He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1122 Incubation

121 Road.

Today, Xiaozhi and his party finally left the dense jungle near Yinyu City and came to the road close to Shuijing City.

The plants here have also returned to the growth height of ordinary trees.

"Wild Hunting Area!"

Halfway through, a wooden house with a huge signboard attracted their attention, and behind the wooden house was a large area connected.

"Wild hunting area..."

Several people stopped on the road to look around, while Xiaozhi recalled his achievements in the two hunting areas of Kanto and Chengdu.

Sixty cows!

Fifty-nine Kentaro, plus an Afro Kentaro that got in by accident.

"But now I..."

Xiaozhi quickly passed the Pokémon he was carrying.

The strong chicken and the forest lizard are growing rapidly, and the lobster minion is estimated to evolve soon...

Da Wang Yan and Coal Turtle still need more running-in training.

Dian Shenzhu... Well, this one is because he needs to cooperate with Dian Shenzhu's high-speed and high-attack fighting method.

After all these calculations, now I have a lot to worry about.

"I don't need to subdue it for now, how about you...?"

So Xiaozhi asked the people next to him.

Bang Bang Bang...! !

Before she could answer, Xiaolan's backpack suddenly shook, as if something was about to jump out.

"I'm going to give birth!"

She reacted instantly, quickly opened her backpack, and carefully picked up her elf egg.


The swaying of this elf egg began to increase, and the surface of the eggshell burst into a strange white light, which was a sign that it was about to hatch.

Counting the days, it seems that the two weeks away from what Master Ajin said is indeed almost the same.

Bang Bang Bang...!

At the same moment, Xiaozhi's backpack also started to shake.

"I'm going to give birth too!"

Xiaozhi quickly made the same gesture, placing the elf eggs that were also obtained from the breeding house next to Zijin City together.

As the light flickered, the eggshell had been completely covered.

"Is this the hatching of Pokémon...?"

It was the first time Xiangta saw such a scene, white light flickered in his eyes, looking forward to it.



Then, one from the left and one from the right, two sounds similar to breaking eggshells sounded one after the other.

"This is?!"

But in front of Xiaolan, there was already a small purple-black beast, like a small monster, with sharp hooks and claws.

The most peculiar thing is the position of its eyes, two hexagonal gemstones replace the eyes.

"Hey. Soul-hooking eyes, dark Pokémon, ghosts and evil attributes, live in caves, feed on ores and gems, like to play pranks to gain attention, but in fact they are too lonely in dark caves."

Shota's illustrated book automatically broadcasts a report.

"It looks different from the picture book..."

Xiangta exclaimed, the eyes of the soul-hunting eyes in the illustrated book are obviously light blue gemstones.

But Xiaolan, a newly hatched Ecstasy Eye, one side of the gemstone is light blue, and the other...is dark red?

Or is it an enchanting Yin-Yang eye? !

Eyes of different colors, which made this ecstasy eye look very eerie and eerie.

"Hey ho..."

However, the newly born Hookhunyan didn't like to play pranks very much, but curled up rather timidly.

This is a timid Pokémon, only in absolute darkness will it have the courage to perform mischief.

"Hey ho...!"

The ecstasy eyes searched frantically, and finally locked their sights on the human girl directly in front of them... It was very familiar with this aura since it was still an elf egg.

"Hooking Eye, please give me some advice~!"

Xiao Lan gently hugged the baby's soul-hunting eye, not hiding her love for it.

It seems that Master Ajin's consecration works, and a yin and yang·Ecstasy Eye was born.

"No~ This is a gift for you~!"

Xiaolan even handed Hookhunyan a small orb, which made the latter grab it in his hand with a smile on his face, and couldn't put it down.

This kind of Pokémon naturally likes gems, orbs and other shiny ores.

Not to mention that Hookhunyan sensed a very comfortable breath from this small bead.

"Wait a minute, this thing..."

However, Xiao Gang frowned, and there was this curved trace in the center of the small ball...

The mega stone that seduces the soul? !


Xiao Lan proudly holds the Eye of Soul on her shoulder. She still has more than a dozen mega stones on her body, so it's not a big problem.

This made everyone around show envious expressions.

It's a good life to hug a good thigh, and they also want to hug Bilan's thigh!



But soon, the cry from the other end also attracted everyone's attention.

But what hatched in front of Xiaozhi was actually a purple naughty little monkey.

The face, the feet, and the end of the tail are pale yellow...especially a tail that looks like a slender arm. Compared with it, the short arms are more like decorations.

"Dick. Long-tailed monster hand, long-tailed Pokémon, general attributes, the tail of the spirit bit can do more things than the hands, mischievous personality, often play pranks, and cause trouble to others."

Shota's pictorial broadcast reported that this is another Pokémon who likes to play tricks.


This baby long-tailed monster did not have the timidity like the ecstasy eyes, but showed a sly smile, with a row of crooked teeth at the corners of its mouth.

Somewhat similar to the lobster minions, they jump up and down when they come out.

"Look at its cheek!"

Xiao Gang noticed something at this time, and quickly reminded him.

Following the direction of the finger, I saw that this was the cheek of the long-tailed monster, with two small marks shaped like lightning... or the letter "z".

Probably less than two centimeters in length.


Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows, so Master Ajin's consecration was to engrave a birthmark on this long-tailed monster?

Hmm, I seem to have seen this mark somewhere...?


This long-tailed monster's hand was not afraid of strangers, and jumped onto Xiaozhi's arm flexibly, and landed on the latter's shoulder after a few small jumps, which was horizontally symmetrical with Pikachu.

However, the weight difference from both sides of the shoulders was not small, which gave Xiaozhi a rather uncomfortable feeling.


"I'm so envious..."

Seeing that Xiaozhi and Xiaolan both got their new Pokémon, Xiaogang and Xiangta said enviously.

As he said that, Xiao Gang also held out his pink heart elf egg, which probably still takes some time to hatch.

It seems that there is nothing to do more running.

Shota: "..."

He thought that Xiao Gang was in the same situation as him...does everyone have eggs?

Each has a newborn baby Pokémon, but Xiaozhi and the three have lost interest in going to the wild hunting area.

"Then go directly to Shuijing City!"

Xiangta can only walk in the front and lead the way.

He also has three baby Pokémon with a promising future, but he is not in a hurry to recruit new partners.

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