He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1105 Yinyu gymnasium vs Naqi!

Yin Yu City.

This is a city surrounded by jungle wilderness.

However, looking at the area of ​​urbanization, it should be classified as a "town" type.

Even many of the houses are built on trees, which is quite original.

High wooden platforms are built on the heights of the trees, and then connected up and down with wooden stairs.

"It is said that Yinyu City is also the town with the longest life expectancy in the Fangyuan area..."

Shota, who just joined the team, gave a popular science talk to several people.

If we say that the biggest feature of the Johto area is the quaint buildings that can be seen everywhere...

Then in the Fangyuan area, besides the sandy beaches and oceans that can be seen everywhere, there is a super high vegetation coverage.

"Due to the frequent rain here, the trees and plants in this town are also growing extremely lush."

Xiaozhi and the others looked around. The trees here are indeed 1/2 taller than the trees in other places.

Seeing that it was still early, after a few people replenished their status at the elf center, they went to Yinyu Gym without stopping.

"Yinyu gymnasium is a flying gymnasium, so Xiaozhi, are you going to use this Pikachu to fight?"

Along the way, Xiangta asked expectantly.

The foreign electric mouse on Xiaozhi's shoulder doesn't look like a pet that simply decorates a vase, does it?

"No, Pikachu is the general of Luezhen, and he won't take it lightly."

Xiaozhi waved his hand and explained.

"Pickup, pickup~!"

Pikachu jumped directly onto Shota's head, and the old god nodded along.

It's just a battle in the gymnasium, you don't need it to make a move!

But Xiaozhi remembered something, if it is a flying gym, he can give that guy a try...


Soon, several people came to the Yinyu Gym.

This gymnasium is somewhat different from the ones Xiaozhi has seen before, especially when it is placed in the surrounding trees and jungles, it looks particularly abrupt.

This is a huge building similar to a square pyramid. The outer walls are made of silver-white stone. It is a magnificent building about 100 meters high.

In the center, apart from a gate leading to the interior of the building... on the surface of the wall, there is also a slanted upward stepped stone platform, which can directly lead to the roof at the top from the outside.

On both sides are statues of flying Pokémon such as Armor Bird and Tanabata Blue Bird.

"It's so stylish..."

"Enough rich..."

Several people gasped, shocked by the magnificent architecture of Yinyu gymnasium.

Even Shota, who is a local, is seeing it for the first time, staring straight at the highest point.

It seems that the stage of the battle is the top open terrace... This is in line with the style of the flying gymnasium.

Without further hesitation, several people immediately climbed up the stairs and headed towards the highest point.



By the time the few people were about to walk to the end of the stairs, the airflow at the height was already very strong.

"Um, don't look back..."

It was so tall that Shota didn't even dare to look back at the steps behind him.

But when they fully climbed to this high building platform, they saw a spacious training battlefield on the top, and there were no walls blocking it at all.

The position where the trainer stands is a high platform of more than 20 meters standing on the ground.

It seems that the height of this building is not enough, and it needs to be higher?

"You can't be careless..."

Xiaozhi's expression sank and he looked around.

Even in air combat, there are differences.

Air combat within 100 meters and air combat beyond 100 meters are completely two concepts.

This altitude will make the Pokémon who are good at flying become unsuitable for flying... and the strong air current at high altitude is sometimes even more dangerous than the opponent's attack!

"Are you the challengers?"

At this moment, a female voice suddenly came from the side of the building roof.

Everyone looked intently, but saw a tall and slender woman.

Wearing light blue long sleeves and white slim-fit trousers, she fully displayed her slender figure.

Her long lavender hair was tied into a ponytail and fell naturally behind her head.

With a gentle and pretty face and a soft hat like wings and feathers on his head, he has a light and refined beauty.

"I am the owner of Yinyu Gym, Naqi!"

"Xiaosheng is Xiaogang from Nibi City~!"

However, Xiao Gang had already pushed Xiao Zhi away first, and rushed forward to show his hospitality.

Xiangta: "?"

He looked at Xiaozhi and Xiaolan in a daze.

How did this black brother do such a frivolous behavior like a prodigal son?


"do not mind..."

Xiaozhi and Xiaolan smiled awkwardly.

Xiaogang's image of a big senior is gone in the blink of an eye.

And Xiaozhi quickly pulled Xiaogang back, and looked at the gentle woman in front of him.

"I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, and I'm here to challenge Yinyu Gym!"

"Then I accept the challenge."

Na Qi immediately agreed, unexpectedly simple and rude.

Then he turned around and slowly boarded the high platform at the end of the training ground.

The high air flow passed by, blowing Naqi's long purple hair, which made Xiao Gang below almost howl like a wolf.

"I won't admit defeat either...!"

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi naturally hurried up to the high platform on the other side, facing Na Qi far away.

After a while, another long-haired woman came out and stood on the central arena below the two of them.

"Then, the Gym Challenge with the White Feather Badge as the bet begins now!"

Shota who was watching the match was startled by these words, and quickly fixed his eyes on the field, not intending to let go of any details, and the pen and paper in his hand were already ready to go.


Thinking of something, Shota suddenly threw out his three Poké Balls... These are all the Pokémon he has tamed so far.


The next moment, the wooden ghougong appeared again, casually picked up a branch by its mouth, and hugged its chest coldly.

It admits Ash's forest lizard moves are cool...but it's his now.

As for the other two.

One is a light blue upright little beast with a rather irritable expression and a hard white shell on the top of its head.

The other is a brown sloth monkey lying lazily on the ground.

Baby dragon and lazy man.

At this moment, Xiaozhi's mind is completely on Naqi who is opposite, but Xiaogang and Xiaolan who are closest to him are speechless.

"Ah, outrageous..."

"Is this the configuration of newcomers now?"

A Yusanjia, a quasi-god cub, a monster cub...

It's too much, other people's top three are usually Yu Sanjia, Serpentine Bear, Proud Swallow, Spinytail or something...!

"Everyone should concentrate on watching Xiaozhi's battle!"

Xiangta took his three Pokémon to the corner and entered a state of secret observation...


"Then the challenge rule of Yin Yu gymnasium is 4v4..."

The referee below introduced the rules, which made Xiaozhi blink his eyes.

It turned out to be a rare 4v4... It seems that the gymnasiums in the eastern half are really going to be difficult.

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