He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1213 vs Dreamsong Cactus!

After completing the evolution, the metal monster also gained leapfrog power in an instant.

This time, the body that rushed out again was even covered with a layer of dull golden light.

slam! !

Boom! !

This time, directly facing the lightning fist of the electric shock beast, the metal monster slammed the latter into the air.

In the final battle, Masamune, who had been beaten all the time, won the championship and advanced.

"It's pretty bold..."

Even Xiaozhi couldn't help sighing again and again, secretly remembering the latter's name.

This chubby boy with pigtails seemed to be his young self, but a little fatter.

"Wait a moment!"

Xiaozhi came back to his senses, and now he is only 11 years old, half a 12-year-old...

He is still young!



The next morning, Xiaozhi ushered in his second preliminaries.

After two consecutive rounds of elimination, the originally more than one hundred contestants will soon be left with only thirty or forty people... It can be said that the next match will be the official Caiyou Tournament.

At this moment, Xiaozhi was already standing at one end of the field.

On the other side, there is a green-haired boy named You Ye, with curly hair, somewhat similar to Xiaozhi Zengjin's friend, Dr. Zhenghui.



But today's spectator seats are extremely hot, and the discussions are extremely heated.

Because at the moment, in a corner of the spectator seats, there is a slender and beautiful man standing.

Blue long-sleeved with purple sleeved trousers, wearing a gorgeous white cloak.

He has handsome facial features, blue curly short hair hanging down, and a white top hat.

It is Fangyuan League Champion, Mi Keli!

"Why did Mr. Champion come to the preliminaries?"

"Usually, it's the semi-finals. In the finals, the champions and kings will be able to attend the match, right...?"

"Master Mikri, you are so handsome~!"

"I really want to get in..."

It is indeed a little surprising that a person who is the strongest in name appears in the small qualifiers.

But Mikri didn't pay attention to the others, just quietly staring at a person on the field below.


"Come out, Dream Song Cactus!!"

Below, You Ye sent a scarecrow-shaped cactus, with a green body covered with spikes, a black mouth and eyes that looked like holes, quite penetrating, and a green hat on its head.

As for the one sent by Xiaozhi...

"It's up to you, Lizard King!!"

The flame chicken was just sent out in the last game, and in the second game, Xiao Zhi sent another of the twin stars.


As soon as the cruel lizard king appeared on the stage, he broke off a branch from his wide and long spiked tail and held it in his mouth.

Compelling style has to be grasped first.

The battle officially begins!

"Dream Song Cactus, use the wave of evil!!"

The battle began, and Tomono took the lead in directing.

It's just that circles of dark halos just gathered around the mouth of the Mengsong Cactus.


A straight bunch of hidden weapon spikes struck!

It was the lizard king who spit out the branch from the corner of his mouth and shot straight at it.

This made Mengge Cactus have no choice but to quickly raise its hand to block it.

This is not a unique move, but this gesture is full of provocation, as if the opponent of Lizard Dynasty spit out a mouthful of saliva.

"Dream drink...!!"

Mengge Cactus raised its mouth, and a beam of black energy composed of countless dense circles of light shot out.

"Lizard King, use Leaf Blade Slash!"

The Lizard King waved his arms, and the forked leaves on the back of his hands suddenly condensed two emerald green energy sickles!

Whoa whoa whoa...!

Running all the way out, the leaf blade is directly inserted into the wave of evil, completely cutting the latter's dark energy from the middle.

"In that case, use Root!!"

The soles of the lower limbs of the Mengge Cactus extend out from the heels of the tree and insert into the ground.

Absorb nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium from the earth, allowing it to fight for a long time.

Seeing the Lizard King charging again with a shining scythe, Tomono commanded:

"Use parasitic seeds!"

Mengge Cactus flipped its palm, and a seed fell to the ground.

Whoa whoa whoa...!!

The seeds swelled as soon as they fell to the ground, turning into thick and thick vines, covering the target.


However, under the blade of the Lizard King, it was completely split apart in just an instant.

The castration continued, the Lizard King leaped high, and the leaf blade slashed straight at the target at the source.

"Use spikes to defend!!"

Tomono suddenly made a rare move.

But saw the Mengge cactus shrunk into a ball, and cut its spiked body head-on to the leaf blade.


When he slashed up with a knife, his arm was first injured by the cactus thorn of the opponent. The Lizard King could only temporarily roll back for a few weeks, keeping a distance.


"Hahaha, see, this is my defense system!!"

Seeing that he had gained an advantage, Tomono immediately laughed.

Rooting allows the Dreamsong Cactus to continuously recover stamina, and the spike defense can resist incoming attacks... Now only parasitic seeds or poisonous moves are needed to hit the target.

The next step is to boil the lizard in warm water and play with this arrogant lizard king...

Like his dream song cactus, this trainer is somewhat dirty.

"If that's the case, then rush over directly!!"

However, Xiaozhi didn't care about anything else, and attacked again.

The Lizard King understood, and as he ran fast, his arms stretched out the energy sickle again, rushing towards the target.

"Hmph, use the spike defense to block it!"

Tomono seemed very confident.

However, when he arrived in front of him, the Lizard King jumped up high, and the color of the green sickle on his arm suddenly changed.

"Now, use the cross scissors!!"

At the same moment as Xiaozhi's voice fell, the green light sickle had completely transformed into a blue-gray energy sickle, crossed in the air, and then slashed down with a cross!

Cross scissors! !

Whoosh! !

The cross scissors slashed at the spiked defense head-on.

The sharp knife light pierced through the latter's defense in an instant.


The Lizard King completely disregarded the cactus thorns on his arm, and completely slashed out his attack.

Hush! !

There was a piercing sound of knives cutting flesh.

The blue-gray knife light flashed past, and in the next blink of an eye, the Lizard King had already appeared behind the Mengsong Cactus.

Half-kneeling on the ground, raised his arms, and posed a handsome posture of closing the knife.

The energy of the blue-gray insect dissipated, and the sickle returned to the forked green leaf.

And the Mengge cactus behind him suddenly showed a trace of a cross knife song.

"Dream Song..."

The next moment, his eyes turned white, and he fell to the ground with a bang.

The effect is outstanding! The effect is outstanding!

The insect attribute is four times restraint on it, not to mention that the Mengsong cactus is an extremely crispy Pokémon.


The Lizard King got up from his half-kneeling, and continued to pick up a branch, with a stern face and arms folded.

Well, although the cactus spines on the arm are still there.

Pull it out later when you go back, bear with it for now...!

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