Step into the Green Ridge Gym.

At the beginning of the room is an empty arena, the center is a rocky ground with potholes, and there are even stone pillars protruding upwards in many places.

Surrounded by ladder-shaped viewing seats, it can be regarded as a large-scale competition performance venue.

The ceiling is built very high, with ample flying area.

There are various planets and spherical rocks of the moon hanging on it, coupled with the dark blue background board, as if you are in the universe.

Xiaozhi walked all the way to the edge of the arena and looked forward.

But he saw two teenagers sitting cross-legged in the center of the rock arena, a man and a woman.

Looks alike, looks like twins.

They were all dressed in blue exercise uniforms, their black hair tied up in small balls and coiled on their heads, quite delicate and lovely.

His eyes were lightly closed, as if he was practicing meditation.

"Is this the newly appointed Gym Master...?"

Xiaozhi frowned. The age of the two people in front of him seemed to be less than ten years old, right?

At most ten years old!

He wants to have an exciting gym battle, which is somewhat disappointing...

Buzz buzz...!

At this time, there was a high-frequency tremor suddenly from the sky above everyone's heads, Xiaozhi and the others raised their heads subconsciously.

But in the sky, there is a human woman floating.

A head of purple hair, shaped into symmetrical curved corners, about thirty-four years old.

This woman has a dark complexion, her eyes are also lightly closed, and her generous facial features look very mysterious and noble, with a pair of star earrings on her earlobes.

With a slender figure, she was dressed in a black jumpsuit and a wide and long robe, which extended and floated...

On the inside of the robe is a dark blue map of vast stars, as if this woman wore the entire universe on her body.

On both sides of her, there are also a pair of upright cats with similar appearance, and their bodies are only blue and white.

But the colors of the two cats are completely reversed, which is quite strange.

buzz buzz...!

The blue ray of thought power enveloped one person and two cats, just floating more than ten meters above everyone's heads.

"This is...?"

Xiaozhi and the others stood there unaware, what kind of ritual was it doing?


Seeing that there was no response after waiting for a long time, Xiaozhi finally took the lead to break the silence, and tentatively said:

"Well, I'm here to challenge the gym..."

These words made the twins sitting cross-legged on the ground tremble, and finally opened their eyes slowly.

"The practice of the two of you is far from enough, you are shaken so easily..."

At this time, the mysterious woman above spoke, which made the twins lower their heads in shame.

call out...!

The ceremony was interrupted, and the purple-haired woman who looked like a divination witch slowly fell from the sky.

Although he didn't know what he was doing, Xiaozhi still bit the bullet and said again:

"I'm here to challenge..."

It's just that before the words were finished, the mysterious woman had already interrupted:

"I know, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, you are here to challenge the Green Ridge Gym."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi shuddered, how does this woman know her name and origin?

Does she recognize herself? !

"That's right, Master Ge Jihua has the ability to predict the future!"

"She must have predicted in advance that you would come back to challenge the gym! Awesome!"

However, the pair of twin siblings did their best in a second, cheerfully scrambling to be the first to introduce, their faces flushed, and they completely lost their previous mysterious appearance.

"No, I didn't predict the future..."

However, Ge Jihua just shook his head, and said in a deep and calm tone:

"When you were knocking on the door earlier, I just heard your loud shout."

Xiaozhi and the others: "..."

The previous sense of mystery disappeared in an instant.


After some conversation, Xiaozhi finally knew what the three people in front of him were doing.

The twin siblings are the new owners of the Green Ridge Gym, Xiao Feng and Xiao Nan.

Age...exactly 10 years old.

The Green Ridge Gym is a time-honored Gym in the Fangyuan area, and it has been guarded by the two's grandparents before.

It's just that the latter is old now and is no longer able to accept the challenge, so he handed over the entire gym on the spot when his grandson just became a trainer.

Hereditary gymnasiums are actually very common.

However, because the two little guys are not strong enough, they specially invited the senior superpower museum owner from the neighboring area to come and give advice for a month.

The mysterious woman's name is Ge Jihua. She is the owner of the super power attribute hall in the Carlos area, and she is also good at doubles and auxiliary battles.

There are even rumors of the terrifying ability to predict the future.

A few people were doing meditation practice earlier, the key point of this practice is not to be disturbed by any external objects.


"Is the Gym Master in the Carlos area?!"

Xiangta's eyes lit up, he had heard of this place before.

Even before he had hesitated to travel to this region first.

After all, at this time, the Fangyuan Alliance has already been halfway through...but the alliance meeting over there has just begun, and it happens to be the perfect timing.

It was only when he met Xiaozhi halfway that he changed his mind temporarily.

"So this is the Pokémon from the Carlos area?"

Xiangta pointed the illustration book at the two upright cats beside Ge Jihua. Although the fur color is completely opposite, both of them seem to have very cold personalities, and their eyes are cold.

"Hey. Unrecognizable Pokémon, please trainers upgrade the illustrated book first."

However, his illustrated book issued a helpless answer.

Shota: "..."

"It's okay, use mine!"

Xiaozhi took out his illustration book confidently.

His illustration book is that Dr. Oki specially added the data of the entire region's illustration book.

"Didi. Super Miaomiao. The Pokémon in the Carlos area has superpower attributes. This is a Pokémon with different male and female appearances. The moves and fighting methods that can be used will also be different. When When Super Miaomiao's ears are pricked up, it will burst out with powerful superpowers."

The illustration book introduced it in quite detail, which made Shota envious for a while.

Everyone looked at these two cold and arrogant super-powerful cats. As expected, the ears were half folded and dropped, not fully extended.

At this time, a bold idea suddenly rose in Xiaozhi's mind.

He wants to challenge the powerful Gym Master even more!

Then Xiaozhi looked at the purple-haired woman in front of him, and said full of fighting spirit:

"Ms. Ge Jihua, I want to have a gym competition with you!!"

Ge Jihua: "..."

There was no wave on her face, making it impossible to see what she was thinking.

"Master Ge Jihua, let's fight him!"

"On behalf of our Green Ridge Gymnasium, show off the power of the super power attribute!!"

But Xiaofeng and Xiaonan next to them were the first to become anxious. It seemed that Ge Jihua's display of strength was more exciting than their own.

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