He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1170 The Second Cracked Seat

Feeling the energy of the mega-evolved meteorite at close range, Likongzao was even more bloody, biting violently!

"Wait a moment!"

This made Xiaozhi subconsciously lift the scroll of the Dragon God and block it in front of him.

The howling wind pressed his body against the meteorite, making him unable to move at all.

buzz buzz...!!

However, the radiance of the colorful meteorite and the scroll of the Dragon God reached its peak at this moment, extremely dazzling!


The next moment, there was a crisp tearing and breaking sound above everyone's heads.

It sounded like a cracking glass mirror.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho!!!"

Immediately afterwards, another roar of dragon roars came from the sky, and the oppressive force was not inferior to that of Likongzao.

This made the people at the top of the Sky Pillar stunned, and subconsciously raised their heads.

However, the sky above the colorful meteorite, where there was ordinary air, was suddenly torn open, revealing a big purple-black hole.

There are cracks on the edge of the hole, and there is an extremely dangerous aura coming from it.

Whoosh...! !

Immediately afterwards, a jet-black slender body suddenly emerged from the broken hole, flying all the way for several seconds before fully revealing its body.

This is a jet-black giant dragon, whose body structure is exactly the same as that of the Rift Kongzuo.

There are golden runes scattered on the surface of the body, and the open mouth is still red.

"Black Cracked Seat?!"

The sudden appearance of the pitch-black cracked empty seat has completely stunned Xiaozhi.

What the hell is this? !

The jet-black color scheme, paired with the blood-red dragon's mouth, makes this split seat look very violent and ferocious, and its appearance alone can scare many people.

Wait a minute, the prophecy picture I saw from Ge Jihua before seems to have indeed seen the black cracked empty seat...?

"Another Lord Dragon God?!"

Sigana, who was seriously injured, fell on the edge of the triangular platform, struggling to raise her head.

The eyes were full of shock, and the pupils shrank suddenly.

Why is there a second Lord Dragon God? !

And that pitch-black posture is simply unheard of!

And look at the appearance of the shattered void just now... Is this the Rift Seat from another world? !

And all of this, was he summoned? !

Sijana shifted her gaze down and looked at Xiaozhi, who was also in a daze...


"Ho ho ho ho!!!"

The sudden appearance of another Cracked Space also made the native Cracked Space let out a provocative dragon roar.

In everyone's minds, it was also the first time that they heard the will of the God of the Likongzao.

"What an ugly gesture... What kind of monster dares to desecrate my body!?"

The aborigine, Rikkakuza, was surprised at first, he had never seen a second Rikkakuza.

Immediately afterwards, there was abnormal anger, especially when he saw his ghostly color scheme.

And this jet-black crack seat was at the highest point of the crowd, and its majestic dragon eyes swept over everyone.

"Ho ho ho...!!"

In the roar of the dragon, he also showed his will of God.

"Hmph, where did the green caterpillar come from? Get the hell out of here when you see me...!"

Xiaozhi: "..."

Good guy, another temper tantrum.

At the same time, two empty seats appeared above his head, he had become difficult to think, and could only stare blankly.

This black cracked empty seat that suddenly appeared was also taken aback when it saw the second one of its kind.

It turned out that he was sleeping in the ozone layer above his own world.

As a result, he suddenly felt a strong pulling force, as if someone was calling him?

"It's probably some artifact I left behind."

The black cracked seat didn't care.

Generally, ancient gods would leave artifacts or methods that could call themselves.

For example, in Yuanzhu City, by dancing the dance of the gods and ringing the bell on the top of the bell tower, the King of Wind can be summoned.

But giving is one thing...

Whether to pay attention to it or not is another matter.

I didn't intend to pay attention to the pitch-black cracked empty seat, so I continued to sleep with peace of mind.

It's just that at the source of the call, there is still an unusually strong energy, which still moves him.

It just so happens that the energy stored in his emperor's organ is about to drop below 95%...you can replenish it.

It's just that the location of the source doesn't seem to be in this world?

But it didn't bother him.

Dialga is not the only one who knows how to travel through time...

Palkia is not the only one who can split space and perform space jumps.

Likongzao condensed his powerful strength, followed the guidance of the hazy shout, and then used the dragon claws to forcibly break the gap between the shackles between the two worlds, breaking the void!

The result was a green caterpillar head-on.

Green body with red mouth...

Such a color scheme is obviously extremely unlucky.


"Ho ho ho ho!!"

The opening was the bottom green caterpillar, which made the native Likongzao's anger reach its peak, and the roar of the dragon exploded like thunder, forcing Xiaozhi to plug his ears tightly.

Whoosh! !

Opening his mouth wide, a beam of colorful energy turned into a dragon-shaped pulse, blasting out in the direction of the pitch-black cracked empty seat!

Dragon Wave! !


However, the pitch-black cracked empty seat just meanders and twists its body, swimming flexibly in the air, letting the waves of the dragon pass through the gaps in its body.

But since the other party started it first...


The pitch-black Likongzao's figure suddenly turned into a straight shooting star, rushing towards Likongzao, with an extremely fierce attack.

When he was three meters in front of him, his slender body swung violently...

This caused his green dragon tail at the end to whip out heavily!

Wide Area Destruction! !

Whoosh! !

A burst of crisp roaring blasts directly knocked the aboriginal Rift Seat completely out of the sky above the Pillar of the Sky, and even swept out a large blank in the sky and clouds all the way.


This unreasonable blow also made Xiaozhi's scalp tingle and he gasped.

With just this dragon tail, it is estimated that the Pillar of the Sky can be snapped off...


But after finishing this blow, the black cracked empty seat turned around, landed leisurely, and looked at Xiao Zhi with his head.

The next moment, there was an extra will of God in Xiaozhi's mind.

"Is it you, a human being, calling me?"

In the calm words, there is an incomparably majestic momentum, which makes people dare not be careless.

But hearing these words, Xiaozhi's eyes brightened.

It seems that an ancient god who can understand human language has finally come!

People like Gulardo, or the native Rift Seat, acted instinctively like beasts, unable to communicate at all.

Don't look at the other party's dark and ghostly posture, but it seems unexpectedly easy to talk?

It would be nice to be able to communicate!

So Xiaozhi took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:

"Well, Lord Dragon God, there is a dangerous meteorite now..."

Before he could finish speaking, the pitch-black Likongzuo nodded, and then looked at the colorful meteorite behind Xiaozhi.

"There is indeed a delicious meteorite."

Rikuza even licked his tongue, the same red gum meat in his mouth completely covered the dragon's teeth.

Xiaozhi: "?"

Is this a language barrier, and a cracked seat in another world is deaf?

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