He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1175 Yuki: I am the protagonist!

The finishing touch is a move that Lie Kongzao already mastered, and it doesn't need the cooperation of others to teach it.

The straight blue light beam was unstoppable, and everything on the finishing touch track was easily crushed into powder.

Whoosh bang...!

Whoosh bang...!

Gulardo's stunt, the Sword of the Cliff, is completely penetrated by the finishing touch from the beginning to the end!

Boom! !

The strength continued, the finishing touch that penetrated everything, and finally hit Gulardo's chest head-on!

The crushing strength once again lifted Gulardo's thick body into the air, and was pushed backwards by the cracked seat on the front of his head.

And with the change of the trajectory of the space seat, the finishing touch is drawn in the sky, after drawing a beautiful arc trajectory.

Boom! !

This time, it hit the suspended Kaioka again.

The increase in strength reached the maximum, and it was unexpectedly sprinting on the sea against two ancient gods at the same time!

The jet-black figure of Likongzao is completely integrated with the green finishing touch, and the black and green laser pierces the sky!


Wait until the Rift Seat penetrates everything and flies up to the sky again.

In the sky, there is still a long straight line of green energy, as well as Gulardo and Kioka that are strung together like candied haws.

Boom! !

The explosion was delayed for a few seconds, and the two ancient gods with terrifying power finally fell from the sky!

call out...!

call out...!

When it landed, light shone even more on its body, and its appearance changed back to normal again.

One wears two, and even directly breaks the original return form of the two gods!

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

The roaring dragon roar of the mega crack towards the sky seems to be venting its unique and supreme power insolently!



Xiaozhi stood above his head, taking all this into his eyes, not even daring to take a breath.

At the same time, facing the two ancient gods who had returned to the original, they still suppressed each other with overwhelming strength, one against two.

Even within a few rounds, knock all the opponents back to their original shape? !

Xiaozhi's scalp felt numb again, with such power, it felt like Chaomeng boss was giving it to him for nothing!


Chaomeng, who watched silently, unexpectedly did not refute this time.


In his normal state, if he faced this mega empty seat, it would be for nothing.

Even if he also entered the mega form, the outcome would be 50-50, or even lower...

This giant dragon is a violent existence born for fighting, and its one-on-one destructive power is incomparable.

"Ho ho ho ho...!!"

At this time, in the clouds in the distance, there was a roar of demonstrations that refused to admit defeat.

It turned out that during this delay, the native Cracked Seat finally caught up.


In the blink of an eye, they surpassed the two by hundreds of meters and walked away.

Well, I can't beat this foreign dragon yet.

But as long as he eats the meteorite full of energy, he can complete the mega evolution.

At that time, neither this black dragon from another place nor the two idiot gods below who only know how to fight will be his opponents!

"Ho Ho Ho Ho...!!"

Seeing this, the pitch-black cracked empty seat naturally didn't delay, roaring loudly, while chasing after him with super speed again.

The slender, pitch-black body, combined with the long beards of golden energy floating in the wind after mega evolution, looks extremely cool!




Then the two dragon gods left, and after a while, the two gods of Fangyuan on Route 128 slowly emerged from the sea.

Although he didn't completely lose his combat energy, his strength was also weakened by half.

Not to mention that the natural energy that was previously filled seems to be cut off at this moment, and it can no longer absorb energy from the outside world and re-enter the original return form.

"Damn it, the empty seat!!"

And a thousand meters away, on the deck of a submarine in the shape of a volcanic camel, Chi Yansong cursed with a gloomy expression.

Nearly half of the scarlet orb in his hand was embedded in his palm... This made the surface of his entire arm protrude hideously with blue veins.

There are also split empty seats, why are there two split empty seats? !

But it doesn't matter anymore, Gulardo has not lost his fighting power...he can still turn the tables!

Chi Yansong has already felt that he is completely connected with Gulardo's will.

Let the lava of the earth devour every inch of the world! !

Da da da...!

Suddenly, footsteps came from behind.

Chi Yansong turned his head, but saw that it was a ten-year-old or eleven-year-old boy trainer.

Wearing crisp shorts and short-sleeved sportswear, his handsome face is full of vigor...

It's just that the young man turned his head white.

Next to it, there was a blue water beast, tall and burly, with its forelimbs raised in mid-air, and slender black vertical fins growing on its head and tail.

It's just that his face looks a little dull, which doesn't match his strong and handsome appearance.

"Everything is over, return the scarlet orb to me."

You Shu came behind Chi Yansong, and he asked for it decisively.

"Little devil, where are you... the Huoyan group?"

Before Chi Yansong looked around, Yushu touched the tip of his nose with a very confident smile.

"Oh, are you talking about those cadres? They were all knocked out by me alone, and now you are the only one left."

Yuki took a few steps forward again.

They're back, they're all back!

Finally, there is a feeling that he is the protagonist!

I always feel that the previous limelight seems to have been snatched away by someone, making myself a mere passerby.

Now this is the correct script!

It is the one passing by in the sky, why are there two empty seats?

And there is also a jet black... so handsome split empty seat! !

"Arrogant brat...!"

Chi Yansong was in a hurry, and he was about to take out the poke ball to teach Yushu a lesson.

"What, do you still want to fight me?"

Yuki showed a disdainful smile, raised his right arm, and wore a bracelet inlaid with the evolution keystone on his wrist.

Finger lightly.


The giant swamp monster beside him was immediately shrouded in colorful energy light, and then entered the posture of a mega giant swamp monster!

The whole body became even bigger, especially the muscles of the upper body were all bulging, and the power became several times stronger in an instant!

That is, the whole face is still dull, especially the pupils of the eyes, showing a void of nothingness.

Before the trip, the giant swamp monster with the appearance of a water jumping fish was put in the poke ball by Yushu for a month... After it came out, there were more or less brain problems.

The key stone and the giant bog monster stone, these are the rewards that Mikoli gave in advance when he asked Yushu to recover the orb.

Although the inheritance of the people of ancient colored glaze is fading day by day, they still hold a lot of mega stones.

The powerful mega giant marsh monster also made Chi Yansong's expression change for a while.

And the same scene happened in another direction, on the deck of a submarine that looked like a giant tooth shark.

With her mega flame chicken, Xiaoyao also successfully invaded the submarine of the marine team and came to Shui Wutong...

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