He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1109 Golden King Yan vs. Golden King Yan!

I saw that the body of the tropical dragon began to flash a strange white light, and then the energy that came out of the body turned into dangerous gravel blades in mid-air, and bombarded towards the position of the coal turtle!

Boom bang! !

The white light gravel immediately exploded continuously on the body of the coal turtle, blasting the latter several meters away on the spot.

The effect is outstanding! !

When the tropical dragon flapped its wings again and flew into the air, the coal tortoise, which had been hit hard, struggled to stand up.

"What kind of move is this?!"

The sudden change made Xiaozhi look astonished.

"Didi. Force of Nature, this is a move whose attributes and power will change with the type of fruit used."

The illustrated book automatically reminded.

The exotic fruit can not only restore the tropical dragon's stamina a lot...it can also transform the natural power of the tropical dragon into a rock attribute with restraint effects!


Naqi showed a smug smile.

Attribute restrained rock attributes... this is not a coincidence.

Taking advantage of the unique body structure of the tropical dragon, Naqi hides a lot of berries at the neck of the tropical dragon... so no matter what kind of opponent it is, there are berries that can be accurately confronted.

"Is there such a saying?!"

Xiaozhi frowned, this is equivalent to carrying a variety of props, right? !

Illegal Tropical Dragon!

However, these props are all grown out of the tropical dragon's own body... They are organs and are not illegal.

Na Qi glanced at the sky, and suddenly shouted:

"Next, use Sunshine Flame!!"

Whoosh! !

A golden-white fiery light beam was instantly released above the tropical dragon's head! !

The sunny day feature not only increases the flame power of the coal turtle... the sun flames can also be released instantly!

Boom! !

The coal tortoise's speed was extremely fast, and it was too late to dodge, so it hit on the spot!

The fiery light beam hit its body, forcing the coal turtle to back up again and again.

It just works...not particularly well.

The flying leaf storm that was used once before has weakened the power of the tropical dragon's special attack at this moment...

"In this case, use Mount Tai to suppress the top!!"

Seeing this, Na Qi resolutely chose to attack violently.

The tropical dragon flapped its wings, then stopped flying over the head of the coal turtle, and its body also fell suddenly.

With its size and weight, the power of the Tropical Dragon to crush Mount Tai is frighteningly high!

"Use shrink shell!!"

Due to the huge difference in speed, the coal turtle only had time to retract its head and limbs into its shell.

The next moment, the tropical dragon completely trampled on the coal turtle shell! !

The figure of the coal tortoise was immediately embedded into the ground by a vigorous bombardment!

Rumble! ! !

The surrounding ground immediately collapsed, cracks spread layer by layer towards the surrounding area, shaking crazily.

The smoke and dust rising around completely engulfed the figures of a dragon and a turtle...


"Is there a winner?"

Shota on the side widened his eyes and looked nervously at the field.

He forgot to write his notes from the very beginning, and he couldn't bear to leave the field for a moment.

But in the silence, it was Xiaozhi who took the lead in taking action.

"Coal Turtle, just use the hot air like this!!"

You must know that the tropical dragon at this moment is completely stepping on the shell of the coal turtle... This is also the place where the temperature of the latter's whole body is the most terrifying and dangerous.

Puff Chi Chi! ! !

The next moment, amidst the smoke and dust in the sky, a wave of hot wind and air blew again! !

Not only that, the temperature of the heat wave is extremely high, and you can even see the red smoke visible to the naked eye, with dense sparks, like magma that can float in the air...

"Didi, the coal turtle has mastered a new move, blowing smoke!"

The picture book automatically prompts.

I saw the charcoal tortoise's smoke-breathing trick, which dispersed the surrounding smoke and dust.

The blazing hot high-temperature smoke is even more scalding on the tropical dragon's chest at zero distance, making a "sizzling" sound like barbecue.

There is also the powerful steam force contained in it, which even rushed the huge tropical dragon directly into the air.


Finally crashed down!

The brown-black dinosaur body is covered with scorched black marks, and the eyes are in the standard swirl shape.

And the other end.


The coal tortoise, which was dissipating the smoke and dust, was also panting heavily.

The whole body can no longer maintain a standing position, and the limbs are completely flat on the ground, which is obviously a state of dying.

"The Tropical Dragon lost the ability to fight, and the Coal Turtle won!!"

The referee quickly pronounced the verdict.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi also heaved a sigh of relief, and slowly put the coal turtle back.

"Thank you for your hard work... It's already amazing that the first battle can be completed to this state..."

Xiaozhi comforted through the elf ball.

Tough fight.

The cooperative battle between him and the super turtle speed coal turtle needs to be further improved...



Soon, Yinyu Gym came to the last Gym Challenge.

Naqi couldn't accept being completely unblocked.

Generally, trainers will use Pokémon to the end... But it is rare for Xiaozhi to replace it directly when the candle is dying in the wind.

"It doesn't matter... come out and fight!!"

Since she is a formidable enemy unexpectedly, Naqi also intends to use her full strength.

boom! !

A red light flashed, but it was a black and white Big Swallow Pokémon appearing in the sky of the arena—it was King Swallow.

It's just that Naqi, the big Wangyan, is different.

The whole body glowed with a pale golden light, as if covered with a filter.

This made the King Yan appear on the stage with a kind of arrogance of the emperor.

"Flash King Yan?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and Wang Yan's shining posture was surprisingly handsome.

But if you want to compare it to Wang Yan...

"It's up to you, Great Wang Yan!!"

With a flip of his palm, Xiaozhi also sent out his King Yan!

In terms of size, it is not inferior to the latter.

But because it is a classic black and white color scheme, it is far less cool than the other party's pale gold, and it is a bit shorter in momentum.

"Do you also have King Yan? The ones you bred are very good..."

Na Qi nodded, and did not hide her praise for the big Wang Yan.

But if it's Da Wang Yan's civil war... no matter what, we will win one today!

However, the match had just begun, and Xiaozhi suddenly punched the air, and said in a slightly joking tone:

"Great Wang Yan, let the other party see what a real golden King Yan is!!"

flash? It's just pale gold!


Da Wangyan understood, tensed her whole body and let out a neigh.

This appearance made Na Qi and Flash King Yan on the opposite side stunned.

What does Golden King Yan mean?

What are you doing?

I was born to be a sparkle...you can also be a sparkle in the middle?

Zizizi! !

However, the next moment, the sound of electric current resounded in the air, and Na Qi was a little astonished.

I saw that the body of Xiaozhi King Yan began to burst out violent electric currents, and then condensed on the body surface to maintain...


After a while, the whole body of this King Yan was already covered with a layer of golden battle armor, which could even reflect the sun's rays, making it extremely dazzling.

The brightness of this golden yellow far exceeds the luster of the shining king Yan!

Naqi \u0026 Flash King Yan: "?"

One person, one bird, staring directly at it, I was stunned...

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