He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1149 Flowing Cloud Line

In the sea to the northeast of Mushui Town, two dragon beasts are flying, each carrying a human.

Penghuo drove his desert dragonfly and led the way.


Xiaozhi rode Latias and followed slowly behind.

Penghuo's face was serious, and a legendary Pokémon followed behind, and the pressure was still great.

As expected of an envoy of the Dragon God, his partners are divine beasts!

After a while, the two entered a strange sea area.

There are countless standing reefs in this sea area, with different heights, and it can be seen that a sea route has been formed.

It's just that the route is crooked, and not long after entering this waterway, there have been many forks in the road, and the arrangement of the reefs can't be seen at all.

"Master Messenger, this road is the only one that leads to the Sky Pillar, and the others are all dead ends."

Penghuo guides the direction ahead, shuttles through the intricate stone road very steadily.

Xiaozhi frowned, and immediately commanded Latias to fly tens of meters high... From the top view, there is no maze?


Just waited until Latias flew over all the reefs, only to find that there was no land below this sea area except for the reefs dotted with stars.

Pillar of the sky... the name should be a towering giant tower, right?

Just looking at it at a glance, there is no similar existence at all.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi could only fall back to the surface of the sea rather disappointed.

"Master Messenger, this sea area has a special enchantment force field, and it is only possible to see the position of the Sky Pillar if it is located between all the reefs."

Penghuo quickly directed the desert dragonfly to lean on it, and answered patiently.

It is impossible for Gao Fei to reach the Sky Pillar in his whole life.

As for why he routed...

"To be honest, it's also my first time here."

These words surprised Xiaozhi quite a bit.

It was a completely intricate maze, but this guy had a familiar look when he returned to his home, and then said it was the first time?

"Hehe, to be honest, it's because of a special ability of our Meteor People."

Penghuo explained with a smile.

Focusing his eyes, he looked around.

"We Meteor People can see the trails left by dragon-type Pokémon in the air after flying...we call it the cloud line."

"Liu Yunxian?"

Xiaozhi was taken aback, and looked around, obviously there was nothing in the air at all.

But the same scene, in Penghuo's eyes, turned into several translucent threads.

Not only can they see these trajectories, but they can even make their Pokémon stand on the crossing fulcrums of the flowing cloud lines to fight in the air.

It can be said that the people of Meteor are good at air combat!

And among these stone roads and sea roads, the thickest and most obvious flowing cloud line is pointing in the direction of the pillar of the sky.

You only need to follow this flowing cloud line, and you will not get lost and have no direction.

"Is there still such a saying?"

Xiaozhi nodded repeatedly.

Speaking of which, isn't it the same as that retired Pikachu's stunt?

By releasing a powerful lightning strike, the air is filled with invisible current remnants... and then you can step on the current remnants to achieve high-speed jump transfer in the air.

This trick, his Pikachu has also successfully copied it, and he can barely use it.

Didn't expect there to be a similar version here.

However, it is obvious that the people of Meteor's Liuyunxian combat method is more popular. As long as you see the Liuyunxian, even if it is not a dragon-type Pokémon, you can use these trajectory to fight.

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi let Penghuo lead the way, while he widened his eyes from behind, trying to see some clues...



Sneaked all the way for half an hour.

Unknowingly, the number of surrounding reefs gradually decreased.

The two people who came to the end broke through the fog ahead, and a piece of land appeared in front of them.

This is an existence that can never be seen when flying in the sky.

clatter. clatter.

And when the two of them landed, an extremely tall stone pagoda appeared in front of them in front of the island.

"Is this the Sky Pillar?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes widened, and he raised his head to the highest angle.

Even so, the top of the stone tower is still not visible, it is completely inserted into the depths of the sky, and the whole picture cannot be seen.

On the outside, it looks like a brownish-yellow stone tower. Although it looks very old and dilapidated, the surface is built extremely straight and regular.

It can be vaguely seen that it is a huge triangular prism stone tower!

"Sky Pillar...!"

Even Penghuo knelt down immediately and respected the luggage.

This is also the first time he has seen the Sky Pillar... It can be said that this place is the most sacred place in the hearts of all Meteor People.

After all, according to the legend, Longshen Lie Kongzuo lived in the Sky Pillar for a period of time.

Look around in the tower, maybe you can pick up the hairs and scales that fell from the cracked seat... It can be a family heirloom on the spot!


The two of them didn't delay any longer, they were about to get closer.

Whoosh! Whoosh! !

At this time, there was a continuous sound of kicking against the wall, and a sound shadow moved across the surrounding rocks more flexibly.

In the end, he jumped lightly and landed on the stone path that Xiaozhi and the two were advancing.

"Who are you..."

Xiaozhi took a closer look, but saw that it was a snow-white beast-shaped Pokémon with a blue-black face and a crescent-shaped horn on one side.


"Is it a disaster beast?! Ah, good luck!!"

Seeing Absolu's figure, Penghuo's expression changed.

The Meteor People are an ancient clan, and most of them are very superstitious.

Seeing Absol, it means that there will be disasters... Does it mean that the next journey will not be smooth? !

It is about to release the desert dragonfly to drive away the unlucky Absolu.

"Wait a moment."

But Xiaozhi stopped in front of Penghuo, and walked into Absolu step by step.

The latter raised his noble and mysterious head, and stared calmly at Xiaozhi with blood-colored eyes.

"You are that Absolu, we have met twice."

The first time was when he had just set foot in the Hoen area, and the second time was on the beach south of Kaina City.

Xiaozhi also pointed to Pikachu on his shoulder.

"Pika pickup..."

Pikachu also called out, indicating that they had fought twice.

But both times, Absolu was persuaded and ran away early, otherwise he would be beaten up by himself.

Absol: "..."

Is this electric mouse a little sick?

Appearing in front of him twice in a row, Xiaozhi didn't think that the latter was here to touch porcelain on purpose.

As for Absol's Calamity Beast, the most widely spread saying is that as long as you see Absol, disaster will happen.

Dressing up this sentence from another angle, it can also be said that Absol has the ability to predict disasters, and appearing in front of other people is just a prophecy of disasters and a warning.

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