He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1136 Doubles match, vs Ge Jihua! (superior)

The battle begins!

"Forest lizard, strong chicken, use lightning flash at the same time!!"

At the beginning, Xiaozhi launched a double quick attack.

Although these two Pokémon have the wrong temper, they are both highly mobile Pokémon and belong to similar fast attack players.

However, the forest lizard tends to be a weird and flexible assassin, while the strong chicken is also not slow, but it is more inclined to fight with strength.

"Super Miaomiao, use high-five surprise attack."

However, Ge Jihua just responded leisurely.

Both male and female are super-powerful cats, and she didn't make a distinction between them.

Trainers who specialize in superpower attributes generally have the most tacit understanding with Pokémon, and one word is enough.

As soon as the words fell, two blue and white kittens flew out, both of them took the first step, and slapped the strong chicken and the forest lizard with crisp slaps.

Snapped! Snapped!

The strange and loud applause made the two of them frown slightly and froze in place.

"It's not over yet, a flash of lightning!!"

Xiaozhi shouted loudly, which also made the two beasts break free from the stiffness of the high-five surprise attack, and their figures turned into a sharp arrow and rushed forward again.

"Fast defense!"

Ge Jihua continued to speak.

I saw the super-powerful Miaomiao with blue fur in the majority, a burst of light flashed in its eyes, and two green light barriers covered them at the same time.

Bang! Bang!

The quick attack of the lightning flash was completely blocked, and the two were even bounced away by their own reaction force.

Quick Defense is designed to defend against preemptive moves, and can also apply defensive barriers to companions.

And the super-powerful Miaomiao, with white fur in the majority, also had the most perfect shot right at this moment.

"It's now, use mental shock!!"

Ge Jihua shouted in a low voice.

After the words fell, the pink-purple energy condensed several sharp stones in front of Super Miaomiao, and then all shot out.

Boom! !

Boom! !

The mental shock exploded on both the forest lizard and the strong chicken at the same time, and the power of thought exploded, directly blasting them several meters away!

"Awesome cooperation..."

After a brief confrontation, he was completely suppressed by the opponent, and Xiaozhi couldn't help but secretly had a headache.

Sure enough, superpower battles, especially doubles battles, are the most troublesome...

Looking at the two super-powerful Miaomiao standing side by side in front of them, although they are short in stature, they dare not be careless at all.

This also calmed Xiaozhi's restlessness for a while, and he recalled the illustrations he had secretly consulted before the battle in his mind.

The main one with blue fur is a male, and the expression in his eyes shows no emotion.

And the super-powerful Miaomiao with white fur looks very cold with raised eyes, and this one is the output player.

It can be said that this kind of Pokémon, one male and one female, is a perfect combination.


"Cut it, cut it!"

At this time, the forest lizard suddenly pointed to the cat in front of him, and then yelled at the strong chicken.

The general meaning is to let the strong chicken fight like the opponent.

"Chaba! Chaba!!"

These words made Li Zhuang Chicken immediately angry, and then began to bark.

Its power should be stronger, and the forest lizard should be the supporter!

However, just as the forest lizard and the strong chicken were arguing head to head, a low voice suddenly came from the opposite side.

"Super Miaomiao, use mental force!!"

Ge Jihua has seen Xiaozhi's future, this guy is not a novice trainer.

When an opportunity is found, it is natural to strike hard.

Buzz buzz! !

The female super-powerful Miaomiao's mental power erupted, and the next moment, the powerful blue light mental power fell on Li Zhuang Chicken's body, imprisoning it.

Moreover, the strength of the thought power is still increasing, even suspending the latter in the air, causing continuous damage.

The effect is outstanding! !

Da da da! !

However, in the next moment, the sound of hurried footsteps appeared on the field.

I saw a green body suddenly rushing out like a ghost, and then jumped high.

Whoosh! !

Immediately afterwards, two sharp lights of the knife flashed, and the green scythe was already slashing towards the female Super Miaomiao!

Leaf Blade Slash! !

The quarrel between the two is a quarrel, but this brainless muscular turkey is the only forest lizard that can beat him fatly.


However, the super female Miaomiao didn't move, and continued to output her spiritual thoughts.


But the male super-powered Miaomiao flickered and landed in front of the former, and raised his hand to prop up a translucent air wall without any delay.

Reflective wall! !

Ability - Heart of Mischief.

This allows Super Miaomiao to always take the first step when performing changing moves, and to maximize the role of the assistant.

Bang bang! !

Ye Renzhang slashed heavily on the reflective wall, but it was like cutting on a thick wall. For a while, the blade could not penetrate completely, causing the forest lizard to freeze in midair.


However, the corner of the forest lizard's mouth suddenly tilted, and it showed a dangerous smile towards the super powerful Miaomiao below.

Putting away the leaf blade, staring at his legs, the forest lizard jumped into the air.

On the other side, the strong chicken, whose body was completely imprisoned by strong mental thoughts, unable to move any limbs, was constantly accumulating strength in his body.

The limbs can't move, but the beak can move...

"Now, use the flame vortex!!"

Xiaozhi raised his finger and shouted loudly.

As the strong chicken opened its beak, a beam of flame light spewed out from its mouth.

Boom! !

The indomitable flame spun wildly in mid-air, turning into a blazing flame vortex, and the spiral burst and burned! !

The reflective wall can't resist long-range special moves...

Boom! !

The powerful flame vortex instantly engulfed the frontmost male Super Miaomiao.

Boom boom boom! !

Not only that, but the second stage of the flame burned up, covering and engulfing the female Super Miaomiao who was protected behind!

Even before the flames had completely dissipated, Xiao Zhi raised his finger and pressed it down heavily, taking advantage of the victory to pursue.

"Forest lizard, use the cross scissors!!"

In mid-air, the forest lizard that fell again adjusted its body shape, and the green light sickle that had just dispersed on its arm solidified again, but this time, it changed into two bunches of gray-green sharp long blades.

Box bang! !

The cross scissors slashed down heavily, and just at the moment of contact, they completely shattered the reflecting wall, making a crisp sound like breaking glass.

Insect-attributed moves have a strong restraint effect on superpower-attributed walls.

The move of the cross scissors didn't even end, and finally slashed head-on on the male Super Miaomiao's body.

Hush! ! A penetrating cross energy slash erupted, directly flying the latter several meters away, and fell heavily on the field.

The effect is outstanding! !

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