He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1160 Mega Blood Wing Wyvern!

This nearly ten days of high-intensity training, fighting with countless high-level wild Pokémon, has made Xiaozhi's trainer level steadily improved.

But most importantly... Pikachu!

When he first set foot in the Yoshien area, Pikachu was slashed by the maliciousness of this area, and his strength dropped a lot.

But in the ten days of battles at the Pillar of the Sky, not every battle was won by the strong chicken forest lizards.

Once encountering a strong enemy that cannot be defeated, Pikachu will basically go up to harvest the bloody head.

This allows it to accumulate a large amount of experience points in a short period of time.

At this moment, Pikachu has fully recovered 100% of his strength!

Before, he was able to confront the opponent of the king level head-on, now after a round of weakening, and then complete the recovery...

It is equivalent to the total amount of Pikachu's power unchanged, but the quality is all compressed with high intensity.

The strength is no longer the same as it was at the Silver Alliance Conference!

"Do you still want to fight? You can't be our opponent anymore."

Xiaozhi shook his head with absolute confidence in his tone.

Now he and Pikachu, even if they are the kings of the alliance, don't try to please them in front of them!

"Tsk, brat...!"

It's just that these insolent words, like humiliation, also made Sijana completely angry.

She is the most powerful trainer in Meteor!

"Mega evolve, Bloodwing Wyvern!!"

Sigana yelled almost like a growl.


Falling into the ruins, the Blood Winged Wyvern jumped up again and landed at the intersection of the flowing cloud lines in mid-air. It roared to the sky, and the surrounding air flow continued to roll.

A round jeweled bead on the breastplate, and the orb at the top of the circular snake chain on Sijana's right leg, both burst into dazzling light.

"Mega evolution..."

Xiaozhi quickly put away his gold medal face, not daring to be careless.

The mega-evolution of the signature quasi-god in the Fangyuan area, this opponent seems to have become terrible.

Several tortuous colored electric currents connected one person and one dragon together, and the figure of the Blood Wing Wyvern completely turned into a huge energy egg cocoon.

boom! !

As the energy eggshell shattered, the Blood Wing Wyvern appeared above the Sky Pillar in a brand new posture.

The torso of the main body looks smaller, and there are a few more forked spikes on both sides of the head. The body, head, and tail are like straight swords, full of aggressiveness.

The biggest change is the pair of bloody wings.

The blood wings that originally extended to both sides turned into a crescent moon at this moment, extending forward in a symmetrical arc.

Looking at it as a whole, it is a crescent moon wing with a gap, and the front end is a ferocious and sharp wing tip.


After completing the mega, the Bloodwing Wyvern roared again towards the surroundings.

In the incomparably majestic roar of the dragon, this time there was a little less intimidation and awe, but a little more elegant lightness.

"Didi. Mega Blood Wing Wyvern's characteristic: Flying skin, all general attribute moves that will be used next will become flying attribute moves, and will increase a certain amount of power."

The picture book automatically prompts.

Many Pokémon have temporary changes in their characteristics after mega evolution.

"It's the first time I've seen you..."

Looking at the Mega-evolved Blood Winged Wyvern, its body looks like a spear with only an offensive blade left. It seems that its strength and speed have been greatly improved...


But Pikachu yelled, trying to plan his hind limbs on the ground, his small eyes eager to try.

Normal quasi-god, it's not enough for it's electricity...but it's almost there now.

The strength has been fully restored, and Zeng Jin's arrogance of the mouse has also returned together.

"Arrogant electric mouse...use sharp rocks to attack!!"

Sigana was furious at Pikachu's small expression, and shouted in a low voice.

The Mega Blood Wing Wyvern just soared into the air, and then landed heavily on the ground.

Whoosh! ! Whoosh! ! Whoosh! !

Then, with its body as the center, on the rocks on the floor, sharp-edged rock spurs began to protrude towards the surroundings, spreading all the way!

After mega evolution, the rock blade directly becomes a full-scale attack move...and one of the branches is to attack Pikachu!

"Thundercloud line!"

Xiaozhi quickly commanded.

Pikachu had a tacit understanding, jumping into the air as early as the moment the Blood Wing Wyvern landed.

Whoosh! Whoosh! !

Riding on the electric ions dancing in the air, his figure turned into a yellow lightning bolt again, constantly shuttling in mid-air.

The weather is locked and the air is no longer flowing... This increases the duration of Pikachu's electric field.


Then he jumped onto the head of the Blood Wing Wyvern, somersaulted several times in the air, and repeated the same trick, Pikachu planned to blast out another steel tail!


However, this time the Blood Wing Wyvern came to his senses, raising his hand with a dragon claw.

Covered with rich cyan energy, it turned into a huge phantom dragon claw, tearing fiercely towards Iron Tail.

Bang bang! !

There was a blunt explosive sound at the junction, and Iron Tail and Dragon Claw froze in mid-air for a moment, and neither of them overwhelmed the other.

"Has the power after mega evolution still not gained the upper hand?!"

Sijana was terrified, who the hell is this electric mouse.

But soon, her expression tightened.

After all, Pikachu only has one tail, but the Bloodwing Wyvern has two forelimbs...

"Use Cleave!!"

Sigana shouted loudly.

The half-raised body of the Blood Wing Wyvern had already been covered with a phantom shadow of blue energy claws on the other forelimb.

Features, flying skin! !

With the blessing of the flying skin, this splitting is also transformed into a splitting of the flying attribute, with agility and elegance in the movement.

Whoosh! !

At a tricky angle, it tore directly on Pikachu's back.

The powerful force even lifted Pikachu's petite body out, and then smashed it heavily to the ground.


Xiaozhi's expression turned anxious, as expected, the winner should have been decided by electric shock just now.

After mega evolution, the opponent's physical fitness has been greatly improved, and all these bells and whistles will not have much advantage.

"Hmph, have you seen it, the power of my Blood Wing Wyvern..."

However, before Sigana could speak, her face froze suddenly.

But in the pair of rock ruins, after a while, Pikachu got up again in disgrace, and pushed away the gravel covering himself. It seemed that there was nothing serious about it.

Sigana: "?!"

With such a strong force... how can it be so fleshy? !

After eating an enhanced version of Cleave, why is nothing wrong? !

Boom! !

After getting up, Pikachu even shot a beam of lightning light towards the sky, as if to vent.

The vicious little head looks very irritable.

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