He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1143 Disaster Meteorite

"Hmph, you guys, remember it for me!!"

In the end, Huo Huo decisively took back the big wolf dog, not forgetting to drop his harsh words.

In the past, he would never have dared to say such provocative words in front of Dawu.

But now Gulardo is about to return, and their lava team is about to become the Chosen One...

At that time, I won't be afraid of you, Dawu or Mikley!

Da da da! !

After a while, Huo Huo ran out of the center of the universe in desperation with a group of younger brothers.

Master Gulardo's welcome fireworks plan can only be temporarily shelved...

"Do you want to catch a hundred proud swallows?"

When he left the gate, Huo Huo was still thinking about plan.B in his mind.

When Gulardo came back, he released a hundred swallows in front of him at the same time...

The scene of a hundred birds flying together should also make Lord Gullardo happy.


On the other end, inside the research institute.

The lava team left, and the researchers were relieved, and they sat down to rest.

Xiaozhi also looked curiously at the two who came in suddenly.

"Mr. Dawu, why are you here? And Shota, why are you two together...?"

As he said that, Xiaozhi also noticed the forest lizard behind Xiangta, and his expression was puzzled again.

"When did your Wooden Shougong evolve?"

"Oh~Xiaozhi, so you are the friend Xiangta talked about, it seems that he respects you quite a lot."

Dawu said with a light smile.

Along the way, Xiangta said a lot of "I have a powerful friend Yunyun", but he didn't expect that this person was talking about Xiaozhi.

Xiangta blushed and quickly explained cheerfully.

Looking at the posture, it turns out that Xiaozhi and Mr. Dawu are old acquaintances?


At this time, the director of the universe center came up with a tense expression.

"Thank you for your help, and Mr. Dawu..."

He bowed to several people quite solemnly.

The people in the universe center are all powerless researchers, at most a few half-baked trainers. Once they are kicked out of the gym, they can only wait to die.

But then, he looked at Dawu again, as if expecting something.

"Well, something I've brought..."

Dawu nodded, his arrival today was not accidental.

He had made an appointment to visit the Green Ridge Universe Center today.

"But you have to tell me first, will that meteorite really fall into our Fangyuan area?"

Dawu's expression has become serious.

And when he heard the keyword of meteorite, Xiaozhi was shocked.

That's right, I heard from President Zvoki that their plan is to cooperate with the Green Ridge Cosmic Center.

The director looked at Xiaozhi and the others with a hesitant expression.

"It's okay, they are all entitled to know about it."

Dawu waved his hand and said.

Through his father, he already knew that Xiaozhi and the three knew all about the disaster meteorite, and Xiangta was Xiaozhi's friend, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

"In that case, then you all come with me..."

So the director sighed with emotion, and led a few people towards the inner door of the institute.

Judging by the expression on his face, the situation is not very optimistic.


Among the crowd, only Xiang Taishi had a bewildered expression on his face, as if it was some serious event.

And among this group of people, am I the only one who doesn't know? !


Soon, several people came to a laboratory with messy research equipment and a huge electronic screen hanging on the inner wall.

"According to our real-time investigation over the past month, the probability of this disaster-level meteorite falling on our planet has risen to 40%..."

The director said with a serious face.

The odds of only single digits a month ago have been completely broken.

In the astronomical world, a 40% chance is not much different from 100%.

And the most surprising thing is that this meteorite does not seem to be a dead object, and it keeps changing its own trajectory, but the prediction map of the overlapping of countless trajectories...

Not only is there a great possibility of falling on their planet, but the target is even directed at their Fangyuan Continent!

"Ah, disaster meteorite?!"

The expressions of other people are not a big problem, but Shota's expression has changed drastically when he just learned the news.

If it weren't for the people around him who he trusted so much, Xiangta would only think that this incident was a nonsense prank.

"What time?"

Dawu asked with a serious expression, his tone quickened a little unconsciously.

"Well, the fastest may be ten days later, no later than thirty days..."

The director did not give an exact figure.

This meteorite is too different from the cosmic meteorites they have investigated in the past, and it is impossible to give a normal prediction at all.

"Ten to thirty days..."

Dawu frowned tightly. In this way, after about a week, the human beings on the ground will be able to see the meteorite in the sky with their naked eyes.

At that time, it is bound to cause great panic.

At this time, the director and Dawu looked at each other.

"On our side, the rocket and fuel have been prepared and can be launched at any time."

The director said in a deep voice, his tone confident.

Hearing this, Dawu also nodded, and said:

"Our Devon company's device has been researched, and the life energy of the living body has also been collected... But there is no time for experiments. I brought the device here, and then we will experiment directly here..."

Xiaozhi's pupils shrank, only then did he realize what they were talking about, and quickly looked at Dawu.

But this time Dawu didn't give him a very good look.

He naturally knew what Xiaozhi was going to ask.


"Xiaozhi, this is an inevitable sacrifice, and there is nothing I can do..."

Finally, Dawu sighed.

"Then those Pokémon won't all die..."

Before Xiaozhi finished speaking, he was interrupted by Dawu.

"It's not that exaggerated."

Dawu shook his head.

Those mega-evolved Pokémon that were taken out of their living energy as test subjects immediately exited the mega-evolution form, and then fell into a deep sleep.

According to the follow-up physical examination, these Pokémon have almost lost the ability to learn new moves, and even use moves to fight...

It's like a meow that has squeezed out all its potential and learned human language.

"Hey, is it still like this in the end..."


The three of Xiaozhi, who knew the reason before, all lowered their heads in great disappointment at this moment.

"Don't worry, our Devon Company will take good care of these Pokémon from now on."

Seeing that several people were depressed, Dawu tried to comfort them.

The Pokémon they picked before were originally not very combative Pokémon.

After being drained of the energy of the living body, although they can no longer fight, their daily life is still not a big problem...

Not all Pokémon will go into battle. In this world, there are already many vase-like Pokémon that have never fought in their entire lives.

"Um, what the hell are you talking about...?"

Xiangta shook his head, completely unaware of what they were talking about.

After some explanations, he finally knew that in the face of this meteorite crisis, Devon planned to use a dimensional device to send the meteorite to another time and space.

The energy that drives the device is the powerful living energy produced by the evolution of Pokémon Mega.

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