It's just that after working hard for a long time, the teeth of the dragon's mouth didn't move at all...

Trial failed.

"Damn it, what dragon god doesn't know how to appreciate talents!"

Seeing this, Tianhuahuayue could only retract the double-headed tyrannosaurus, and when she descended the stairs, she didn't forget to curse.

If it weren't for the Meteor People watching below, he would have commanded the double-headed tyrannosaurus to directly blow up the dragon-headed statue.

The eldest grandmother: "..."

She shook her head, and motioned for Qingmianniao to use Fairy Wind again to extinguish the dragon's breath.

But Yuki and Xiaozhi are rock-paper-scissors behind, and in the end Yuki is more unlucky and makes an early appearance.

"I have...!"

Xiaozhi's expression suddenly became wonderful, a look of complete control.

After all, according to this routine, it is the finale general who is the real winner.


Yuki naturally knew this truth, but he still walked up the steps with a serious expression.

But looking at the statue of the dragon god in front of him, his eyes soon became full of fighting spirit.

Cold knowledge, the word "finale" actually refers to the penultimate one on stage...!


Happy Mid-Autumn Festival. !

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