He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1204: Kiraqi and the White Rock

In a dimly lit hall, there is a huge machine in the center.

A doctor in white is hurriedly operating something, his movements are messy.

He looks quite young, with short shoulder-length brown hair combed back... This is the same hairstyle as Chi Yansong.

All around, there were rows of members in crimson uniforms, their eyes fixed on the center, as if they were examining it.

"Everyone, have you seen it... This is an instrument that has the power to create Gulardo, the God of the Earth!!"

The doctor shouted with a fanatical tone.

This sentence also made the middle-aged man headed by the red uniform group frown.

It was the leader of the lava team - Chi Yansong.

However, this Chi Yansong is not wearing glasses, and his expression is undisguisedly dangerous, which is completely different from the other Chi Yansong who wears glasses and is gentle.

This is not Xiaozhi's original world.

This is the local red flame pine.

Immediately afterwards, the young doctor took out another rock-like object, about the size of a palm.

"And this is the shards of Gulardo's nails that I found after collecting for a long time!"

Immediately, he put the fragments in the mechanical equipment, and put his palm on the electric valve switch.

"Next, as long as I activate this switch, I can use this fragment to create a great Gulardo again!! At that time, even if we conquer the world with lava, it will not be difficult!!"

His voice was so contagious that many leaders of the lava team became interested and looked at him.

Just as he yanked the switch.

Boom boom boom! !

The entire device was swayed by current, and finally exploded violently!

The smoke and dust from the explosion filled the air, and the doctor who was closest was made into an ion scalding explosive head, and his whole body turned black.

Mechanical parts were scattered all over the place.


"What idiot!!"

"A fool's dream!"

The surrounding crowd burst into laughter.

Even Chi Yansong's expression became serious, and finally shook his head, not looking at the latter anymore.

"Boss Chi Yansong, this is just an accident. It must be because my data has not been properly deployed. I will succeed next time..."

However, before the doctor finished speaking, Chi Yansong interrupted him.

"Butler, I've given you many chances... Get out, we lava team, we don't need to raise such a waste like you."

Chi Yansong's words were extremely cold and violent, as ruthless as if he was talking about a pile of garbage.

Butler is the research doctor of their lava team, and he has received a lot of research funding, but he has not achieved any real results in the past few years.

"Please, give me one more chance..."

However, the doctor named Butler hadn't even said a few words, and his body had already been held up by several Lava team soldiers, and he was thrown directly out of the gate of the Lava team's secret base.

Hmph, make a Gulardo... The God of the Earth is also something that trash fish like you can make?

Only then did Chi Yansong look at the crowd.

"Our purpose is to find the real Gulardo, and use his power to realize the recovery of the earth!!"

Chi Yansong shouted loudly, waving the flag and shouting.

"Long live Gulardo!"

"Long live Gulardo!"

The members below were as excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood, scrambling to be the first to shout slogans.

"Damn it, I will definitely create Gulardo!! Wait for me, Team Lava!!"

And this embarrassed doctor who was thrown out was screaming crazily outside, almost insane.



The time has come to the present.


Xiaozhi took Latias and flew in the direction of Green Ridge City.

He remembered that the white rock fell on the eastern outskirts of Green Ridge City, at the corner of a rock wall.

It was only when Latias flew over Green Ridge that he realized that the suburbs here were much larger than he remembered.

In the southeast direction, there is an extremely vast jungle terrain, with no end in sight.

The Green Ridge City here is no longer an island, but more like a small continent.

"Is the terrain of the two worlds different...?"

Well, after all, in his world, there is no such thing as Larousse City.

So Xiaozhi could only take back Latias temporarily, landed and went to the local elf center, intending to ask Miss Joy here.

"Oh~ are you looking for the legendary Kiraqi~?"

Upon hearing the white stone, the name of a Pokémon popped out of Miss Joy's mouth.


Xiaozhi scratched his head, this was the first Pokémon he had heard of.

"Yeah, Kiraqi is a legendary fantasy Pokémon with the magical ability to fulfill everyone's wishes! It is said that it is hidden in a white stone."

Miss Joy explained with a smile.

This also made Xiaozhi's eyes gradually brighten up.

All wishes can come true...

So as long as it finds Kiraqi, with the latter's power to fulfill its wishes, it can return to its original world! ?

Is this the true meaning of Ms. Ge Jihua's prophecy? !

Miss Joy next pointed out the location of the white rock.

Probably in a natural cave in the southern part of the jungle.

The legend of Kiraqi has been spread widely. The ability to realize wishes has naturally attracted the fascination and madness of countless human beings.

But countless people tried to explore, but they could only see an ordinary white stone, and there was nothing special about it.

Over time, it became a joke, but few people are interested in exploring it.

"Thanks, Miss Joy!"

However, Xiaozhi showed an expression as if he had found a treasure.

After all, in his world, there are no legends about Kiraqi, just a meaningless white rock...

Moreover, the legendary Pokémon secrets are absolutely impossible to be groundless and aimless.

This is the rule he came up with after encountering many legendary Pokémon.

Immediately, Xiaozhi didn't delay any longer, and walked towards the south of the jungle with Pikachu in his hands.


By the way, Pikachu's color seems to have recovered a little, and now it has become light yellow...


It's just that when Xiaozhi walked for a long time and came to the rock cave indicated by Miss Joy, he found that it was not a purely natural area.

After passing through the narrow entrance stone passage, the interior of the cave is a huge empty square.

There is even a big hole above, allowing sunlight to shine in.

In the center is a small soil slope made up of countless piles of crushed stones, which is a full three to four meters high.

And at the top of the stone pestle, you can see a spherical white rock...

No, it's half.

At this moment, the white rock, as if it had been cut and dug by someone, was completely shattered from the upper part.

And in the open-air position above, there are various mechanical chains, which connect across and are erected in mid-air.

A platform is formed in the center, on which there are mechanical equipment that Xiaozhi can't understand at all...

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