He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1139 White Stone


While Xiaozhi was still deep in thought because of the picture in his mind, a few friends beside him were already chattering.

"Is the God of the Earth and the God of the Sea coming out?!"

"There is still an empty seat for the dragon god crack...!?"

"This is an unprecedented scene!!"

The expressions of several people seemed very excited, this is definitely an epic content that is only recorded in ancient murals.

These three ancient gods fought in the Fangyuan area...

It is estimated that the entire region will suffer accordingly.

"But, what does it mean to devour Xiaozhi...?"

Xiaolan suddenly said worriedly.

It means Ash will be in this battle...



Xiaogang and Xiangta looked at each other, their eyes became serious, and they didn't know how to answer.

It is said to be a riddle, but combined with the mythical background of the Fangyuan area, it is actually very easy to understand.

According to the most straightforward meaning of rolling noodles, it seems that it is indeed...

Is Xiaozhi going to die?

"Xiaozhi, why don't you take a plane and get out of here!"

Xiangtai quickly spoke anxiously to persuade, as long as he left the Fangyuan area, he would naturally not be involved with these three ancient gods.

However, although Xiaolan and Xiaogang looked worried, it was still not a big problem.

After all, Brother Chi is right next to him, and there is also the extremely powerful super dream boss...

At least to save his life, it should be no problem to get out of the body.

This prophecy probably doesn't understand Xiaozhi's gold content.

"But what does this white stone mean?"

"Go home? Go home from the underworld?"

Several people began to discuss again because of Ge Jihua's last sentence.


When Xiaozhi completely broke away from the prediction screen of the two empty seats, he found that his friends were already planning to leave the gym.

"Let's go to Xiaozhi, let's go to the elf center."

"Tomorrow we'll go and see the white stone."

Xiaozhi: "???"

He didn't notice their discussion at all just now, what the hell is the white stone? !

Got a clue so soon?

"Yeah, if it's a white stone, we have a magical white stone in Luling City~!"

"I can take you to see it tomorrow, what's so strange~!"

Xiaofeng and Xiaonan smiled and said.

When Xiaozhi was distracted, everyone had already fully planned the next plan.

"Um, well then..."

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi could only follow.

This prophecy is actually a bit tasteless, and he doesn't know what will happen next, so he can only live with the situation.

He wasn't the kind of player who started a crazy brain storm several days in advance, was extremely anxious, and thought about countermeasures...



the next day.

The second day after the end of the Green Ridge gymnasium.

After lunch, Xiaofeng and Xiaonan came to the elf center and took the initiative to lead everyone to the location of the white stone.

The location is on the inner side of the island, which is not yet in Green Ridge City.

After a while, everyone came to a suburban field on the edge of the town.

Until a few people came to a rock wall, they saw a huge rock, about two meters high.

On the pitted surface, the whole rock is bluish white, with a little yellowish white, faintly glowing with strange light.

Very different from the surrounding rocks.

Leaning quietly in front of the stone wall, there is a round knot of thick hemp rope wrapped around the surface, as if it is a rock used for sacrifice.

It's just that a few people looked up and down, and Xiaozhi even touched it a few times, but it was no different from ordinary rocks, and there was no reaction at all.

So several people looked at the tour guides Xiaofeng and Xiaonan again.

"Uh, this white stone has existed since the first time someone landed on this island~!"

"As for what's the use...it's just a white stone, it's always been here~!"

The twins explained one by one, but they didn't say anything useful.

Hearing this, a few people could only sigh, foretelling or something, but they couldn't see any connection with this stone for the time being.

Ge Jihua didn't want to say anything more, and she didn't even come with her today, so she rested in the Green Ridge Gym.

"If you want to know more, you can come to our hundred-key gym in the Carlos area in the future, and I can say more..."

These were her last words to Xiaozhi.


"Then everybody~!"

"Let's say goodbye first~!"

After leading the way, Xiaofeng and Xiaonan left, and they had to go back to the Green Ridge Gym to receive Ge Jihua's rigorous training.

The three of Xiaozhi looked at each other, and lost their mind for a while.


"It seems that there is one person missing?"

With hindsight, the three of them realized that Xiangta had suddenly disappeared.

When they first left the Spirit Center, Shota was still with them, right?

The three wanted to go back the same way and look for Xiangta, but they saw several men in fiery red uniforms passing by them in a hurry.

"Mava team?!"

"Why are they here?!"

The three of Xiaozhi looked at each other, without making a sound, they just watched a few lava team soldiers pass by.

Following the direction in which several people went, they could still see a high-rise building standing on a high rocky platform, which was particularly eye-catching.

"There, I remember it seems to be the Green Ridge Universe Center...?"

Xiao Gang looked at the map and said.

This seven or eight-storey building was not built in Green Ridge City, but was built on a rocky platform in the northeast of the outskirts. It can be regarded as a landmark building on this small island.

Xiaozhi even remembered that the Dr. Meteorite he met at Meteor Falls seemed to be the researcher of this universe center?

What is Team Lava doing there?

In short, it will not be a good thing.

The few people looked at each other, but they could only temporarily put Xiangta's matter aside, and followed quietly...



On the other side, Xiangta was walking alone in Green Ridge City, looking around, as if looking for something.

"By the way, the person just now, if I'm not mistaken, should be the legendary Mr. Dawu, right?!"

He muttered secretly.

He subconsciously kept up with Dawu, and even forgot to tell Xiaozhi and the others for a while.

It's just that the figure was walking, and suddenly disappeared.

And he almost walked half of Green Ridge City, all the way to the northern end of the city.

There is no road ahead, and to the north, there are cliffs and the sea.

"Hey, what about Mr. Dawu..."

Xiangta looked left and right, there were not many buildings and people here, and there were very few citizens and tourists in Luling City who would come here.

But in front of him, there were two figures that attracted Shota's attention.

But I saw two men in crimson uniforms sneaking up to a nearby wooden house.

"Hey, it's said that this is the former league champion - Dawu's house."

"Hmph! If you don't bring us in this team building event, then use the champion's room to vent your anger!!"

The two grinned grimly, and each took out two big red sticks from their crotches...


"Hey stop! You two!!"

At this time, Xiangta suddenly ran forward and yelled loudly.

This is the home of his idol, Mr. Dawu, and he does not allow anyone to scribble on this house with a big red pen.

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