He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1072 Bilan's Weakness

Xiaozhi's move raised the eyebrows of Xijiana, who was planning to dig out some useful information from Bilan.

Wait a minute, aren't these two companions?

How can one person be subdued by himself, and the other person looks so happy?

But what made Sijana even more puzzled was that, in order to find an excuse for guarding and stealing the inventory keystone of Devin Company, she happened to see the arrest warrant of Team Lava, and then threw the pot out together.

She originally thought it was something made up by the lava team. After all, the team itself likes all kinds of hype and attention.

Didn't expect "Human Face Bobo" to exist?

Still looking for you? !

"Hmph, but you still dare to send yourself to the door to seek death...?"

Sijana's complexion sank, her hand movements increased a bit, her claw-shaped palms pinched Bilan's face, and even pinched the latter's skin into an inward concave arc, pressing tightly against the bones of the mouth.

His eyes secretly looked at Xiaozhi next to him.

This guy should be helping, right?

He deliberately pretended to be a passer-by watching a show, but in fact he wanted to sneak up and rescue his companion.

"Pikachu, let's back up."

However, Xiaozhi just hugged Pikachu and took several steps back, which was the best distance for passers-by to watch the show.

Sigana: "?"

Xiaozhi's expression was calm, and he even wanted to laugh a little.

Big brother Bilan is a woman that even old brother Chi dare not provoke, how dare this woman pinch the former's face...?

Is there really someone who is not afraid of death?

Sijana is full of calculations, she is just a trainer at the level of a king, but the realm of the grandpas is a billion points higher.

Adding in the old enemy who had been blamed on Big Brother Bilan before... Xiaozhi's eyes suddenly became expectant, wishing he could hold a bucket of popcorn in his hand.

Sigana has a puzzled expression and is at a loss.

It's just that the touch from the hand suddenly changed, it's no longer the touch of a human face, it's more like...

A puddle of ooze?

Puff puff...!

The next moment, the blue humanoid body completely turned into soft pink clay, without any fixed shape.

The body pressed by Sigana also split into two halves from the middle, allowing the former to squat on the ground.

Without waiting for the latter to do anything, the pink clay began to condense into a human form on Sigana's back.

Just as Sigana wanted to dodge, her throat and neck tightened suddenly, and she was pulled by something.

Looking down from the corner of the eye, I didn't know when, a pinch of pink clay had wrapped around my neck.

In front of him, Bilan had regained his human form, standing there with his palms raised.

The end of the palm is not a complete human palm, it is still in the shape of pink clay, extending forward and wrapping around his neck.

Then, with a slight lift, it just twisted her whole body up.

"You bumpkin who has never seen the world, if I don't teach you a big lesson today, my name will be written upside down...!"

His blue face was sullen like a volcano about to erupt.

No one has ever been on top of her!


And Sijana's body was lifted, and the strong pressure from her neck made her grab the clay next to her with both hands, trying to push it away.

His feet dangled helplessly in the air.

Throat breathing was restrained, Sigana's face turned blue in a short while, and everything in her eyes began to turn black and shake...

"Amazing Big Blue..."

Seeing that the situation seemed to be coming to an end, Xiaozhi was about to go up and brag about Big Brother Bilan.


However, the next moment, a little pink rabbit suddenly jumped in front of everyone.


Only then did Xiaozhi come to his senses, it seemed that he came to this wild jungle after chasing this Goonuniu at the beginning, but he almost forgot about it.

However, the next moment, the timid Goonuniu opened its mouth to the maximum.


A burst of sharp and ear-piercing high-pitched sound suddenly spewed out from its mouth, even turning into a white shock wave visible to the naked eye, and even the air was forced to vibrate repeatedly.



This made Xiaozhi and Pikachu hug their ears immediately, their faces ugly.

The piercing screams seemed to pierce their eardrums.

The body of Juyin's attacking target, Bilan, began to tremble again and again.


The human body and the Ditto's slime form are constantly changing back and forth, making it difficult to be completely stable.

Obviously, for the ever-changing Bilan, strong sound waves are her weakness.

"Cough cough cough...!"

And Sigana, who finally seized the opportunity to struggle to the ground, was holding her throat and coughing continuously.

Immediately, his eyes were fixed, and there was already a sense of fear in his eyes when he looked at Bilan again.

This woman is too dangerous!

If she hadn't ambushed Gu Niuniu by her side in advance, she would have confessed here today...

run! !

That was the only thought on Sijana's mind at the moment.

The figure rushed out quickly, grabbed Gu Niuniu with one hand, and then jumped onto the back of the Tyrannosaurus with a run-up and leap.


This also gave the tyrannosaurus finally a chance to do something, the bloody wings flapped suddenly, and its figure suddenly swept towards the sky.

It is obviously a tyrannosaurus dragon at the level of a king, even if it faces the king of the alliance head-on, it will not hesitate at all.

But today, when I met this pink creature, I felt a heartfelt fear...

This enemy is too weird.

Like his own trainer, the only purpose of the tyrannosaurus at this moment is to escape!

Whoosh! !

The air storm moved, and the Tyrannosaurus had already flown to an altitude of tens of meters in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Zhi shook his head on the spot, and finally recovered from Gu Niuniu's loud voice.

Seeing Sijana gradually going away, while Bilan not far away didn't move, just stabilizing her human body.

It was only today that she realized that her body still has the weakness of voice.

It seems that in addition to finding the dream, I need to find something else to perfect this body...

"Boss Bilan, someone else is going to run away, and your name must be written upside down."

Xiaozhi couldn't help reminding in a low voice.

He is always persuading.

Sure enough, as soon as this sentence was finished, Bi Lan's face changed again.

But she didn't take any action, she just looked up at Sijana's retreating figure, her eyes showed a look of teasing a mouse.

"Hmph, you have an ambush, do you think I didn't have an ambush...?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he quickly looked at the sky.

It seems that today can be reversed!

Under his gaze, he saw a white figure that looked like a human, appearing above the Tyrannosaurus out of thin air.

This figure didn't have any wings, but it appeared at a height of tens of meters.

"Jump directly into the air?"

Xiaozhi blurted out in surprise, how much physical fitness does this require? !

Its body twirled in the air, and it made an upside-down movement of the golden hook.

Boom! !

The next moment, Hijana and Tyrannosaurus were kicked down at the same time, falling towards a place in the jungle...

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