He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1141 Fireworks Show Dedicated to the God of the Earth

Shota subconsciously turned around, only to see a man in a purple-black formal uniform speaking, dressed neatly.

He is slender and well-proportioned, with handsome facial features and elegant short silver hair, exuding a noble and connotative charm.

Touching his chin with his hands, he smiled at the corners of his mouth, as if he admired Shota's fight with the forest lizard earlier.

"Big...Mr. Champion Dawu!!?"

Shota recognized the latter, his mouth was wide open, and he was so nervous that he could hardly speak.

"Hehe, I'm not a league champion anymore, I'm just an ordinary person..."

Dawu just smiled casually, walked over slowly, reached out and rubbed the forest lizard's head.

Then he looked past the two of them, and looked at the wooden house standing on the edge, with a bit of reminiscence in his eyes.

"Thank you for helping to protect this house."

Dawu suddenly said.

His father is the president of Zvqi, and he has worked intensively in the mine since a very early age.

Later, he became the president of the largest company in the Fangyuan area. He was busy all year round and had no time to take care of his family.

It can be said that Dawu spent most of his childhood in this wooden house in Luling City.

This is his hometown.

Although Dawu began to travel around the world after becoming a trainer, he rarely returned here.

I didn't expect to come back here today and encounter such a thing.

It seems that next, I need to find a few bodyguards to help look at the house...

Thinking of this, Dawu looked at Xiangta and the forest lizard.

"You and your partner are excellent, with a strong bond..."

Immediately Dawu thought of something, and suddenly took out a small cloth bag from his pocket.

I put my fingers into it and rummaged for a while, and finally threw a small round bead to Shota.

"If it's you and the forest lizard, maybe you can use this power~"

Xiangta looked at the glass bead in his palm, and felt terrified, his hands trembling a little.

"This is... a mega stone?!"

"Oh~ Do you still know Mega Stone?"

Dawu became interested and said with a light smile.

Shota looks like a novice trainer, and it's not uncommon to be able to recognize mega stones.

"Yes, Mr. Dawu! I saw it at my companion!"

Xiangta quickly explained, with a rather cramped tone.

Before he joined the team, Xiaozhi already had the flame chicken's mega stone...

Later, Xiaolan gave him a mega stone of the Lizard King, which made him very envious.

Shota even secretly memorized the texture details of the Lizard King mega stone, planning to find one himself in the future.

Didn't expect to have it so soon? !

Under Dawu's gaze, Xiangta held his breath and handed the mega stone to the forest lizard.

"Forest lizard, let's quickly become stronger, and then use this power together!!"


The forest lizard let out a low growl, and its eyes were also extremely fiery.

"What a good bond~!"

Seeing this scene, Dawu stroked his chin again, chuckled and nodded.

In his mind, the image of a trainer with an electric mouse appeared.

The two teenagers in front of me are very similar...


But then, Dawu didn't enter his house, but turned around and walked towards the east of Luling City.

"Mr. Dawu, are you not going home...?"

Xiangta couldn't help but followed, and asked curiously.

"No, the purpose of my coming to Green Ridge City this time is not to go home..."

Dawu just shook his head and pointed in one direction casually.

Xiangtai looked along the trend, but saw a purple high-rise building standing outside the city of Luling City. Even here, a vague building shadow could be seen.

It seems that there is also the direction for Xiaozhi and the others to find the white stone.

Xiangta immediately followed Dawu carefully, and the two walked in that direction together.



same moment.

On the outskirts of Green Ridge City, Green Ridge Universe Center, lobby on the first floor.

At this moment, researchers from the entire building have gathered here, and the flow of people is noisy.

On the other side, several members in fiery red uniforms gathered, both men and women.

The leader was a big fat man with a figure like a ball, with curly short hair with slanted bangs, and his obese face compressed his eyes into squinted eyes.

"Hey, our lava team passed by here today, just to ask for something from the kind people in the center of your universe~!"

The senior cadre of the lava team - Flame, raised the corners of his mouth and let out a mocking laugh.

Although it sounds like a polite request.

Don't look at him as a smiling fat man, but when his eyes are fixed, he looks even more fierce.

"I heard that you have a lot of extra fuel here... It just so happens that our Lava team is going to do some public welfare projects recently, and we need to set off some celebration fireworks. I wonder if you can lend us some fuel~?"

He said with a smile.

These words immediately made the researchers of the universe center turn pale with anger.

They only have rocket fuel here, and you say it's for fireworks? !

This is a group of robbers without any logic at all!

"I'm sorry, Lava team, please get out of here immediately!"

The director of the universe center replied in a deep voice.

Seeing that the other side had no intention of leaving, many members of the lava team even took a step forward with a sneer, aggressively.

"You lava team, are you still planning to forcibly seize our valuable research materials today!?"

The director snapped sharply, trying to gain the upper hand on the moral high ground.

You must know that no matter whether it is the Ocean team or the Lava team, no matter how they cheat behind their backs...they are actually very concerned about face and care about the image of the company.

Many people in the center of the universe are holding up their mobile phones, and they are starting the Douyin live broadcast all the way, trying to force them back.

"Hey~ Our lava team didn't intend to take it by force, but we are all doing good deeds. Could it be that your universe center has made more money over the years, so you ignore us ordinary people~!"

Huo Huo didn't speak the slightest bit of logic, and even beat back.

The current lava team no longer needs any face.

The leader of the lava team - Chi Yansong has obtained the vermilion orb that can establish a connection with Gulardo.

Wait until Gulardo officially returns to the Fangyuan area...

With the support of the God of the Earth, who cares what other people think of Team Lava? !

And today, Flame intends to snatch the high-precision rocket fuel here.

Waiting for the day when Gulardo God returns, detonate the Chimney Volcano and give Gulardo the most magnificent fireworks show!

At that time, Gulardo, who will be delighted, will already recognize their lava team even more!

"Hey~! Hurry up and hand over your fuel~!"

Huo Huo let out a sinister grin, and took a few steps closer, his expression gradually becoming ferocious.

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