He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1191 Teach You Two Tricks

When he got close, Xiaozhi realized that it was Xiaozhi, a local who had just met during the day.

"Pikachu, next time we will use a more powerful 100,000 volts!!"


He and Pikachu are encouraging each other and doing extra special training.

This scene also let Xiaozhi relax.

During his special training, the third perspective should be the same style of painting, right?

Thinking of something, Xiaozhi suddenly walked up slowly.

There were not many people in this remote place, and the light was not particularly obvious. Suddenly approaching a person made the local Xiaozhi's face tense.

After seeing Dakdo who beat him up violently during the day, he let down his vigilance.

Before he could ask, "Dakdo" spoke first.

"How about it, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, do you need me to teach you two tricks?"

"Teach me two tricks?"

The locals were stunned for a moment, but hadn't reacted for a while.

"That's right, there are only two moves...two moves that Pikachu can master."

As he spoke, Xiaozhi raised the corner of his mouth and glanced at Pikachu on his shoulder.

Although it has always been in a weak state, Pikachu finally jumped down and landed in front of the local Pikachu when he encountered this scene where he could fill a cup in front of his juniors.

The skin colors of the two are different, but Ash's Pikachu is bigger in terms of body size.

Especially the body proportions, the opponent's Pikachu is obviously thinner than his own Pikachu in terms of belly width.

"Pickup, pickup."

As if aware of his trainer's gaze, Pikachu suddenly turned his head, trying to correct Xiaozhi's thinking.

Black looks thinner, white looks fatter, understand? !

Xiaozhi: "..."

No longer playing tricks with Pikachu, he raised his hand.

"Look, this is the first move, and it's also the ultimate move of the Pikachu family...Pikachu, use high-voltage electric shock!!"

During the daytime battle, Pikachu, a local who tried his best, didn't seem to understand this move.

This made Xiaozhi raise the intention of the professor.


Today's Pikachu also showed the appearance of a senior, landing on all fours, posing a sprinting posture, and did not forget to remind the Pikachu next to him to pay attention to its movements.


Immediately afterwards, violent electric light aroused Pikachu's body, and when it accumulated to the extreme, it turned into a thunder and lightning shock wave. The dazzling electric light even completely covered the figure of Pikachu in the center.

"This is...?!"


The locals Xiaozhi and Pikachu both stared wide-eyed, and they felt a strong sense of oppression from the high-voltage electric shock.

What kind of move is this? !

In the end, Pikachu dashed out carrying the Wanjun lightning, and the electric light lit up the dark square.

Boom boom boom! !

Fireworks and lightning along the way, the violent power even dragged the ground out of a long gully, tyrannical visible to the naked eye.

Finally, it slammed into a marginal tree.


A thick piece of wood, which fit several people around the waist, was instantly broken from the middle by the high-voltage electric shock, and the momentum was huge.

"Can Pikachu learn this move?!"


After the initial shock, the locals, one person and one mouse, showed enthusiastic expressions, eager to try.

The expression of the local Pikachu was even more admirable, and he ran up and chattered a while.

"Pickup, pickup...!"

Pikachu just touched his nose, ignoring a small bump on his head, saying that it was just an easy blow from it.

This gave it an inexplicable sense of déjà vu.

Back then, that round-faced Pikachu of old brother Chi, was that how he imparted his secrets, right?

This is the inheritance of the electric mouse!

"The high-voltage electric shock has a very strong impact, but you will also suffer a lot of back injuries afterwards, so the timing of the choice is very important..."

Xiaozhi continued to explain seriously.

There is no onomatopoeia of "boom" and "hon!" when teaching Shota's bondage mystery at all.

"Then comes the second move. This move is not a trick move. Only super-fast Pokémon can perform it..."

Xiaozhi didn't pay attention to whether the latter could accept it, and just poured out all his brains.

If he is like himself... he can always copy successfully.

"Pikachu, use super speed!"

I saw Pikachu let go of his feet and sprinted.


In the next moment, the figure completely disappeared in place.

In the empty square, only a faint afterimage of blue light remained.

Cooperating with the dim light around the center and the vague and erratic shadows, it looks very ghostly.

"This is...?!"

The local Xiaozhi was completely dumbfounded.

He has seen the move of super speed on the wind speed dog of passers-by before. Didn't he think that Pikachu can also master it?

But what kind of speed is this... completely faster than his own Pikachu's lightning flash, countless times faster!

During the day, Xiaozhi said that Pikachu was the general, but he still didn't believe it... Now he has been completely conquered.

This person is the king of the alliance in that place, or even the champion, right? !

"Pickup, pickup!!"

And when the speed was over, the local Pikachu even ran up, making no secret of his admiration.


Pikachu panted slightly, letting the latter hold his old waist.

Its body has not yet fully recovered from the riot flight that broke the empty seat of the mega.

Now it has realized that old brother Chi's senior Pikachu wants to retire...


"Then do your best."

After teaching high-voltage electric shock and super speed, Xiaozhi took Pikachu and left, hiding his achievements and fame.

In a remote square, only the local Xiaozhi was left alone.

Although he didn't understand why the other party would suddenly be so friendly to him and send him two big tricks.

"It's not a villain anyway."

The sense of familiarity from Xiaozhi made him seem to be looking at another self, and he quickly accepted the former's kindness as a matter of course.

"Pikachu, let's quickly master these two moves... The next time we meet Dakdo, we must beat him!"


One person and one mouse all clenched their fists, their eyes were fiery, and they only felt that the future was extremely promising!

In the distance, watching the local Xiaozhi who entered the trainer again, Xiaozhi just smiled in relief.

"Brother Chi was probably in the same state of mind when he was teaching me...?"


On the other side, in the sky above a thousand meters above Larousse City.

In the gap between the clouds, a red and white hat floated out of thin air, with two eyes protruding from the brim of the hat.

Next to it, stood a white humanoid Pokémon with a long purple tail behind it.

It was Chi and Chaomeng.


I saw Chaomeng raised one arm, held it with only three fingers, and closed his eyes tightly.


The surface in front of the body is covered with a faint blue light of thought power, as if it is sensing something.

After a while, he opened his eyes.

"Not sure, I can't sense our world..."

Chaomeng shook his head towards Chi.

It is possible for him to tear apart the space and forcibly create a way home...but there is nothing in that world that can provide him with a direction to move forward.

The ghost knows what inexplicable place he will travel to.

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