For the Rift Seat, eating and storing energy ranks third.

The violent beating of Gulardo and Kyoka ranked second.

And the number one... is to expel, even destroy, any intruding life foreign objects!

He hadn't noticed anything from a long distance before.

Now that the distance is getting closer, Likongzuo can feel the alien life form hidden in the core of the approaching extraterrestrial meteorite!

He actually wanted to use this method to enter his planet! ?

"Ho Ho Ho Ho!!"

Likongzao's anger has reached an unprecedented peak. In the state of mega evolution, the surface of the jet-black body is covered with extremely dangerous blue light energy.

The lift-off speed suddenly skyrocketed!

Stratosphere, ozone layer, mesosphere, outer layer...

When Xiaozhi blinked again, he realized that the gray sky he had seen before had turned into pitch black at this moment.

This is the blackness of silence, as if there is nothing there.

Gravity seems to have disappeared, and even in the surrounding air, there are many existences such as gravel...

"I went directly to the universe?!"

Xiaozhi and Pikachu stared wide-eyed, looking around in shock.

This place is almost at the edge of the atmosphere of the entire planet, and if you take a step forward, it will be considered as the region of stars in the universe.

And in that meteorite, there are living organisms...? !

But no matter what, at least for now, Likongzao even forgot to eat the energy meteorite himself, and wanted to defeat the extraterrestrial meteorite with all his heart.

This is exactly Xiaozhi's purpose!

He didn't do anything at all, but clenched the wide dragon horn of the Rift Kongzuo, his eyes widened with interest, trying to see everything around him.

First-person perspective...even completely personal experience, such a degree of excitement is completely unprecedented!

Whether it is the colorful meteorite that Chaomeng used to fish, or the disaster-level extraterrestrial meteorite, Xiaozhi can already see it with the naked eye at this moment.

Following Likongzao's repeated dragon roars, he released the energy in his emperor's organs crazily.

Buzz buzz...! !

Even in this area close to the universe, there are still roaring and explosive sounds.

Starting from Likongzuo's head like a stabbing arrow, and then to his slender body, accompanied by the continuously fluttering golden energy dragon whiskers, it instantly turned into a straight laser beam and shot out suddenly!

Boom! !

The finishing touch! !

This is definitely a powerful blow from the mega cracker, a blow that pierces through everything!


The nearest colorful meteorite was pierced by the finishing touch in an instant, turning into a ball of powder and bursting apart.

At this moment, a foreign object invaded, and Likongzao didn't even bother to swallow it, and directly attacked the final target!

And the extraterrestrial meteorite that fell rapidly, with a long meteor tail trailing behind it, also appeared at the front of the trajectory of the Rifting Seat without any hindrance.

"Crack empty seat, smash it for me!!!"

Xiaozhi roared loudly immediately, trying to add a little encouragement buf to the cracked empty seat.

When he goes back later, he can more or less boast that he and Rikakuza fought side by side and saved the world...

However, Likongzao didn't pay attention to the humans above his head at all, and the inertial impact of the finishing touch increased to the maximum, and the entire pitch-black body completely merged with the surrounding blue light.

In the end, the frontal bombardment hit the very center of this extraterrestrial meteorite!

Whoosh boom boom! !

Incomparable penetration, just at the moment of contact, the huge meteorite burst from the middle!

The latter's impact force capable of creating a catastrophic level is not at all an opponent for the finishing touch, and its power is instantly shattered and scattered!

Boom...! !

The huge meteor meteorite was completely broken apart in an instant, turning into countless tiny gravels, scattered in this universe.

This scene also let Xiaozhi breathe a sigh of relief.

The meteorite crisis was finally resolved completely.


"Ho ho ho ho!!"

However, after a successful blow, Likongzao, who turned his body around again, continued to roar and roar in the original direction.

Xiaozhi quickly looked around.

I saw several long rope-like objects exposed behind the largest meteorite fragment.


The orange-red and blue-green strips, like long worms, tangle and wave wildly there, making creepy friction sounds.

"What kind of monster is this...?!"

Xiaozhi shivered, it was the first time he had seen such an existence, and he couldn't help being surprised.

Especially now that the surroundings are still at the edge of the atmosphere, an environment similar to the universe, it is even more frightening.

Whoosh! !

The next moment, the long monster suddenly jumped out of the meteorite fragments, suspended in mid-air.

But the latter is a humanoid existence, with an orange body and a blue-green face.

A purple crack fell on his forehead, dangerous black-rimmed glasses, and two-color tentacles intertwined like long ropes on both sides of his body.

The chest is sunken, and a purple energy orb is inlaid in it.

The lower limbs also have no soles, but joints that form round spines.

"Um, is this a Pokémon...?!"

Xiaozhi gasped and lit up, the latter looks like an alien!

He quickly took out the illustration book to see if the latter had any information.

"Didi. Deoxys, the cosmic virus Pokémon, can greatly change its own ability by changing its shape. Some people speculate that it is the cosmic virus attached to the meteorite. After being exposed to cosmic radiation, its DNA mutated to become the way it is now."

Xiaozhi was a little surprised, he didn't expect that his illustrated book could even understand such an existence?

"Deoxys... is it really a Pokémon in the universe..."

Xiaozhi put away the illustration book, secretly surprised.

Like their hometown, there are anecdotes like "Pippi is a Pokémon from the universe", but it is just a joke... At this moment, a cosmic Pokémon really appeared in front of me.

It seems that they want to hide in the meteorite and take the opportunity to sneak into the planet together.

So is it because you are afraid of being blocked by the empty seat?

"Ho Ho Ho Ho!!"

Looking at Likongzuo's furious appearance, he completely regarded the latter as his mortal enemy.


And this Deoxys didn't have any waves on his expression, his tentacles and arms were constantly intertwined, and he seemed to be ready to attack at any time.


However, just as the two were about to break out in a battle in the universe.

Boom...! !

Below, a roar came, interrupting the confrontation between the two.

Subconsciously looked, but saw that it was the previous rocket, which was less than 500 meters away from the two of them.

However, the current rocket has completely discarded all the bulky rocket capsules at the end, and only kept a satellite capsule at the front, which is only about three or four meters high.

Even the speed slowed down, as if the fuel was exhausted.

Such an existence made Rikuza and Deoxys stop paying attention after only a glance.

"Wait a minute, I remember..."

However, Xiaozhi, who was standing on the head of Likongzuo, suddenly had some bad thoughts.

He remembered that the satellite is not the key, the key is the one inside...

When the scheduled time is reached, the dimensional transmission device is officially opened!

Buzz buzz! !

The strong energy pulse turned into a high-frequency tremor and fluctuated towards the surroundings.

Immediately afterwards, there was an energy force field shining with strange light, which spread from 0 to a width of 500 meters in an instant!

At this instant speed, no one could react.

The energy force field instantly covered and engulfed Deoxys and the Rift Seat! !

Buzz buzz! !

After another burst of high-frequency tremors, everything in the force field disappeared without a trace in an instant...

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