Soon, this ancient armor also noticed Xiaozhi who had just climbed the stairs.


After it roared like a beast, it raised its dangerous and sharp claws almost instantly, showing an aggressive look.

Humans inside the Sky Pillar, this is extremely rare.


Hearing the metallic sound of the collision of the two claws of the ancient armor, Xiaozhi did not show any weakness, and walked directly to the front of the former a few meters away, ready to fight.

"Since everyone is playing with pincers...then it's up to you!!"

With a flip of his palm, the lobster soldier appeared in front of him.


The lobster soldier looked full of fighting spirit, and his double pliers were also constantly opening and closing, making a clanging sound of demonstration.

However, there is a huge gap in height between the two, and their momentum is much weaker.

"The level is also quite different..."

Xiaozhi didn't dare to be careless at all, and stared closely at the two confronting people.


This wild ancient armor was the first to attack, and when it swung its claws, several blue-gray rocks began to appear around the surface of its body.

Primal power!

This move is a common move for all fossil Pokémon, representing their power in ancient times.

Boom! Boom! !

The next moment, rocks were thrown towards the lobster soldier.

"Use water jet!!"

The lobster soldier lowered his body to accumulate energy, and then his body was covered with gurgling water, turning into a water arrow and shot out suddenly.

Whoosh! !

The jetting speed of the water is so fast, and the trajectory of the movement is extremely flexible, allowing the lobster soldiers to shuttle through the gaps between the original force rocks, just passing by.

Boom! !

Finally, it hit the chest of the ancient armor, and the water scattered.

The effect is outstanding!

"Crack roar!!!"

Being attacked by this little red lobster, Taigu Armor suddenly became furious. After a roar, several rocks condensed in front of him again.

This time the size of the rock is much larger than before...

Rock Blast! !

"Lobster minion, block it with Hard Bang!!"

Xiaobing Lobster understood, immediately put the pair of pincers in front of him, and put on a defensive posture.

There was a burst of shining luster all over the body, and the hardness increased by one level.


The first two rock blasts landed on the lobster soldier, and they all turned into rock powder and exploded.

But it's a continuum of attacks...

From the third rock explosion, the defense of the lobster soldiers has been completely defeated.

Boom! !

The small body of the lobster soldier was directly blown away by a huge rock.

Following the explosion of the rock blast in the air, it was blown to the ground by the second impact, looking a bit miserable.

"What a strong force..."

Xiaozhi breathed heavily, and sure enough, none of the wild Pokémon here was weak.


But the ancient armor would not give Xiaozhi a chance, seeing the lobster soldier struggling to get up in disgrace, he rushed over immediately.

The raised claws also had a dangerous mottled red light.

Rip Claw! !

"Lobster minions, use the Crab Claw Hammer!!"

After getting up, the lobster soldier forcibly propped up his body, his double pincers lingered on the water bubbles, and smashed hard against the opponent's tearing claws.

Boom! !

There was another burst of explosions, but the body of the lobster soldier was thrown out again.

In terms of positive strength, the gap between the two is not small.

"In this case, use the bubble light!!"

Seeing that he was invincible from the front, Xiao Zhi quickly changed his mind.

The lobster soldier stared wide-eyed, and countless transparent water bubbles spewed out from the opened crab claws.

Whoa! !

However, as the Primordial Armor swung its claws violently, the dense bubbles of light were instantly hacked, bursting into countless water mist and disappearing.


But in the water mist that filled the sky, the body of the lobster soldier suddenly broke through the water vapor.

On one side of the pliers, a layer of dangerous water bubbles was already lingering...

Crab Claw Hammer! !

And this ancient armor didn't dodge, it just made a defensive move.

The light blue carapace body shone with a layer of silver-white metallic luster, which was very dazzling.

Iron wall! !

Bang bang! !

Metal explosions exploded.

Under the adaptability, a crab claw hammer slammed hard on the chest armor of the ancient armor, and the strong force knocked the latter back half a meter on the spot.

The effect is outstanding! !


However, following the roar of the ancient armor, the two claws flicked violently, and the lobster soldier was actually ejected.

Even the figure was advancing at the same time, and this time, the two sharp claws were stained with blue-yellow insect energy...

Cross scissors! !

The ancient armor used a cross slashing move to slash the lobster soldier away again, with extremely strong power.

Boom...! !

The terrible force also made the lobster soldier back more than ten meters all the way, and finally hit the edge wall with a bang, and then fell in a mess.


"So strong..."

Xiaozhi gasped, secretly thinking that it is indeed a fossil Pokémon, with extremely powerful strength.

The gesture is about to take back the lobster soldier, and plans to come back next time to flush this guy.


It's just that amidst the smoke, dust and gravel, the lobster soldier struggled to straighten up and let out an unusually excited cry.

It belongs to hyperthyroid Pokémon, even though its whole body is covered with scars, once it enters the battle, its expression will only be hyperactive.

"Are you still fighting...?"

Xiaozhi's movement of retracting the poke ball froze.

In the next moment, a bright and strange white light began to bloom on the body of the lobster soldier.

The figure is also in the white light, constantly expanding and deforming...


The dazzling white light shone on Xiaozhi's body, which made his breathing become more rapid.

As the light completely dissipated, a brand new lobster appeared in front of his eyes.

It is still the color combination of red and brown, and the pair of pliers is slightly larger, but the shape has become more ferocious and prominent.

He has dangerous black eyes, and a golden starfish on the top of his head.

The lower limbs and body also had new thorns and claws, which became more ferocious.

"Didi. Iron claw lobster, bully Pokémon, water and evil attributes, very aggressive, often take the initiative to provoke wars, and throw out all other Pokémon on their chassis."

Xiaozhi put away the illustration book, secretly surprised.

He knows that once a Pokémon evolves, its personality will often change.

But the lobster it's a lobster, it's changed a lot.

From the little pranks made by Yuanqi before, now the momentum has become completely domineering and vicious...

"Hey thief!!"

The iron-clawed lobster waved its ferocious pair of pincers, and screamed towards the ancient armor like a demonstration.

The meaning is also very simple... This is already the chassis of its iron-clawed lobster, and everyone else hasten to get out.

Once evolved, the iron claw lobster instinctively began to drive away outsiders... Generally, there are few other Pokémon in ponds where this kind of Pokémon lives.

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