He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1181 Battle Tower!

An hour later, Xiaozhi had already landed on an island.



It seems that it is still the peak tourist season, and the flow of people is abnormally large, with heads everywhere.

After spending time on the beach at the edge of the island, Xiaozhi also officially entered the edge of Larousse City.

"Visitors who enter the city for the first time, please perform facial recognition and generate a face ID~!"

As soon as he stepped in, a robot composed of squares greeted him, and the topmost grid had an electronic expression on its surface.

Suspended in mid-air like a small magneto, quite strange.

All food, clothing, housing and transportation in this city need a personal ID card to assist.

"The power of technology is really great..."

Xiaozhi sighed in admiration, and subconsciously stretched his face over.

In the next second, Cube Robot made a beep.

"Drip. Recognized user: Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, currently in Larousse City... The preliminary judgment is that the face recognition is wrong. Please keep your face clean."


Only then did Xiaozhi suddenly come to his senses, he is not from this world!

Wait a minute, Xiaozhi of this world is in this city right now? !

"Wait a minute...!"

Seeing that the robot was about to perform a second recognition, Xiaozhi quickly covered his face.

He was afraid of sweeping out the second Xiaozhi, what serious illness would happen to this robot.

It seems that the natural positioning function of the generated ID card will trigger an alarm if it is located in the city, but the facial recognition is outside.

"give it to me..."

Chaomeng's calm words emerged in his mind.


The next moment, Xiaozhi's face had an extra pair of gold-rimmed glasses.

"Beep. Unable to recognize user information..."

This time, Cube Robot didn't make any alarm sound, it seems that this is also a normal procedure.

"Dick. Welcome to the city of Larousse, Tourist 685. Please keep your ID card. All actions in the city require the help of your ID card~!"

Cube robot spat out a black card, and the upper right corner of the card was a photo of Xiaozhi wearing glasses, and then floated to other places to make a release.


Holding his identity card, Xiaozhi stepped into the city in a daze.

Not everyone can recognize the past...

A large proportion of tourists are not well-known, so naturally they can only give out an ID card with a tourist xxx number.

Of course, this is no different from an ID card with a history.

After all, it is essentially a card that can be filled with money to facilitate consumption and exit in the city.

"Um, these glasses..."

What is even more strange to Xiaozhi is that the glasses have not changed at all, why can't they recognize them once they are put on?

"This is my Nianli glasses... Once you wear it, no one will associate you with Xiaozhi."

Chaomeng reminded quite proudly.

"Is there such a thing... The power of black technology is really great."

Hearing that Xiaozhi had no doubts about him, he officially stepped into Lalula City.

But what surprised him was that the local Xiaozhi was also here.

"Wait a minute, now that I have these glasses..."

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, since even the machine can't recognize him now... It's a good time to meet the local Xiaozhi!



Lalula City is definitely the city with the strongest sense of technology that Xiaozhi has ever been to.

There are high-rise buildings almost everywhere, and the surface is covered with walls that shimmer with silver light, full of sense of technology.

On the road, it is also like the road facilities in the movie, only the car is suspended in the sky.

Well, maybe only the new Zijin underground in Zijin City can match the strength of the sense of technology.



Pikachu and the human-like Latias raised their heads in amazement.

However, Latias's aura-filled face, mysterious amber eyes, long red hair with double ponytails, and his delicate and gorgeous appearance in maid outfits have attracted the attention of many tourists.

It's just this boy next to him...

Looking around, the whole face was completely mosaic and a mess.

"Tsk, a flower is stuck on the mosaic..."

Many people complained.

Xiaozhi ignored everyone's gaze and lowered his head to think secretly.

"But I don't know where Xiaozhi is now... No, I know!"

However, after a little thought, Xiaozhi had an answer.

Straight ahead, the tallest building in the entire city is the tower in the center.

The silver color is like a tall metal building, with hollowed-out square grids in the middle, giving people a very grand and impactful feeling.

If Xiaozhi is like him...then he will only have one place to go when he comes to this city.

Battle towers!

"Come on, Pikachu, it's time for you to perform!"

Xiaozhi immediately quickened his pace and ran towards the battle tower.

As for Deoxys... At present, it was only accidentally photographed by a smart camera, and I don't know where it is.


Pikachu just lay lazily on Xiaozhi's shoulder, not wanting to exert any strength.

Fighting or something... wait for it to recover its color!


Soon, Xiaozhi stepped into the battle tower.

Seeing that there was still time left for today's opening, I simply walked to the front desk to register for the competition.

Save yourself the trouble of looking for Xiaozhi, and keep fighting all the way, and you can always meet each other.

"Oh, tourist 685... Please fill in your name and city first, and you will enter the battle queue immediately."

The lady at the front desk said with a smile.

It's just this boy's face... why is it all a mess?

"Oh, what a small town..."

Halfway through the writing, Xiao Zhi was taken aback suddenly.

Now he doesn't seem to be able to use that name anymore.

"You don't have to announce your actual name, we will randomly arrange a name for you~!"

The lady at the front desk said with a smile.

Just like playing a game, creating an id to hide your identity... This kind of competition is very popular among young people nowadays.

"Oh, let's do it randomly!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi simply stopped being entangled and returned the pen and paper.

After a while, the lady at the front desk swiped Xiaozhi's identity black card lightly.

"Then tourist 685, do you want to choose a two-player match, or a single match?"


"The record is complete...then please go to the 3rd battle field on the 7th floor, your first round of singles battle will start right away~!"

Xiaozhi nodded, and turned out to be a black card, and hurriedly walked towards the elevator.

"By the way, am I too confident in that Xiaozhi?"

While the elevator was rising, Xiaozhi suddenly thought of a point.

The growth of Xiaozhi's strength in this world seems to be a bit slow... It seems that it may not be possible to meet it.

Forget it, let's watch a few more games later, maybe we can run into each other.

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