"Then please, Ladias..."

Just when Xiaozhi was about to release his own Latias, perform the flying technique, and go directly to Mushui Town.

Xiaolan next to her released her flame bird first.

Then he skillfully stepped onto the broad back of the flame bird, and subconsciously waved to Xiao Zhi who was stunned below.

"Come on, Xiaozhi~!"

"Ah, oh..."

Seeing this, Xiaozhi simply put away Latias' elf ball, and they all got on the back of the flame bird.

The legendary Pokémon's stamina is outrageous, and it only takes half a day to fly half of the Yoshien area.

The body moved forward, skillfully wrapped around Xiaolan's slender waist, and gently hugged her tightly.


Only then did the flame bird scream loudly, flap its wings, and take off.

In the blink of an eye, it flew up into the sky, and the dazzling afterglow of the flames sprinkled down, which is really beautiful.

It seems that the flame bird has completely resigned to its fate and has honestly become a means of transportation.

Zeng Jin has worked for the Kanto Quartz Alliance for most of his life... This kind of retirement life is actually quite good.

The few people below watched the flame bird go away.

"What a beautiful divine bird..."

Shota couldn't help muttering.

The appearance of gods from other regions in the Fangyuan region is still very shocking.

It seems that not only Xiaozhi, but also Senior Xiaolan is a remarkable figure. Now, can the legendary Pokémon be taken out casually?

This made Xiangta look expectantly at Xiao Gang next to him.

"Hehe, I don't have any legendary Pokémon~"

However, Xiao Gang just raised the corner of his mouth, revealing his white teeth.

"But I have an incomparably lofty and deep rock will, if you want to see it, I can let you see it...!"

"Senior Xiaogang, show me quickly!!"

Xiangta's complexion was rosy and hurried, he couldn't wait to see Xiaogang's tough will...



On the surface of the sea, the flame bird carried two people and flew high above the sea.

Such a powerful aura made it impossible for there to be any long-winged gulls or large-billed gulls within a 100-meter radius.

Sitting on the flame bird, Xiaozhi gently hugged Xiaolan with one hand, and took out the illustration book with the other hand, trying to guide the flame bird.

Although it was their first time to go to Mushui Town, things such as flying skills do not need to have a record of their arrival in advance.

"Well, right now, we should be on Waterway 133, as long as we keep flying northeast..."

However, before Xiaozhi finished speaking, the illustration book automatically interrupted:

"Didi. At present, your location is on the 127th waterway, and the direction of Mushui Town is in the southwest!"

"ps: The difference is that the level of the machine is unbalanced. Please rotate this illustration book 180 degrees before using it reasonably."

Xiaozhi: "..."

His face turned red, and he secretly turned the illustration book upside down 180 degrees.

The full-screen illustration book is sometimes not good because I don't know which side is up and down.

But it's not a big problem. Fortunately, the illustrated book has a map guidance function, so you can just follow the illustrated book and you're done.

"From this height, it's really spectacular..."

Through the gap between the flame bird's flapping wings, there is a boundless ocean below at this moment.

Occasionally protruding reef islands are randomly scattered on it like soybeans.

"By the way, Xiaolan, why did you come with me this time?"

Seeing no one around, Xiao Zhi curiously asked the girl in front of him.

Normally, Xiaolan would choose to avoid such dangerous things as much as possible, but this time she actually took the initiative to participate?

"Actually, I also have selfish intentions~"

Xiaolan's face turned red, her braided hair stuck to Xiaozhi's face behind in the high air flow.

This forced him to grab the former's hair with one hand and keep pressing down.

But through the brown hair, one can see that Xiaolan's two pink ears are stained with a touch of blush.

"Well, I heard that there is a place called Neverland in Mushui Town!"

Feeling the fiery gaze from behind, Xiao Lan quickly changed the subject and said seriously.

Neverland, this is an extremely mysterious island... It is said that it is like a ghost, appearing and disappearing from time to time.

The law is difficult even for locals to determine.

It is said that mysterious Pokémon live on the island!

And its name, Neverland...


Maybe this island is related to the legendary dream!

At this moment, Bilan's body still needs Dream's body tissue to stabilize it.

Otherwise, the human form, which can only last for more than ten minutes, will turn back into the muddy shape of the Ditto, which is difficult to maintain.

Xiaolan intends to find Mengmeng, and asks Mengmeng to give her an eyelash.

Although Chaomeng is a Pokémon cloned by using one of Fantasia's eyelashes.

But the genes of the two are already very different, and Chaomeng can't master the unique "transformation" moves of Mengmeng and Variety.

Chaomeng's eyelashes have no effect.

It is estimated that the rocket team scientists who made Chaomeng at that time also added a lot of extra materials of black technology...

"Sister Bilan has helped me so much, so of course I will do my best to help her!"

Xiaolan puffed up her small fist and said energetically.

After all, the latter even threw a bag of precious mega stones to him.

As for the empty seat of the dragon god... Xiaolan has great faith in Xiaozhi, and she doesn't need to worry too much about this adventure.

And there is a great god watching from behind, and there is no need to accompany him to climb the sky pillar.

"Is that so..."

Knowing the reason, Xiaozhi nodded repeatedly.

If it wasn't because the meteorite incident was too important this time, he would have gone to Neverland with Xiaolan first to find out.



Hours passed.

According to the instructions on the map in the illustrated book, they have already completed a nearly average flight distance at this moment.

Even Liuli City, where the eighth Gym is located, has just passed by.

Seen from above, this is a city shaped like a volcanic chimney, standing on the sea.

The city is built inside the volcano, and Xiaozhi can only see a dark hole from his perspective, but can't see the whole city.

"Hey, I really want to fly down to complete the Gym Challenge!"

Not long after seeing the flame bird, it had already flown over the volcano on the sea surface, and Liuli City also fell behind them, shrinking and going away, Xiaozhi secretly regretted it.

do not care!

When the time comes back from Mushui Town, you can go directly to Liuli City to complete the final harvest of gym badges!

Caiyou City, where the Alliance Conference is located, and Mushui Town are respectively located in the east and west of Liuli City, which happen to be in two completely opposite directions.

It's just that the flame bird was flying, and the surrounding clouds seemed to gradually become thicker and darker, as if it was night.


There were even muffled thunders in the air from time to time.

Da da da! !

The next moment, a torrential downpour suddenly fell, which directly drenched the two people and one bird in the sky into a drenched chicken.

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